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National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2006 21st & 22nd February 2006. Presentation by Sri.A.K. AGARWAL, I.A.S., Addl. Chief Secretary & Development Commissioner cum Agriculture Production Commissioner, Government of Karnataka.
National Conference on Agriculturefor Kharif Campaign 200621st & 22nd February 2006 Presentation by Sri.A.K. AGARWAL, I.A.S., Addl. Chief Secretary & Development Commissioner cum Agriculture Production Commissioner, Government of Karnataka
THE PRESENT GOVERNMENT HAS ASSURED TO FULFILL THE MISSIONS SET BY HON’BLE PRESIDENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE- • Hon’ble President in his address to the Joint State Legislature on the occasion of • “Swarna Karnataka” (1956-2006) has set 11 Missions for Karnataka’s prosperity, out of which • Bio-fuel, • Horticulture, • Agro-processing & • Water Management are relevant to Agri Sector.
ADOPTION OF REGIONALLY DIFFERENTIATED STRATEGY FOR ENHANCEMENT OF CROP PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY AND 4% AGRICULTURE GROWTH • Task Force constituted. It has the following expert groups to work out the region specific strategies - 1.Identification of low productive areas. 2.R&D and Extension support . 3.Input supply support. 4.Water Management. 5.Watershed Development. 6.Post-harvest & Market linkage. 7.Credit support.
AGRICULTURE IN THE STATE ECONOMY(2005) Contribution of Agriculture towards GSDP - 25.3 % Growth rate in Agriculture During the 9th Five Year Plan National - 2.0 % Karnataka - 2.05 % Estimated. Value from Agri. Sector - Rs.30,000Cr.(Apprx) (Crop production-Rs.15000 Cr., (50%)Horti. Production - Rs.8500 Cr., (28.3%) Sericulture-Rs. 675 Cr., (2.25%) Fisheries - Rs.70 Cr., (0.25%)Animal Husbandry - Rs.5500 Cr.(18.33%) To achieve 8% growth rate in National Economy, the Agriculture Sector has to achieve 4 % growth rate. How?
CRITICAL AREAS -TREATMENT OF DRY LAND ON WATERSHED BASIS • Karnataka has the largest drought prone area in the country. • Second largest state in terms of arid region. • 76% of cultivated area is rainfed. • Out of the rainfed area about 82 lakh hects. is required to be treated on watershed basis. • For this an amount of Rs.5635 Crore is required, to complete in 5 years.
CRITICAL AREAS- IRRIGATION PROJCTS (Dec.2005) • Estimated Potential 35.00 lakh hects. • 23 major & 32 medium irrigation projects, a few of them are on-going, likely to be completed by 2008-09. • Potential planned 28.00 lakh hects. • Potential created 21.60 lakh hects. • Potential utilised 15.50 lakh hects. • Gap between created & utilised 6.10 lakh hects. • Gap between planned & created 6.40 lakh hects. • Amt. required to utilize 12.5 lakh hects. Rs.25,000 Crore • (Total irrigated area by all sources 27.02 lakh ha.)
CRITICAL AREAS-IRRIGATION PROJECTS Constraints • To complete the on-going /new projects an amount of Rs.25,000 crore is required which the State cannot afford to spend even over a period of five years. • To move towards 4% growth rate in agriculture sector both Central and State Governments will have to fund jointly to enhance the area under irrigation and thereby the production.
CRITICAL AREAS - AVAILABILITY OF POWER • Restricted demand for the current year is around 6000 MW. • State’s installed capacity 4640 MW. • 45% of total consumption used by Irrigation. (2700 MW) • 5 on-going/new projects of 2385 MW capacity, expected to be completed in 2009-10. • On completion the total potential created would be around 7025 MW. Out of which about 3200 MW would be required for irrigation. (at current rate of 45%) • Amount required for on-going & new projects is around Rs.7000 Crore, which the State cannot afford to spend in one go.
CRITICAL AREAS - RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Constraints • Inadequate investment • No major breakthrough in varieties/technology, especially in pulses & oilseeds. • Result oriented approach is required • Strengthening of research & extension network.
Horticulture- a promising sector of the state • Area is around 16 lakhs ha. with 5% increase annually. • Annual production of 96 lakhs tonnes & is increasing by 6% annually. • Karnataka stands 3rd in area & production of fruits and 1st in flower production in the country. • Value of horticulture produces amounts to Rs.8405 Crore, which accounts for 40% of the total income from agriculture sector.
National Horticulture Mission Programmes 2005-06 • To promote holistic growth of the horticulture sector based on region specific strategies. • Government of India shall provide 100% assistance during Xth Plan. • 2005-06 Budget outlay Rs. 85.21 Crores, Rs.45 Crores released. • During the XIth Plan, the GOI assistance will be 85% with 15% contribution by the State Govt. • Allocation under NHM should be scaled up & under no circumstances budget outlay should be curtailed.
Thrust areas- Animal Husbandry Present status • 2005-06 Budget Rs.57.61 Crores (Plan). • Share of Animal Husbandry sector in the total GDP of the State is 3.6%. • Share of Animal Husbandry sector in agriculture GDP of the state is 16.77% Thrust Areas • sustainable cross breeding programme. • Genetic up-gradation of cattle & buffaloes. • 100% Health coverage. • Make poultry farming viable. Tax exemption of feed ingredients and subsidised energy tariffs. • Enhancement of quality & quantity of meat. • Emphasis of Extension & R&D.
Thrust areas- Sericulture • Annual production of Cocoons 54210 MTs worth Rs.616 Crore. • Annual production of Silk 7302 MTs worth Rs.668 Crore. • Sericulture industry provides employment to 12 lakh persons. • Sericulture industry in Karnataka is one of the most promising sector to augment State GSDP. • Requires additional support from GOI.
Thrust areas- Fisheries Marine Fishing:- • State has 300 Km coastal line with 27,000 Sq.Km. Continental shelf. • 5 Fishing Harbours 25 fish landing • Annual production 187,000 MT. Inland Fisheries:- • State has 5.03 lakh Ha. of inland water resources. • Annual Production 70,000 MT. • Budget sought from GoI for 2006-07 for State Plan Schemes is 10.38 lakh.
New initiatives AGRICULTURE SECTOR • Rs.40 Crore proposed for augmenting productivity levels in an integrated manner in low productivity taluks. • Higher subsidy support from State Govt. up to a maximum limit of 50% for all agricultural schemes. • Community threshing yard- Rs.10 Crore budget proposal. • Encouragement for establishing new Agricultural Colleges & Schools with private participation. • Revolving fund of Rs.25 Crore for buffer stocking of fertilisers. • Rs.30 Crore for Farm Mechanization. • Encouragement to Micro-irrigation by higher subsidy. • Large scale promotion of Bio-fuel- Rs 10 Crore provided.
New Initiatives Horticulture Sector • Establishment of Winery unit at Bijapur to help Grape growers. • Improvement of Horticulture crops - Rs 10 Crore budget proposal.