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Curriculum Approval Process At West Los Angeles College. Orientation to newer members of the Curriculum Committee. Beraki Woldehaimanot (PhD ) Curriculum Committee Chair 9/4/2019. Curriculum. Course Outline of Record (COR)
Curriculum Approval Process At West Los Angeles College Orientation to newer members of the Curriculum Committee Beraki Woldehaimanot (PhD) Curriculum Committee Chair 9/4/2019
Curriculum Course Outline of Record (COR) CORs are developed and submitted via the Electronic Curriculum Development (ECD) Standards and Criteria for approval are based on the Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) 2. Programs (Degree, Certificate) Standards and Criteria for approval are based on the Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) Currently Programs are submitted via email
Curriculum Approval Process • Chancellor’s Office, CCC • 4 Resources on the Curriculum Process • http://www.wlac.edu/committees/curriculum/index.aspx
I. DEGREE/CERTIFICATE APPROVAL PROCESS • 1. NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) – for new programs only • The intent to create a new degree or certificate must be first announced at a curriculum committee meeting before Tech Review committee can review the degree or certificate. • This means, the faculty originator of the degree/certificate will have to first discuss the degree/certificate in a divisional meeting, consult with faculty outside their division (if the degree/certificate is multidisciplinary), and meet with all individuals listed in the NOI form and share with them the intent to create the new program. • 2. DOCUMENTS TO SUBMIT (see PCAH, 6thedition): • Program Narrative (for all degrees and certificates) • New Program Data Sheet (for all degrees and certificates) • Chancellor’s Office Template (for AA-T or AS-T Degree, a.k.a. ADTs) • Labor Market Information and Analysis (for Career Technical Education, CTE) • Advisory Committee Recommendation (for CTE) • Regional Consortia Approval Meeting Minutes (for CTE)
3. TECH REVIEW PROCESS • The Curriculum chair forwards all documents submitted by the program initiator for review to CC members. ALL members are de facto members of the Tech Review subcommittee. • Curriculum committee membershave 7 days to review the documents and email their comments (ONLY technical, no content) to the chair. • The chair forwards all comments to program initiators, who have 7 days to make corrections recommended by Tech Rev. members. 4. CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING DISCUSSES PROGRAMS • The faculty (or their rep) who originated the degree/certificate MUST attend the meeting to answer any questions members or attendees may have. • CC or any attendee may ask questions relevant to the program 5. SENATE 6. BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT) 7. CHANCELLOR’S OFFICE, CCC 8. DISTRICT OFFICE ENTERS PROGRAM IN THE SIS
II. COURSE OUTLINE OF RECORD (COR) APPROVAL PROCESS Create COR Via ECD Submit COR (ECD) to Dept. Chair Dept. Chair Forwards ECD to Curriculum Chair Curriculum Chair Forwards COR to CC Members For Tech Review Curriculum Chair Returns COR to Initiator for Corrections COR is Discussed at CC Meeting COR Submitted to Senate for Ratification COR Submitted to District Office for Ratification by BOT COR Entered in the COCI Send Control Number to District Office to Enter it in the SIS
Tech Review Groups Programs (Degrees/certificates) Credit/Noncredit Courses
The Course Outline of Record (COR) • The COR reflects requirements & standards from: • Title 5, CA Code of Regulations: e.g.§55002 establishes most elements of COR • Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH): e.g. Data elements (CB Codes) • Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC): e.g. SLOs • Articulation agreements with CSU/UC: e.g. requirements on specific contents, requisites, or currency of learning materials etc.
How Are CORs Created/Updated/Reinstated/Archived ? • The ECD: It is a district-wide Electronic Curriculum Development system where faculty can create, update, re-instate and archive a course outline of record (COR). • As of late, ECD has not been working well (glitches all over….this may even happen today during the presentation ) • ECD is expected to be replaced by the more robust eLumen beginning Fall 2020.
Who Can Create, Edit, Re-instate, or Archive CORs? • A new course proposal will be initiated by a faculty member/s and approved by a majority of regular faculty within the discipline at the college. • If there are no regular faculty members within a discipline, adjunct faculty members within the discipline may approve the proposal. • The faculty who initiates an ECD must have the minimum qualification to teach the Course.
General • Curriculum must be current to be relevant! • All courses, except CTE, must be reviewed every 6 years. • CTE courses are required to be reviewed every two years. • Textbooks listed in the COR must not be older than 5 years. • Important: The college cannot collect FTEs for expired courses, which means we will need to cancel courses that are not current. • Note: When a faculty updates a COR - even for a single element - all sections of the ECD (sections I through VIII) must be reviewed for currency. If a question is not applicable, write N/A. Do not leave a question unanswered. • If the system doesn’t allow you to edit some items of the ECD, make sure you write a note, next to the item you wanted to edit. To the right of each item, you will find a clickable “Add Note” where you can write a note
Section I, # 4 COURSE TITLE • All courses must have titles that should be considered from the perspective of students as well as potential employers and transfer institutions. • Course Title should not exceed 68 characters, including punctuation and spaces.
Section I, # 6 CATALOG DESCRIPTION • Purpose: to publicly convey the content of the course in a concise manner. • It’s the primary way by which course information is disseminated, thus it should contain all essential information about the course and be written to meet the needs of varied audiences. • Students need information to create their educational plans, as do counseling faculty advising them. • Outside reviewers, such as accreditors and compliance monitors, base their assessments on the information printed in the catalog. • The heart of the catalog description is the summary of course content, a.k.a. the course description. • The catalog description should include statement about the students for whom the course is intended. Examples of this type of information include “first course in the graphic arts major” or “intended for students in allied health majors.”
Section I, # 6 CATALOG DESCRIPTION (Cont’d) • The following is a checklist of items that should appear on all course outlines of record: • Course number and title • Status (degree applicable/non-degree applicable) • Content or objective description • Course type (lecture, lab, activity, special topics, etc.), contact hours, and units • Prerequisites, co-requisites, advisories, and other enrollment limitations • Fulfillment of a major, area of emphasis, or GE requirement if appropriate • Transferability • Field trips or other potential requirements beyond normal class activities • Required materials • C-ID Number
Section I, # 11 • Prerequisites, Co-requisites, Advisories: • Title 5 requires review of all prerequisites and co-requisites at least once each six years; and every two years for career technical courses (CTE). • Accreditation and articulation processes also have currency requirements, as do many grants and other external agencies (Excerpts fromThe course Outline of Record, ASCCC, 2017 page 10). • Please check if the prerequisites &/or co-requisites that you have identified for the course are still appropriate or required. Especially, take note of the recent developments on Math and English courses as per AB 705. • In addition to checking whether the prerequisites are still appropriate, faculty updating the course outline need to ensure that the prerequisites have been validated. IF they are older than two years and have not been validated, are not required for C-ID or articulation to CSU or UC, and are not required by statute or regulation, then they should be removed. • Resources: • https://extranet.cccco.edu/Portals/1/AA/Prerequisites/Prerequisites_Guidelines_55003%20Final.pdf • https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Document/I950943607CD711E0A9F6EE2CF480C8FD?viewType=FullText&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=CategoryPageItem&contextData=(sc.Default)
Section II, # 2 • Required Texts: • The currency of textbooks is an important consideration for articulation and can vary greatly from subject to subject. • Some courses may use reference manuals that are long standing icons of their respective fields. Explanations should be provided when texts are more than five years old. • On the other end of the spectrum, UC and CSU generally require texts that are no more than five to seven years old.At West, for uniformity purposes, textbooks must be no older than five years. • There must be at least one textbook listed in this section. • Add this statement as part of the list of textbooks: “or equivalent”. This will give instructors the freedom to use textbooks of generally similar contents but with different authors.
Section II, # 9 • Representative Outside Assignments (Homework): • It is now a District and State Chancellor’s Office requirement that all CORs indicate the number of ‘out of class hours’. • Out-of-class hours are calculated 1:2 for lecture classes and 2:1 for lab with homework. The number of hours shown are per week; for an 18-week semester, multiply each by 18. • Example: • A 3-unit lecture class meets for 54 hours/semester, thus the total homework hours will be 108. • A 1-unit lab without homework meets for 54 hours/semester. The total homework hours will be 0. • A 1-unit lab with homework meets for 36 hours. The total homework hours will be 18.
Section V: SUPPLEMENTAL COURSE INFORMATION 16. TOP(Taxonomy of programs) Code https://www.cccco.edu/-/media/CCCCO-Website/About-Us/Divisions/Digital-Innovation-and-Infrastructure/Research/Files/TOPmanual6200909corrected12513.ashx?la=en&hash=94C709CA83C0380828415579395A5F536736C7C1
Section V: SUPPLEMENTAL COURSE INFORMATION 17. SAM Code (Student Accountability Model)
Archiving a Course Outline Of Record • COR archival takes place via the ECD. • On Section I of the ECD, click on "Add Notes“ (Circled green in screenshot below right). In the box that opens up, write the reason why you are archiving the course. • On section VI, from the drop-down menu, choose the effective semester. • Click "Submission Options" from the top right. Depending on your role (faculty or dept chair), click on appropriate option. The course outline to be archived will be sent to the curriculum chair. You are done!