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THE LIMBIC SYSTEM. Institute of Anatomy, 2nd and 1st Medical Faculty R. Druga. LIMBIC SYSTEM. Limbic cortex = g. cinguli + g. parahippocampalis + hippocampal formation ( gyrus dentatus, hippocampus, subiculum) Subcortical structures = amygdala, septum verum, habenula, hypothalamus.
THE LIMBIC SYSTEM Institute of Anatomy, 2nd and 1st Medical Faculty R. Druga
LIMBIC SYSTEM • Limbic cortex = g. cinguli + g. parahippocampalis + hippocampal formation (gyrus dentatus, hippocampus, subiculum) • Subcortical structures = amygdala, septum verum, habenula, hypothalamus
Funkce limbického systému • Emoční reakce a jejich kontrola (Papez 1937) • Viscerální mozek (MacLean 1949) • Paměťové mechanizmy, Emoce
Intraventricular aspect of the hippocampus (hippocampus from above) 1- hippocampal body 2 – head and digitationes hippocampi 3 – hippocampal tail 4 – fimbria (fornix) 5 – fornix 6 – subiculum 10 – collateral eminence
Papez circuit Papezův okruh • Hippocampal formation – fornix – hypothalamus ( mamillary ncc.) – tr. mamillothalamicus - thalamus (ant. ncc.) – gyrus cinguli – gyrus parahippocampalis (entorhinal area, 28) – hippocampal formation
Afferent cortical Associative neocortex Parahippocampal and cingular gyrus, entorhinal cortex (area 28) Olfactory cortex Afferent subcortical Amygdala Thalamus (MD, ncc. mediani) Hypothalamus Septum verum Efferent cortical Subiculum – area 28, parahippocampal gyrus – associative cortical areas Efferent subcortical Fornix Hypothalamus (mamillary nuclei) Thalamus (ant. ncc.) Septum verum Ventral striatum amygdala Spoje hippokampální formaceConnections of the hippocampal formation
Neocortex – hippokampální formace • Primární sensorická oblast (SI, AI, VI) • Asociační korová oblast (SII, A II, VII) • Gyrus cinguli , g. parahippocampalis (area 28, 35, 36) • Hippocampus
Funkce hippokampální formace • Korové asociační oblasti - hippokampální formace – limbické struktury (septum, hypothalamus, amygdala) • Učení a paměť • Schopnost se učit a pamatovat si slova, čísla, fakta, místa, tváře • Poškození – ztráta paměti (amnesia, anterográdní, CA 1) • Hippokampální formace – proces učení a vytváření paměťových stop • Nemá význam pro uchovávání dlouhodobé paměti (neocortex, thalamus ?) • Hippokampální „ place cells „ - mění aktivitu v souvislosti se změnami v okolí • Intrahippokampální navigační mapy
Functions of the hippocampal formation • Cortical association areas – Hippocampal formation – other limbic structures (septum, hypothalamus, amygdala • Learning and memory • The ability to learn and remember words, faces, places, events • Damage = Loss of memory (amnesia, anterograde, CA 1) • Hippocampal formation is important for the process of learning or forming of the memory traces • Hippocampus is not important for the long-term storage of informations (long-term memory) – neocortex, thalamus ? • Hippocampal „ place cells“ – the firing of single hippocampal cells changes with position of animal in relation to its surroundings (different corners of the cage) • Intrahippocampal navigation maps
SEPTUM PELLUCIDUM SEPTUM VERUM(septal nuclei Ch 1, Ch 2) NC. BASALIS Ch 4 – group of cholinergic neurons projecting to the neocortex and to the amygdala
SEPTUM VERUM • Reciproké spoje s hippocampem, hypothalamem, s gyrus cinguli • Efferentní spoje do thalamu a amygdaly • Cholinergní neurony (Ch1, Ch2) projikující do hippocampu • Stimulace vyvolává agresivní chování • Lese - redukce agresivity
Amygdala (amygdalar nuclei) - connections • Corticomedial nuclei - receive afferents from olfactory bulb, olfactory cortex, hypothalamus, septum • Basolateral nuclei - receive afferents from the thalamus and parts of the cerebral cortex (prefrontal, temporal) • Efferent connections – hypothalamus (stria terminalis, VM), thalamus (MD), hippocampal formation (28, subiculum), septal nuclei, ventral striatum, prefrontal and temporal cortex, brain stem nuclei (SGC, RF, parasympathetic cranial nerve nuclei.
Stimulation Corticomedial group – salivation, licking, chewing, emptying of the rectum and the bladder Basolateral group – increased attention, stopping of motor activity, arousal, fear (+ autonomic reactions), rage In humans – feeling of anxiety, fear, hallucinations Amygdala is frequently focus of epileptic seizures !! Destruction Reduction of aggressivity and defensive reactions Reduction or loss of emotional reactions Amygdala – functions I.
Amygdala functions II. • Amygdala is involved in learning (remembering) whether something is „ good „ or „ bad “. • Amygdala differenciates a dangerous and nondangerous signals.
Cholinergic system • Cholinergní group target structure Ch 1, Ch 2 hippokampus • Septum verum • Ch 3 bulbus olfactorius • Area diagonalis • Ch 4 neocortex, amygdala • Nucleus basalis • Ch 5, Ch 6 thalamus • RF • Ach augments the excitability of cortical neurons, improves circulation, supports memory mechanism
Dopaminergic pathways Noradrenergic pathways Serotoninergic pathways
Dopaminergic system • Substantia nigra, pars compacta - A 9 • Area tegmentalis ventralis (VTA), - A 10 • Striatum • Globus pallidus • Neocortex • Decrease - Parkinsonismus
Noradrenergic system • Locus coeruleus - A 7 • Spinal cord • Brain stem – cranial nerves sensitive nuclei (nc. V.) • Cerebellum – Purkyně cells • Hypothalamus • Thalamus (nc. VPL, nc. VPM, corpora geniculata • Neocortex, Hippocampal formation • Part of the ascending activation system of the RF • Regulation of transmision of sensory signbals (pain, posterior horns of the spiunal cord) • Regulation of circulation • Essential to feel emergized • Without NA – you feel exhausted, tired, without energy
Serotoninergní systém • Rapheální jádra RF • Vzestupný a sestupný systém • Všechny korové formace, Limbický systém, Striatum, thalamus, hypothalamus, mozkový kmen, mícha • Aktivita vzestupného systému –změny nálady • Aktivita sestupného systému – analgesie • Snížení synthésy - deprese, podrážděnost, poruchy spánku, insomnie • Nadměrně zvýšená hladina (serotoninový syndrom – třes, zvýšení TK, zrychlení akce srdeční, zmatenost, bezvědomí) • Sluneční osvit – zvyšuje produkci ( v zimě deprese,podráždění, úzkostné stavy)
SEROTONINERGIC SYSTEM • Reticular formation (rapheal nuclei) • Ascending and descending systems • All cortical formations, Limbic system, Basal ganglia, Thalamus, Hypothalamus , Brain stem, Spinal cord • Activity in descending system = analgesia • Decrease of synthesis- depression, irritability, sleep disorders, insomnia • Increase of synthesis – tremor, increase of blood pressure anf heart rate, confusion, unconsciousness • Sun lighting – increases production (winter depression, irritability, anxiety)
Glutamatergic system • Excitatory neurotransmitter • Majority of ascending and descending pathways • All descending cortical pathways (corticostriatal, corticothalamic, corticospinal) • Descending brain stem pathways • Efferent cerebellar pathways (dentato – thalamic) • Commissural pathways (corpus callosum) • Associative cortical pathways
GABAergic system • GABA - Inhibitory neurotransmitter • Local interneurons ( neocortex, hippocampus, thalamic nuclei, cerebellar cortex) • Striatal efferent projections • Globus pallidus – efferent projections • Purkyně cells projections
Nitric oxide Gaseous neurotransmitter Produced by NOSynthasis • Neuronal, endothelial, inducible • 200 µm = 2 millions of synaptic contacts • Local interneurons • NO – increases releasing of neurotransmitters • Vasodilatation !!! (endothelial NOS) • Damage of neurons (neurodegenerative diseases)
Vertebrobasilary + carotic systems Circle of Willis
The Circle of Willis • Communication between vertebral and a. carotis interna systems • Anterior and posterior communicating arteries allow blood to flow between both systems (PCA) or between right and left vessels (ACA)