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Chapter 8 community ecology. How do organisms interact?. Fighting/ competition Breeding Predator/ prey Symbiosis. Interspecific competition. Different species compete for space or resources Causes animals to shift niches, adapt, evolve, migrate, or go extinct. Reducing competition.
How do organisms interact? • Fighting/ competition • Breeding • Predator/ prey • Symbiosis
Interspecific competition • Different species compete for space or resources • Causes animals to shift niches, adapt, evolve, migrate, or go extinct
Reducing competition • Animals become more specialized in what they eat/ where they live, when they are active • Resource partitioning • Character displacement
Reducing competition • Resource partitioning: • Species evolve ways to share limited resources • Different times of day/ year • Different uses • Different places
Resource partitioning via specialized feeding niches: Brown pelican dives for fish, which it locates from the air Herring gull is a tireless scarialavenger Black skimmer seizes small fish at water surface Dowitcher probes deeply into mud in search of snails, marine worms, and small crustaceans Avocet sweeps bill through mud and surface water in search of small crustaceans, insects, and seeds Scaup and other diving ducks feed on mollusks, crustaceans, and aquatic vegetation Ruddy turnstone searches under shells and pebbles for small invertebrates Flamingo feeds on minute organisms in mud Oystercatcher feeds on clams, mussels, and other shellfish into which it pries its narrow beak Knot (a sandpiper) picks up worms and small crustaceans left by receding tide Piping plover feeds on insects and tiny crustaceans on sandy beaches Louisiana heron wades into water to seize small fish Reduces competition and allows sharing of limited resources
Reducing competition • Character displacement: • Organisms change physical characteristics to become specialized • Finches develop different size and shape beaks to reduce competition
predation • Predator eats prey species • Predators often feed on the old/ sickly/ weak/ least fit • This reduces competition among prey • Predators control prey populations
Control hypotheses • Problem: both hypotheses assume too much. • Top-down- that lynx only eat rabbits and rabbits are only eaten by lynx • Bottom-up- that only rabbits eat veggies
Top-down control hypothesis • Says that predators control prey pops • Ex: Lynx eat rabbits so rabbits decrease. Rabbits decrease so there is less food for the lynx so the lynx crash. Less lynx means less predators so rabbits increase which allows the lynx to increase.
Bottom-UpControl Hypothesis • Food sources influence population • Ex: Rabbits eat too much vegetation so there isn’t enough food. Rabbits crash. Veggies grow back and then rabbits increase.
predators • Pursuit: Fast runners, ability to see from above, hunt cooperatively in packs
Predators • Ambush: use camouflage to hide in plain sight and surprise their prey
Predators • Chemical warfare: bite and inject venom into prey
Prey defense • Run, swim, fly fast • Highly developed sight/ smell/ hearing • Protective shells/ bark/ spines • Change colors • Mimicry • Camouflage • Chemical warfare
plants • Plants develop many defense chemicals • Pepper, caffeine, cyanide, cocaine, opium, strychnine, peyote, nicotine, rotenone, mustard, nutmeg, oregano, cinnamon, mint
parasitism • One organism lives on or in another organism and lives off of it
parasitism • Some parasites have a different host for each life stage
mutualism • Two species acting together so both benefit • Pollination: bees and flowers • Nutritional: coral and zooxanthellae • Food + protection: ox pecker birds and rhinos • Gut inhabitation: bacteria in termites/ humans to aid in digestion
commensalism • Two species interact and one benefits while the other is basically unaffected
Native species • Species that are normally found in a particular area and they thrive in that environment
Nonnative/ invasive/ alien/ introduced/ exotic species • A species that is not originally found in that location • Some are harmful, others are benign, others are helpful
Non-native species • A non-native species that DOES NOT harm it’s new environment • Usually plants • Ex: Goldfish
Invasive species • Any non-native specie of plants, animals, etc that: • Is harmful to native critters • Negatively affects it’s new environment • Can hurt new environment economically • Examples: zebra mussels, brown anoles, African bees, Kudzu
Invasive Species • Zebra mussels (Great Lakes): • Released via ship ballasts (1988) • Filter out nearly all the phytoplankton (and small zooplankton) • Bad and good
Invasive species • Asian green mussels in Tampa Bay
Invasive Species African bees: • Introduced into the wild in South America (1956). • The Africanized bee escaped and began to dominate honey bee.
Invasive Species • Kudzu (from Japan)
Introduced species • Can be on purpose or on accident • Monitor lizards and Burmese Pythons in South Florida/ Everglades • Pets that are released when they get too big to handle safely
Introduced species • Lionfish in the FL Keys • Accidentally introduced during Hurricane Andrew • Massive efforts are underway to curb the population • Fishing, “delicacy” at restaurants, cookbooks
Indicator species • Species that serve as an early warning system for damage/ danger/ pollution for a community
Indicator species • Birds and butterflies • Sensitive to environmental changes • Both bird and butterfly populations are declining worldwide…
Frogs • Great indicator species • Super vulnerable to environmental disruption at different points in their life cycles
Frogs • Eat bugs (pesticides), no shell on eggs (UV radiation), thin permeable skin that easily absorbs pollutants from the water and air
Frogs • Not just one thing • Declining in every region of the world • Habitat loss, prolonged drought, pollution, increase in UV radiation, increased parasitism, & overhunting
Why do we care about the frogs? • Tells us environmental conditions are degrading • Amphibians are important parts of ecosystems • They might have genetic secrets humans want for Rx
Keystone species • Have great effect on ecosystems • Loss can lead to population crashes or even extinction of other species
Keystone species • Pollinators- bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, bats • Top predators- wolves, sharks, bears, alligators • Waste management- dung beetles
Foundation species • Play a major role in shaping the community or habitat • Benefits other species • Ex: elephants knock down trees which allow grasses to grow. Antelopes eat the grass…