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Providing high-quality care and learning experiences for children, promoting safety, creativity, and inclusivity in a nurturing environment. Follow our curriculum for excellence and engage with our staff to support your child's development.
Our Staff Mrs Irene Whitford Depute Headteacher Mrs Karen McCay Principal Teacher Mrs Tracy Clark E Y O
Our Staff Miss Lauren Grieve EYP Mrs Shirley Picton EYP Mrs Tien Chan EYP Mrs Catherine McQue EYP
Meet the staff! Mrs Lee Marshall EYP Miss Donna Cameron EYP Mrs Wendy Peters Administrator
Our Staff Jade Hickey Pupil Support Assistant Alyson Robinson Pupil Support Assistant Donna Reynolds Pupil Support Assistant Yvonne Meikle Pupil Support Assistant
CareInspectorate – May 2016 • Quality of Care & Support – Very Good • Quality of Staffing – Very Good • Quality of Environment – Very Good • Leadership and Management – Very Good HMIE Follow up Council Visit – November 2016 • “In the nursery, staff know the children and families extremely well. They ensure the children feel safe, secure and included and know the children as individual learners. “ • “In the Nursery, children are actively engaged in their learning through high quality resources and experiences. There was a sense of calm, aided by the layout, as there are areas where children can work or explore in small groups. The volume of pupils and environment are well managed by the staff. The outdoor area offers opportunity to have energetic and quieter play.” • “The nursery was rich in numeracy and literacy, offering opportunities to meet children’s differing preferred methods of learning.”
Citizenship • Our charter • Eco • Charity Work
Newsletters and Website Nursery / School Website: http://www.kirklistonprimary.co.uk/ Twitter : @KirklistonPS
Reminders • Emergency Contact Information • Label all clothing and shoes • Remember to sign in and out (parent and child registration) ADULT ONLY ON SHEET PLEASE • Change of pick up arrangements • Medication • Check the screen and board!
Accidents If your child has an accident at nursery school then this will be recorded on an Accident / Illness slip. If minor, a member of staff will inform you of this at collection time and will ask you to sign the slip. If major, a member of staff will phone you immediately.
Illnesses If your child is ill at nursery school then we will phone for you or their emergency contact to collect them immediately. If your child has been sick or suffered from diarrhoea then they are not allowed to return to school until they have been clear for 48 hours. Please contact the Nursery by 9am or 1pm if your child is ill or will not be attending. If you do not ring, Mrs Peters will give you a call to check that everything is OK.
Door Security Nursery sessions 8.30am – 11.40am and 12.20pm –3.30pm Doors open at 11:30 and 3:20 PLEASE ENSURE GATES AND DOORS ARE ALWAYS CLOSED BEHIND YOU FOR THE CHILDRENS’ SAFETY
Fire Drill Fire drills take place termly as it is important that the children become familiar with this practice. The Fire alarm is tested weekly and the children are prepared for it.
Home Learning • Children’s Lending Library - Open Monday to Thursday at drop off times. • Borrow a Bedtime Story • Story Sacks • Maths Sacks • Activity Sacks • Achievement Tree • Time for Ted • Transition to P1 tasks
Through our forward planning we aim to enable children to S.H.I.N.E. and be… • S – successful and safe;by showing respect to each other and other cultures and being supported as creative and critical thinkers; • H – healthy; by encouraging high achievers through a holistic and active approach with high expectation • I – included; by being involved and independent in a motivating and inspiring curriculum, developing, interest in the global community, where all needs are identified and addressed • N – nurtured; building self-esteem and resilience where new ideas are encouraged and everybody has a voice • E – engaged; where excellence is expected through the highest quality of learners’ experiences and an ethos of achievement, enabling leadership across the school community
Curriculum for Excellence – Early Level(My Experiences and Outcomes) • Curriculum areas and subjectsThe curriculum areas are the organisers for setting out the experiences and outcomes. Each area contributes to the four capacities. Literacy, Numeracy, HWB, Expressive Arts, RME, Technologies, Science, Social Studies • Interdisciplinary learningHow the curriculum should include space for learning beyond subject boundaries. • Ethos and life of the schoolThe starting point for learning is a positive ethos and climate of respect and trust based upon shared values across the school community. • Opportunities for personal achievementPupils need opportunities for achievements both in the classroom and beyond, giving them a sense of satisfaction and building motivation, resilience and confidence.
Building the Ambition • A move away from Pre School education towards Early Learning and Childcare • A focus on children from birth to 5 and split into 3 developmental stages • Babies, Toddlers and the Young child • 3 areas of focus on what the child needs are wellbeing, communication and promoting curiosity and creativity • Staff use this document to ensure high quality interactions • Display regularly updated in hall • Leaflet available
Play and Active Learning • “A Play based curriculum is widely considered to be the most appropriate approach for the development of young children’s learning…” • “Play brings about a wealth of opportunities for children to develop their language, creativity and co-ordination skills. These contribute to healthy growth and development, knowledge and understanding and capacity to learn.” • Active Learning – learning that engages children and challenges their thinking.
Promoting Numeracy and Maths Number Information handling Matching and sorting Measure Numeracy across learning Numeracy across learning
Promoting Literacy Listening Reading Writing Talking
Boosting Vocabulary • Cluster Initiative for 2017-18 • Developing oral language skills is crucial to reading success and comprehension. • Helping children learn more words by using them in context and over and over again. • Words of the week will be identified by staff and used in a variety of ways every day of the week in nursery and at group times. • Words will be shared with parents by e mail, display in Nursery and on website.
Health and Wellbeing • Physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing • SHANARRI • Setting the Table & Healthy Eating • Physical Education • Outdoor Learning
Monitoring and Tracking Progress How do we monitor and track children’s individual progress at Kirkliston Nursery? Daily observations Curriculum Trackers Achievements and Next Steps Pre school report / profile Links with Health Visitor Links with other Professionals E Learning Journals
Planning Planning takes various forms at Kirkliston. We have year planning, Seasonal planning through a log book which is populated by the staff and pupils. Parents are also
Group Time Literacy Numeracy Storytime French or Music Gym
Parent Partnership • Parent/Carer Group Meetings • Curriculum Evenings • Parent & Child Workshops • PEEP • Helping in the Nursery • Sharing Skills and Experiences • Cosy conversations • Parent/Carer Consultations
We hope that you all enjoy your time here with us at Kirkliston Nursery School! Any Questions?