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Information About the Social Science Branches

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Information About the Social Science Branches

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  1. Various Disciplines of Social Science:

  2. Social Science is the science of society and the human relationships developed in it. It developed as a complete discipline after the societal concept of humanity came into existence. What is Social Science

  3. The main aim of studying social sciences is to find the answers to some of the basics questions facing human society such as sustaining relationships, making a living, finding a place to live, being part of a community or making one’s voice heard in the society. Why Study Social Sciences?

  4. Branches of Social Science:

  5. 1. Economics • Economics deals with wealth. Its creation, distribution and consumption are called economics. There are two major sub fields are micro economics; • dealing with the economical data of an individual and macro economics; • dealing with economy of a large organization such as a country as a whole.

  6. 2. History It is the study of the human past. What happened in the past such as events, memories, wars, popular interactions etc are all dealt with this subject. History has a number of diversified sub fields like political history, social history, military history, economic history etc.

  7. 3. Political Science It is the study of theories and practices of government, political behavior and political activities. It has following sub fields like Political Theory, Public Law and Administration, Comparative Politics and International Politics.

  8. 4.Sociology It is the study of human society, social institutions and social behavior of its people. It relates to the study of mainly religious customs, marriage customs, dietary habits, religious ceremonies etc.

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