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FWO Research Funding Information Session 2015

Learn about FWO mission, funding schemes, selection procedure, and how to apply for research grants. Discover key facts and opportunities for researchers. Get insights on European funding schemes.

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FWO Research Funding Information Session 2015

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  1. Infosessionprojects 2015 Dr. Hans Willems, director Research Policy

  2. On the agenda • Mission andkeyfacts • Selection procedure andhowtoapply • Fundingschemes of the FWO • Research grants • Research projects • European fundingschemeswithparticipation of FWO • ERA-NET • Joint programming • Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) • Varia Information session FWO

  3. 1. Mission andkeyfacts • Mission of the FWO • Funds fundamentalscientific research (‘frontier research’) • Bottom-up funding in all disciplines • Strong selectionbased on scientific excellence andinteruniversitycompetition (Flemishuniversitiesand, to a lesserextent, research institutes) • Transparentandequalopportunities Information session FWO

  4. 1. Mission andkeyfacts Our partners • Universities(Leuven, Ghent, Antwerp, Brussels, Hasselt) • Main (Strategic) ResearchCenters: Information session FWO

  5. 1. Mission andkeyfacts • Label awarded in december 2010 • Implementation of Charter & Code • Focus on transparent recruitment procedures andfamily/gender friendlymeasures Information session FWO

  6. 1. Mission andkeyfacts • Target groups of the FWO • Young researchers • Postdoctoralresearchers • Establishedresearchers • Research teams • Top-researchersand high-potentialresearchers Information session FWO

  7. 1. Mission andkeyfacts • Fundingschemes of the FWO • Fundingforindividualresearchers • Pre- andpostdoctoral fellowships, benchfeesandgrants • Fundingfor research teams • Research projects, Big Science, Bilateralagreements, … • Supportingmobility, internationalcontactsandcollaborations • travelgrants, visitingpostdoctoral fellowships, sabbatical leaves, scientific research communities, organisation of conferences in belgium, internationalcoordination actions, collaborationagreements, … • Attractingexcellent researchers, activeabroad, toFlanders • Odysseus , Pegasus • Awardingscientificprizes Information session FWO

  8. 1. Mission andkeyfacts • Budget 2014: 226 million EUR, ca. 80% from Flemish Government Information session FWO

  9. 1. Mission andkeyfacts Information session FWO

  10. 1. Mission andkeyfacts Evolution number researchers in function (1st Oct.) Total 2014 : 2950 researchersfundedby FWO Information session FWO

  11. 1. Mission andkeyfacts Gender balance Information session FWO

  12. 1. Mission andkeyfacts • % foreignresearchers (excl. Projects) Information session FWO

  13. 1. Mission andkeyfacts • Evolutionsuccessrate Information session FWO

  14. Mission andkeyfacts • Events Information session FWO

  15. 2. Selection procedure andhowtoapply

  16. 2. Selectionprocedure andhowtoapply Call External referees (online) Submission/ eligibility check Expert Panels (30+1) Board of Trustees (CIS) 1 February 1 April 24 June 2015 18 November 2015 February/March April/May 2 meetings/year in Brussels Durationworkflowfellowships: < 5 months Duration workflow projects: < 7 months Information session FWO

  17. 2. Selectionprocedure andhowtoapply • FWO E-Portal (ww.fwo.be) (register at least 24 hours in advance) Information session FWO

  18. 2. Selection procedure andhowtoapply • Some important changes in the forms • Project outline • A standard template is presentedwithquestionsandinstructions (Font Calibri 11 -max 10 pages). • The applicantwillbeableto download it, fillit in and upload itagain. (Youcaninclude lay-out, formulas, graphs, pictures, etc.) • The FWO administrationcanreject the PDF ifit does notcomplywith the instructionsandasktoadapt it. Information session FWO

  19. 2. Selection procedure andhowtoapply • Publicationlistswithin the E-portal • Based on FWO classification (A1.1, A1.2, A2, B1, etc.) • Copy/paste of publicationswithineachcategory is possible • Automatic upload fromAcademicBibliographyavailable (UAntwerpen, UGent, Uhasseltand KU Leuven). Onlyfor the publicationcategories A1.1, A1.2, A2, B1, B2, B3 andC1 Information session FWO

  20. 2. Selection procedure andhowtoapply • Publications • The classificationin the publication list does notimply a qualitative ranking order. • The Expertpanelevaluates the quality of the publications. • The FWO does not put forward qualitative or quantitativenorms. Information session FWO

  21. 2. Selection procedure andhowtoapply • Ethicaladvice • The applicant has toindicatewhetheranadvice is necessaryif human beings or animals are involved. • The panel canalsoaskforanadvice. • The advice has tobeprovidedby the localethicalcommission (host institution). • The advice has tobesubmittedto FWO before the start of the fellowship/work package concerned. • No advice no funding Information session FWO

  22. 2. Selection procedure andhowtoapply • Choice of panel • Applications for the Interdisciplinary Panel which are inadmissiblebased on the interdisciplinarity of the research proposal, canberedirectedtowards a monodisciplinary panel (afterconsultation of the applicant). • The selection of the correct Expertpanel is crucial. Information session FWO

  23. 2. Selection procedure andhowtoapply • Reform panel structure • 30 > 31 Expert panels (30 disciplinary / 1 interdisciplinary) • CULT 4 is split up in • CULT 4: TheologyandReligion Sciences • Cult 5: PhilosophyandEthics • Other panels: adaptation scope and/or name Information session FWO

  24. 3. Fundingschemes of the FWO • Research grants • Research projects • Odysseus • ERA-NET • Joint Programming • Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) Information session FWO

  25. 3. Fundingschemes of the FWO • General remarks: scoring by the Expert panel • A+ marks for the top 5% of the proposals; • A marks for the top 10% of the proposals; • A- marks for the top 20% of the proposals; • B range only for the top 50% of the proposals; • C or D for the lower half of the proposals. (Cf. Assessment Form) Information session FWO

  26. 3. Fundingschemes of the FWO • General remarks: Accountability • Progress report / end report • Evaluatedby FWO Expert Panels • FWO shouldbementioned on eachpublication Information session FWO

  27. 3. Fundingschemes: Research grants Deadline: 1 April 2015 – 17.00h In function: ≥ 1 January 2016 Information session FWO

  28. 3. Fundingschemes: Research grants • Personal research budget between € 2.500 and € 40.000 • Grant for 1 year • Specific research grants: • Eiffel (Cancer/Leukemia): € 7.450 • Fernand De Waele (Civil Engineering/Cancer): € 6.200 • Fortis Bank & MeersPierson (Economics): € 12.500 • Rimaux-Bartiers (IncurableDisease): € 12.400 Information session FWO

  29. 3. Fundingschemes: Research grants • Whocanapply? (Always under the supervision of Flemish University) • Appointed at a university • Appointed at a Flemish or a Federal institute for scientific research (belongingto the Dutch-speaking community) • Independent postdoctoral researchers from the Flemish Community under the direction and responsibility of a Flemish University • Not exceeding the level of ‘hoofddocent’ • Exception: mathematics, languages, humanities and social sciences Information session FWO

  30. 3. Fundingschemes: Research grants • Selection • Scientific output of the applicant • Scientific context of the research department • Research methodology • Originality and innovative nature of the project • Feasibility of the project • Purposefulness of the project • Necessity of the applied for budget • Evaluation • Achieving goals set at the start of the project • Resultsandpublications Information session FWO

  31. 3. Fundingschemes: Research grants • Whatcanbeappliedfor? • Consumables / equipment • Wages “job students” / interviewers • Wages for excavationor similarwork • Whatcannotbeappliedfor? • Rent, heating, lighting and maintenance of the premises • Furniture • Compensation of scientific or technical staff (with employment contract and subject to social security) Information session FWO

  32. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects Deadline: 1 April 2015 – 17.00h (eachuniversity: internal deadline) In function: ≥ 1 January2016 (start canbepostponed for ≤ 1 year) Information session FWO

  33. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • Characteristics • For each call, a researcher can act as a (co-)supervisor for max. 2 projects • Ifthe promotor is granted a project withfunding, (s)he cannotapply as (co)promoterduring the following call • Fundingfor a limitedperiod in principle 4 years(exceptionallyextended (max. 2 years)) • Specificresearch objectives • Consumables, equipment and staff (scientific/technical) • Special attention for interuniversity and interdisciplinary projects • If possible, organized in function of preparing a PhD Information session FWO

  34. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • Whocan act as (co-)supervisor ((co-)promotor)? • a ZAP-member withanappointment of more than 10% at a Flemishuniversity; • a ZAP-member withanappointment of 10% at a Flemishuniversity, with a specific research mandate; • a ZAP-member withanappointment of 5% at a Flemishuniversity AND at the same time appointed as (adjunct) head of the clinic of in a similarfunction at anAcademicHospital in Flanders; • Academicpersonelappointed at the Evangelische Protestantse Faculteit in Leuven or at the Faculteit voor Protestantse Godgeleerdheid in Brussels; Information session FWO

  35. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • Whocan act as (co-)supervisor ((co-)promotor)? 5. A research director of FWO; • A nominative beneficiant of an ERC Starting Grant, an ERC Advanced Grant or an Odysseus II grant, with a Flemishuniversity as a host institution All co-supervisors shouldberesearchers of at leastpostdoctoral level; Co-supervisors shouldbeappointed at a Flemishuniversity or the Transnationale Universiteit Limburg, a Flemish research institution, a FlemishAcademichospital, or a Federal research institution. Information session FWO

  36. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • Whocan act as (co-)supervisor ((co-)promotor)? If multiple universities are involved in the project: foreachuniversity at least the promotor or 1 co-promotorneedstofulfill the conditions, mentioned in §1, sections 1°, 2° and 3°, andfurthermore have anappointmentfor the duration of the whole research project. If, at the moment of the application, the conditions for (co)promotership are not met, the applicantneedsto prove thatthiswillbe the case at the start of the agreement (1/1/2016). Information session FWO

  37. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects Allresearchersengagedfor Research Project of FWO accordingprinciples Charter and Code (Regulation Research Projects, art. 17) Information session FWO

  38. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • Selection criteria • International scientific level of the research groups • Methodology • Originality and innovative nature of the project • Importance of the project • Purposefulness of the project • Feasibility of the project • Collaboration and coordination between research departments • Necessity for the budgeted resource Information session FWO

  39. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • External referees • Applicantsuggests 10 potential referees • APPLICANT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ELIGIBILITY OF THE REFEREES; IN CASE OF ANY MISCONDUCT EACH APPLICATION WILL IMMEDIATELY BE INELIGIBLE • FWO-administrationselects at random referees until at least 2 reports are available Information session FWO

  40. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • External referees • Noteligible as referee are: • Members of the Board of FWO; • Members of an expert panel of FWO; • Those who are appointed at a Belgian university, research institution or whatever other organization; • Those who are professionally appointed at an institution where the applicant(s) has/have been enrolled as a student or has/have been professionally appointed after January 1st of the year n-3 (n= year of application); Information session FWO

  41. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • External referees • Noteligible as referee are: • Co-authors of the applicant(s) of a publication that has been submitted or published after 1 January of the year n-3 (n=year of application); co-authorship is to be understood as follows: • Co-authorship of a monograph of which the applicant is co-author as well; • Co-authorship of an article or another type of contribution to a collection of which the applicant is co-author as well; • Editors are not regarded as co-authors, insofar as they have not also acted as what is understood under ‘co-author’. Co-editors of the applicant are not accepted as external referees. Information session FWO

  42. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • External referees • Noteligible as referee are: • Partners of the applicant(s) in a research project that has been applied for or ongoing within the last three years prior to the final submission date for applications • Applicantsare responsiblefor the eligibility of the proposed referees! If the proposed referees do notcomplywith the eligibility criteria, the applicationwillbedeclaredineligible! Information session FWO

  43. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • External referees • Eligibility: specification “research partners”: • Art. 12, § 4: “partners of the applicant(s) in a research cooperation ,whether formalised in a research project or not, that has been applied for or has been running after January 1st of the year n-3 (n=year of application. In this context, the following shall in any case qualify as research cooperation (non-exhaustive list): Information session FWO

  44. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • Externalreferees • Eligibility: specification“research partners”: • Cooperation under a research fellowship, granted by the FWO; • Cooperation under a research project, whether relating to a specific subject or not or under an international cooperation project, granted by the FWO; • Cooperation under the Odysseus programme or the Big Science programme, granted by the FWO; • Cooperation under a Scientific Research Network, granted by the FWO; • Cooperation under programmes similar to those mentioned above, granted by  organisations other than the FWO; • Joint research work not formalised in a cooperation structure as defined above; • Research carried out in the research areas and/or with research facilities provided by the applicant to the referee or vice versa; • …” Information session FWO

  45. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • External referees Eligibility • When in doubt about the eligibility before the submission, applicants can contact FWO before submitting the application: referentencommissie@fwo.be. • The questions to the FWO before submission will be presented to the FWO referee commission of the appropriate scientific domain. Information session FWO

  46. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • FWO Referee Commission • After submission, co-authorship in publications with > 10 authors  FWO administration will consult the referee commission • After submission, referee commission will decide on the alleged eligibility of the proposed referees • When the referee commission decides negatively on the eligibility of a proposed referee in an application that has already been submitted, this application will be disqualified! Information session FWO

  47. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • FWO Referee Commission • If after the submission date the referee commission answers negatively to a question concerning eligibility of a proposed referee that reached the FWO before the application: applicant will be asked to propose a new referee that meets the eligibility criteria. Information session FWO

  48. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • External referees Other issues • Applicants must see to it that any contact information of the reviewers is up-to-date  not the case: FWO will not take further steps in tracking down the reviewer(s) and the applicant may be asked to submit new names. • Applicants and reviewers may not in any way communicate with each other about any aspect of the application and of the evaluation. • At the time of entry in application process: reviewers will need to declare that they comply with eligibility requirements or reviewers and that they will treat any information contained in the application as confidential and that they will not use any of this information for purposes other than the drawing up of their evaluation Information session FWO

  49. 3. Fundingschemes: Research projects • External referees Check by FWO • FWO administration will see to it that applicants strictly observe the eligibility regulations and other guidelines. It will inform the Board of Trustees about any violation of this sort. The Board of Trustees will take the final decision on these violations. • After administrative check: FWO will inform applicants about violations that were found  if alleged violations result from a factualerror of the FWO administration, the FWO can be notified. Information session FWO

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