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Pre – AP Biology

Learn about the process of photosynthesis in autotrophs such as plants, algae, phytoplankton, and bacteria. Explore the structure of chloroplasts, the absorption and reflection of light by chlorophyll, and the chemical reactions involved in making sugar and ATP. Discover the importance of water splitting, electron transport chains, and the Calvin Cycle in converting CO2 into glucose.

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Pre – AP Biology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pre – AP Biology Photosynthesis 3.1 Part 1

  2. Autotroph - Plants

  3. Autotroph - Algae

  4. Autotroph - Phytoplankton

  5. Autotroph - Bacteria

  6. Heterotroph - Animal

  7. Heterotroph - Fungus

  8. Leaf and Chloroplast structure

  9. ChloroplastSee the green light being reflected

  10. Chloroplast structure

  11. Photosynthesis (Light Reaction)Making the batteries ATP and NADPH

  12. Photosynthesis (Calvin Cycle)Using the batteries to power the making of sugar

  13. Photosynthesis chemical reaction(Remember… conservation of matter.)The water splits using the sunlight energy; not the CO2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2 + Heat

  14. Electromagnetic Spectrumwhich contains light waves

  15. Chlorophyll absorbs the blue but reflects the green.

  16. Absorption vs. Reflection

  17. Absorption = Action (work being done)

  18. Chlorophyll Molecule contain Mg in the center(How many electrons are in Mg’s outer shell?)Hint: Look at the Periodic Table.

  19. Answer: 2Those 2 electrons will leave Mg and enter into the Electron Transport Chain.

  20. Photosystem and collecting sunlight energy and funneling it into the Mg of Chlorophyll A.(Remember, excited electrons can “jump” away from the atom.)

  21. Photosystems 1 and 2Excited electrons “jumping” away into the Electron Transport Chain 2 at a time.

  22. Pre – AP Biology Photosynthesis 3.1 Part 2

  23. Light Reaction of Photosynthesis

  24. Where it is occurring?On the inner Thylakoid membrane where the photosystems are located.

  25. Non-cyclic electron flowWater splits to release 2 electrons This replaces the 2 electrons lost by the Mg of the photosystem.

  26. See the protons (H+) being actively pumped into the Thylakoid.

  27. Pumping the H+ (protons) into a confined space to build up potential energy.See the similarity in structure and function?

  28. Cyclic electron flowElectrons start and finish at the same point.

  29. Turning potential energy into kinetic energy to power ATP production by phosphorylation

  30. Photosynthesis (Calvin Cycle)Using the batteries to power the making of sugar

  31. Pre – AP Biology Photosynthesis 3.1 Part 3

  32. Calvin Cycle Part 1Bringing in the CO2 to begin making sugar

  33. Calvin Cycle Step 2:Using or batteries to make G3PsTake 1 G3P to build a sugar molecule.

  34. Calvin Cycle step 3:Recycle remaing G3Ps back to RuBP to start again.Cycles goes around twice to make 1 sugar molecule.

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