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Grasshopper Mobile Agent Platform Guide

Learn about Grasshopper agent platform installation, concepts, agent support, addresses, states, and Boomerang Agent. Understand mobile, stationary, persistent agents' types and how they work in Grasshopper.

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Grasshopper Mobile Agent Platform Guide

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  1. GRASSHOPPER-a mobile agent platform www.grasshopper.de mailto: grasshopper@ikv.de

  2. Installation requirements • Classpath : • C:\usr\local\grasshopper2.2.4\bin • The location folder of the agent Classes in the Classpath Environment variable • Path settings: • C:\usr\local\grasshopper2.2.4\lib\gh.jar

  3. AGENT • From a static point of view, a Grasshopper agent is realized by means of a Java class or a set of classes. Each agent has exactly one agent class which characterizes the agent and which must be derived from one of the superclasses MobileAgent, StationaryAgent, PersistentMobileAgent, or • PersistentStationaryAgent, all provided by the Grasshopper platform.

  4. CONCEPTS • de.ikv.grasshopper.agencyProvides all classes which represent the core agency of Grasshopper. de.ikv.grasshopper.agentProvides all classes which represent the services and agents within Grasshopper. de.ikv.grasshopper.communicationProvides all classes which represent the communication service of Grasshoppper. de.ikv.grasshopper.securityProvides all classes needed for security. de.ikv.grasshopper.typeProvides common information types used by agencies, agents, places and regions. de.ikv.grasshopper.utilProvides utility classes needed by the Grasshopper AgentSystem. de.ikv.webhopper

  5. CONCEPTS • public abstract class Agent • extends java.lang.Object • implements IAgent, java.lang.Runnable • The base class of all agents.

  6. AGENT SUPPORT • Grasshopper agent types • Mobile agents: instances of classes that are derived from de.ikv.grasshopper.agent.MobileAgent • Stationary agents: instances of classes that are derived from de.ikv.grasshopper.agent.StationaryAgent

  7. GRASSHOPPER AGENTS • Persistent mobile agents: instances of classes that are derived from de.ikv.grasshopper.agent.PersistentMobileAgent.In contrast to usual mobile agents, persistent mobile agents are able to use the Grasshopper persistence service • • Persistent stationary agents: instances of classes that are derived from de.ikv.grasshopper.agent.PersistentStationary.

  8. CONCEPTS • A Grasshopper address covers the following components: • protocol type: Type of the protocol to be used for the migration. The following protocols are supported: • • socket: plain socket protocol • Rmi : Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol • •rmissl: Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) protocol, protected via SSL. This protocol is only available if the security packages have been installed. (Please refer to the User’s Guide for more information.)

  9. CONCEPTS • <agencyName>. • In this case, an agency domain service is required in order to determine • the concrete address of the server side, including the real protocol type • and port number. • • host name: Name or IP address of the destination host • • object name: Name of the destination agency, region registry, or external • object • • port number: Number of the port at which the communication server of the • destination agency is listening.

  10. CONCEPTS • place name: Name of the destination place. This component is optional. If no place name is specified, the agent migrates to the default place „InformationDesk“ which exists in every Grasshopper agency. • complete address • protocol://hostName:portNumber/agencyName/placeName

  11. CONCEPTS • minimal address • hostName/agencyName • In this case, the agency domain service determines all communication servers of the specified destination agency, automatically selects one of them, and completes the address.



  14. Copy Scenario • Sometimes, it may be desirable for an agent to create a copy of itself and to order this copy to perform one specific task, while the original instance is occupied with another task. For this purpose, the agent’s superclass provides the method copy(...). By invoking this method, an agent creates another instance of its own agent class. The location in which the new instance is to be created has to be provided as parameter of the copy(...) method.

  15. Copy Scenario • The copy procedure is realized similar to an agent’s migration. That means the new agent instance is created at the desired location, and the data state of • the original instance is transferred (in serialized form) to the new instance. Theimportant difference is that, in contrast to the migration, the original agent instance is not removed, but continues executing its task.


  17. Boomerang Agent Description • first mobile agent that makes use of its mobility and of its data state. After starting the agent, a small window appears, requesting a new destination address from the user. When pressing the OK button, the • agent migrates to the specified location. After its arrival, the agent asks for the permission to migrate back to its home location. The different behavior of the agent, dependent on its current location, is realized by means of the agent’s data state that is represented in terms of a single integer variable named

  18. STATES • state: • state = 0: This is the initial state, set in the agent’s init(...) • method. In this state, the first execution block inside the live() method is performed. The agent asks for a new location, increments the state variable, • and migrates. • • state = 1: In this state, the agent does not request the input of a new location, but just asks for the permission to migrate back to its home location. • Before the agent travels home, state is set back to 0.

  19. MIGRATION TYPES • Two different kinds of migration can be separated: • Strong migration; • execution • state • Strong migration means that an agent migrates together with its whole execution state. An agent’s execution state contains all stack information that is required to characterize the point of execution that the agent has currently reached. After a strong migration, the agent continues processing its task exactly at the point at which it has been interrupted before the migration.

  20. MIGRATION TYPES • Weak migration; • data state • Weak migration means that an agent just maintains its data state when travelling • from one location to another. An agent’s data state consists of internal • variable values that are serialized at the agent’s old location, transferred across • the network, and provided to the agent again at the new location. The agent • programmer has to decide which variables are to be part of the data state.

  21. GRASSHOPPER: Weak Migration • Restrictions of Java • The Java programming language does - by default - not offer the possibility to capture the execution state of a process or thread. The only possibility to achieve this is to modify the Java Virtual Machine. • Since Grasshopper has to be executable on all JVMs that are compliant to the Java specifications of Sun Microsystems, Grasshopper agents use weak migration for travelling across the network.

  22. AGENT REMOVAL • The agent can remove itself by invoking the method remove() of its superclass Agent. • The agent can be removed by external software entities via the API of the agency that is hosting the agent (method removeAgent(...) of the agency proxy IAgentSystem). functionality of agencies is explained. • The agent can be removed by a user via the agency’s UI.

  23. COMMUNICATION • An agent that provides • one method to the communication service. By means of this method, a • (remote) client can order the ServerAgent to migrate to another location.

  24. COMMUNICATION • IServerAgent The server interface that contains the method which has to be accessible for client agents. This interface is the basis for the generation of server proxies. • ServerAgent An agent that provides one method to the communication service. By means of this method, a (remote) client can order the ServerAgent to migrate to another location.

  25. COMMUNICATION • ClientAgent The agent that invokes the accessible method on the ServerAgent. In the context of this scenario, the ClientAgent remains at its initial location and in this way realizes a stationary user interface for the ServerAgent. By means of the ClientAgent’s GUI, a user can move the ServerAgent remotely from one agency to another

  26. COMMUNICATION • Two different server proxies have to be created by a client agent, depending on whether the client agent wants to communicate with the corresponding server agent in a synchronous or asynchronous way.

  27. COMMUNICATION • Synchronous communication means that, after invoking a method of a server agent via its proxy, the client agent is blocked until the invoked method returns. • In contrast to this, an asynchronously invoked method does not block the invoking client.

  28. COMMUNICATION • The decision between synchronous and asynchronous communication is made when the client agent creates a server proxy by invoking the newInstance(...) method of the class: de.ikv.grasshopper.communication. • ProxyGenerator. The default communication mode is synchronous communication.

  29. Communication Modes • Creation of a proxy for synchronous communication. This is the default mode, i.e., no specification of the communication mode is required: • IServerAgent serverProxy =(IServerAgent) ProxyGenerator.newInstance(IServerAgent.class,serverIdentifier); Creation of a proxy for synchronous communication with (optional) specification of the communication mode: • IServerAgent serverProxy = (IServerAgent) ProxyGenerator.newInstance(IServerAgent.class,serverIdentifier,ProxyGenerator.SYNC);

  30. SYNC/ASYNC • Synchronous communication means that, after invoking a method of a server agent via its proxy, the client agent is blocked until the invoked method returns. • In contrast to this, an asynchronously invoked method does not block the invoking client.

  31. GRASSHOPPER presentation END OF SLIDES

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