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GEF and Technology Transfer: An Overview. GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop April 5 – 7, 2011 Da Lat , Vietnam. Overview of this presentation. What is technology transfer? What is the GEF doing to facilitate technology transfer? How do I know my country’s needs for technology transfer?
GEF and Technology Transfer: An Overview GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop April 5 – 7, 2011 Da Lat, Vietnam
Overview of this presentation • What is technology transfer? • What is the GEF doing to facilitate technology transfer? • How do I know my country’s needs for technology transfer? • Where do I go from here?
1. What is technology transfer? Technology: at the core of global environmental challenge • As a source of environmental degradation and emissions • As a means to address negative impacts, reduce emissions, manage natural resources, and monitor conditions • As a foundation for economic development, value creation, and employment Developing, demonstrating, deploying and diffusing environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) are activities in the critical path toward an effective responsible to global environmental challenges (Agenda 21) (GEF 2010) (UNIDO 2010)
1. What is technology transfer? (continued) Various Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) include provisions related to technology and facilitating access and transfer: • UN Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC):agreed on the Technology Mechanism in December 2010 to support action on technology development and transfer for mitigation and adaptation Stockholm Convention:calls for promoting use of Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices (BAT/BEP) to reduce persistent organic pollutant (POPs) releases from unintentional production (waste incinerators, aluminum production, open waste burning, etc.) • Montreal Protocol:adopted decision on environmentally sound destruction of ozone depleting substances (ODS) banks. The Multilateral Fund is requested to continue its efforts on further cost-effective projects for the destruction of ODS banks, using appropriate technologies • Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD):recognizes that access to and transfer of technologies among Parties is essential to achieving CBD objectives
1. What is technology transfer? (continued) • Many definitions and interpretations of technology transfer exist • For climate change, GEF has adopted the technology transfer definition by International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): • “….a broad set of processes covering the flows of know-how, experience and equipment for mitigating and adapting to climate change amongst different stakeholders…” • Encompasses diffusion of technologies and technology cooperation across and within countries; • Covers technology transfer processes between developed countries, developing countries, and countries with economies in transition; • Comprises the process of learning to understand, utilize and replicate the technology, including the capacity to choose and adapt to local conditions and integrate it with indigenous technologies… (Metz et al. for IPCC, 2001) ” • It goes beyond hardware, and encompasses capacity, know-how, policies and institutions…
2. What is GEF doing to facilitate tech transfer? GEFhas a significant and important role in technology transfer • GEF has financed demonstration, deployment, and diffusion of ESTs and enabling activities • Each focal area addresses technology transfer within its GEF-5 strategy Programming depends on convention guidance and national priorities Articulation of a GEF-wide technology strategy under discussion Technology transfer is a priority for GEF climate change focal area • Conference of the Parties (COP) of UNFCCC has given a mandate on technology transfer to GEF • GEF is the only multilateral institution that has financed technology transfer under COP guidance • GEF is largest public sector financing mechanism for technology transfer
2. What is GEF doing: climate change and tech transfer • GEF has invested approx. $3 billion in climate change, leveraging more than $15 billion • Mitigation and adaptation projects • Enabling activities: Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) and National Communications (NCs) • Over 2.5 billion tonnes of CO2 avoided • GEF-5 funding (2010-14) for mitigation is approx. $1.4 billion • Tech transfer is embedded in GEF-5 mitigation strategy objectives (see next slide) • Special Climate Change Fund/Least Developed Countries Fund (CCF/LDCF) funding for adaptation and LDC support is approx. $530 million cumulative • Tech transfer is a major component of SCCF-A, LDCF and SPA and the main component of SCCF-B • Objective 3 of Adaptation Strategy focuses on promoting transfer and adoption of adaptation technology (revised Programming Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change for LDCF/SCCF, October 2010)
2. What is GEF doing: GEF-5 Mitigation Strategy & Tech Transfer • 6 GEF-5 Climate Change Mitigation Strategy objectives address different aspects of technology transfer, from R&D to diffusion of technologies + enabling activities • Sectors: energy efficiency, renewable energy, transport, urban systems, LULUCF
2. What is GEF doing: Poznan Strategic Program on Technology Transfer Funding level • $35 million from GEF Trust Fund in GEF-4 • $15 million from SCCF Support for Technology Transfer Pilot Projects • 14 projects were selected for support in 2009 • Their implementation is ongoing Support for TNAs • Project was approved in 2009 • 15 first round countries were selected in 2010, and second round country selection is being finalized • Country-level assessment is ongoing Long-Term Program on Technology Transfer • Plan with 5 elements submitted to UNFCCC COP (see slides 11 and 12) Publication on Poznan Program (GEF 2010) downloadable from: http://www.thegef.org/gef/node/3856
2. What is GEF doing: Poznan Program country coverage Russian Federation: HCFC phase-out, HFC-free, energy efficient AC & Refrigeration (UNIDO) Turkey & Cook Islands: Hydrogen energy installations for small islands (UNIDO) China: Green truck demonstration (WB) Jamaica: Small scale wave power (UNDP) Russian Federation Thailand: South-South technology transfer: ethanol from cassava (UNIDO) China Georgia Turkey Mexico Jamaica Mexico: Local wind technologies (IDB) Morocco Senegal Bangladesh Guatemala Costa Rica Peru Jordan Mali Cote d’Ivoire Sri Lanka Thailand Cambodia Viet Nam Chile: Local solar technologies (IDB) Cambodia: Agricultural residue biomass to energy (UNIDO) Kenya Brazil Cook Islands Cote d’Ivoire: Solid waste composting (AfDB) Chile Indonesia Sri Lanka: Bamboo processing (UNDP) Argentina Jordan: Irrigation technology (IFAD) Brazil: Renewable CO2 capture & storage from sugar industry (UNDP) Senegal: Typha-based thermal insulation production (UNIDO) Pilot Projects TNA Project – First Round Countries (15)
2. What is GEF doing: Long-Term Program on Technology Transfer • Support Climate Technology Centres and a Climate Technology Network: • at global, regional, national levels • may involve technical assistance, training, information sharing, knowledge management, reflecting UNFCCC discussions • Conduct Pilot Technology Projects to Foster Innovation and Investments: • to demonstrate innovative technologies • to support deployment and diffusion to catalyze investments • Develop a Public-Private Partnership for Technology Transfer: to facilitate private sector engagement to support innovative financial instruments or business models for technology deployment • Support Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs): to target low- & medium-income countries to conduct and/or update TNAs • GEF as a Catalytic Supporting Institution for Technology Transfer
2. What is GEF doing: Key Features of Long-Term Program • The Program is consistent with and support the Technology Mechanism agreed in Cancun at COP16 • The Program was approved by the GEF Council • The 5 elements may be funded by: • STAR (elements 1, 2, and 4) • Global and Regional Set-Aside (elements 1 and 4) • PPP fund (element 3) • additional voluntary contributions (element 2) Publication on EST Transfer (GEF 2010) downloadable from: http://www.thegef.org/gef/pubs/tech-transfer-case-studies-2010
3. How do I know my country’s needs for technology transfer? Key entry points for climate change: • Has your country carried out a TNA recently? • Do your National Communications (NC) and National Adaptation Programs of Action (NAPAs) identify technology needs? • Do your national policies and strategies identify specific technology needs? • Does your Common Country Assessment-UN Development Assistance Framework (CCA-UNDAF) identify any technology needs? If yes, your starting point could be to review the document to prioritize action for project development If no (especially for the TNA), your starting point could be to assess the merit of conducting a TNA, or addressing technology needs more explicitly in your next NC (GEF 2009) downloadable from http://www.thegef.org/gef/node/12 (UNDP 2010)
4. Where to go from here for climate change? To carry out a TNA • Larger economies: propose a single country TNA utilizing STAR allocation • Smaller economies: apply to be included multi-country TNA project from Global and Regional Set-aside, subject to competitive selection (contact GEF) To carry out a technology transfer project • Mitigation: submit a proposal for a project in one of the six objective areas, utilizing STAR • Adaptation: submit a proposal for a project to SCCF/LDCF To establish and/or take part in climate technology centre & network activities • National level: submit a proposal, utilizing STAR • Global and regional level: contact the GEF about your interest, as regional pilot may be starting in 2011 in line with Cancun decision
Thank you very much For further information, please contact: Tech Transfer and Mitigation: Chizuru Aoki Senior Technology Transfer Officer E-mail: caoki@thegef.org Climate Change Adaptation, SCCF/LDCF: BonizellaBiagini Head, Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Operations E-mail: bbiagini@thegef.org Chemicals: Ibrahima Sow Chemicals Cluster Coordinator E-mail: isow@thegef.org GEF Tech Transfer Website (under development): http://www.thegef.org/gef/TT