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Fish. General Information. Salmon Tuna Shark Seahorse Clownfish. Examples:. Generally cold-blooded: Affected by environment Exceptions: Tuna and Mackeral sharks are warm-blooded Maintain body temperature with countercurrent circulation. Body Temperature Control. Scales Camouflage

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fish

  2. General Information

  3. Salmon • Tuna • Shark • Seahorse • Clownfish Examples:

  4. Generally cold-blooded: Affected by environment • Exceptions: Tuna and Mackeral sharks are warm-blooded • Maintain body temperature with countercurrent circulation Body Temperature Control

  5. Scales • Camouflage • Spines • Poison Covering/Means of Defense

  6. Different sensory organs detect movement • Teeth based on diet • Flat • Sharp Teeth/Special organs on Head Sensory Organs

  7. Mouth • Esophagus • Stomach • Pyloric Caeca • Intestines Digestive System

  8. Gills • Countercurrent Exchange Respiration

  9. 2-chamber heart • Closed Circulatory system • Single-loop Heart and Loops

  10. External • Female lays eggs • Male releases sperm over eggs Fertilization

  11. Oviparous – All of the embryonic development occurs within the eggs • External birth Type of Birth

  12. Fins • Swim bladder maintains buoyancy • Contracting muscles on either side of backbone Movement, Muscles, Appendages

  13. Some are bioluminescent • Some can reflect colors • Some can “fly” • Some eat more than humans Special Features

  14. Behavior

  15. Some travel in schools • Some escape predators by confusing them • Avoid collisions with neighbors • Homing behavior • Reproductive behavior Innate Behavior

  16. Adapt to environmental change • Fast response to feeding • Modify foraging behavior Learned Behavior

  17. Traveling in schools • Mating tactics Cooperative Behavior

  18. Big Ideas

  19. How are fish similar to other life? • Dependent on oxygen • Utilizes circulatory system to transport oxygen throughout the body • Consumes other organisms for survival • Synthesizes proteins for survival • How are fish different from other life? • Use gills as a means of filtration to gather oxygen • Utilize swim bladder to adjust depth in water. Evolution

  20. Special Adaptations for Gathering Resources • Sensory organs on frontal lobes to detect movement. • Smooth bodies and fins to move quickly in water • Energy conservation/utilization • Nitrogenous waste is in the form of ammonia. Fish do not have to process it before it is excreted • Some fish are cold blooded, allowing them to use their environment to regulate their body temperature rather than using the body to regulate the temperature Energy

  21. Some travel in schools • Some escape predators by confusing them • Avoid collisions with neighbors • Homing behavior • Reproductive behavior • Adapt to environmental change • Fast response to feeding • Modify foraging behavior Storing and Responding to Information

  22. How do fish interact with the environment? • Symbiotic relationship with environment and other organisms • What is the fish’s role in the ecosystem? • It provides food source for predators • Keeps prey population in check Interactions

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