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Explore latest findings in Sp_ToBI transcription, including tone shapes in various Spanish varieties like Castilian, Canarian, Argentinian, and Ecuadorian. Analyze tone contours in declaratives, questions, and commands.
SP_ToBI Coordinator:Eva Estebas-Vilaplana. Participants:Lluïsa Astruc, Valeria Arana, Bettiana Blazquez, Mercedes Cabrera, Alejandra Dabrowski, Ana Estrella, Leopoldo Labastía, Pilar Prieto, M. Dolores Ramírez Verdugo, Francisco Vizcaíno Ortega.
Aims • 1) Present some of the latest findings in the transcription of Sp_ToBI in the following varities: -Castilian -Canarian -Argentinian -Ecuadorian -AMPER project-Madrid
2) Analyse the tone shapes associated to stressed syllables and phrase edges in the following contours: • Declaratives • Contrast • Yes-no questions • Disjunctives • Wh-questions • Reiteratives • Commands (exhortation/request) • The contours were recorded in an interview which elicits semi-spontaneous sentences
Castilian Spanish(Eva Estebas-Vilaplana, UNED, Pilar Prieto, ICREA-UAB) • Two levels of prosodic structure: • The intonation phrase: H%, !H%, L% • The intermediate phrase: H-, !H-, L- (as in Nibert, 2000 and Hualde 2002) • Pitch accents: • Nuclear position: L+H* (L+!H*), H+L*, L* • Prenuclear position: L*+H, L+H*, L+>H* (as in Face and Prieto, 2007)
Declaratives Bebe una limonada (He drinks a lemonade) L+>H* L+!H* L-L%
Declaratives (long subject) La niña morena come mandarinas L+>H* L+>H* H- L+>H* L+!H* L-L% (The girl with brown hair is eating mandarines)
Why L+>H*? • Three-way contrast of rising accents(Face and Prieto, 2007) L*+H L+H* L+>H* (late-rising) (non-delayed peak) (delayed peak) • Why L+!H* (vs. H+L*)? • Phonetic reason: sometimes slight F0 peak. • Phonological reason: one pitch accent declaratives are analysed as L+H*L-L%.
Contrast No, de LIMONES (No, of LEMONS) L+H* H-!H% L+H* L-L%
Yes-no questions ¿Tiene mermelada? (Have you got marmalade?) L*+H L* H-H%
Disjunctive ¿Queréis melón o helado? L+H* L+H*H- L+H* L-L% (Would you like melon or icecream?)
Wh-questions (1) ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?) H+L* L-L%
Wh-questions (2) ¿De qué pueblo has salido? L+>H* H+L* L-L% (From which village have you left?)
Reiteratives ¿Que no vendrás? (Aren’t you coming?) L+>H* (L+)H* H-H%
Commands Ven aquí ahora mismo (Come here at once) L+>H* H+L* L-L%
Commands (exhortation/request) Va, vente al cine (Come on, come to the cinema) L*H-L% L*+H L+H*L-L%
Combinations of tones in Castilian Spanish Prenuclear Nuclear Edge tones • Declaratives L+>H* (H-) L+!H* L-L% • Contrast L+H* L-L% • Yes-no questions L*+H L* H-H% • Wh-questions L+>H* H+L* L-L% • Commands (neutral) L+>H* H+L* L-L% • Disjunctives L+H* (H-) L+H* L-L% • Reiteratives L+>H* L+H* H-H% • Commands (request) L*+H L+H* L-L% • Other combinations • Exhortation L* H-L% • Sustained contour L+H* H-!H%
Canarian Spanish (Can-SP) Mercedes Cabrera Abreu Francisco Vizcaíno Ortega Departamento de Filología Moderna. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
1. Can-Spanish • One level of prosodic structure: • The intonation phrase: H%, !H%, L% • Pitch accents: • Nuclear position: L+H*, L+!H*, H+L*, H*, H+H* • Prenuclear position: L+>H*, L+H*, H*
2. Declaratives Bebe una limonada (He drinks a lemonade) L+>H* L+!H* L%
3. Declaratives (long subject) La niña morena come mandarinas L+>H* L+>H* L+>H* L+!H* L% (The girl with brown hair is eating mandarines)
4. Contrast No, de limones (No, of LEMONS) L+H* L% L+H* L%
5. Yes-no questions ¿Tiene mermelada? (Have you got marmalade?) L+H* H+H* L%
6. Disjunctive ¿Quieren melón o helado? H* L+H* H% H+L* L% (Would you like melon or icecream?)
7. Wh-questions (1) ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?) L+>H* H+H* L%
8. Wh-questions (2) ¿De qué pueblo has salido? (From which village have you left?) L+H* H+H* L%
9. Reiteratives ¿Que no vendrás? (Aren’t you coming?) L+>H* H+H* L%
10. Commands Ven aquí ahora mismo (Come here at once) H* L+H* !H%
11. Exhortation Anda, vente al cine (Come on, come to the cinema) L+H* L% L+>H* H* L%
Combinations of tones in Canarian Spanish Prenuclear Nuclear Edge tones • Declaratives L+>H* L+H*, L+!H* L% • Contrast L+H* L% • Yes-no questions L+H* H+H* L% • Wh-questions L+>H*, L+H* H+H* L% • Commands H* L+H* !H% • Disjunctives 2IPs 1: H* L+H* H% • 2: H+L* L% • Reiteratives L+>H* H+H* L% • Exhortation L+>H* H* L% Other data: Declaratives L+H*, H* H+L*, L* L%
Argentinian (Buenos Aires)Spanish Valeria Arana Bettiana Blázquez Alejandra Dabrowski Leopoldo Labastía Universidad Nacional del Comahue Patagonia - Argentina
Buenos Aires Spanish • Two levels of prosodic structure • The intonation phrase Está bebiendo una limonada %L H* L* L-L% • The intermediate phrase • One intonational phrase, two intermediate phrases Está tomando el líquido que corresponde a este vaso %L L+H* H- H* L-L% • Two intonational phrases, the second made up of two intermediate phrases La mujertoma limonada %L L*+H H-H% L*+H H- L* L-L%
Combination of tones in declarative sentences Typical configuration: %L H*+L !H*+L L* L-L%
Declaratives Está tomando un vaso de… limonada H*+L !H*+L H* L-L% (He’s drinking a glass of lemonade)
Declaratives (long subject) Una nenita comiendo un gajo de mandarina H*H- H* L* L-L% (A little girl eating a mandarin segment)
Contrast Typical configuration: %L L+H* L-L%
Contrast De limones. (Lemons.) L+H* L-L%
Combination of tones in yes-no questions Typical configuration: L+H* H- L%
Yes-no questions ¿Tenés mermelada? (Have you got marmalade?) L*+H L+H* H-L%
Disjunctive Typical configuration: %L L*+H H- L* L-L%
Disjunctive ¿Qué quieren comer ahora? ¿Torta o helado? L*+H H- L* L-L% (What would you like to eat now? Cake or ice-cream?)
Wh- questions (1) Typical configuration: %H H* !H* H-!H%
Wh- questions (1) ¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?) %H H* !H* H-!H%
Wh- questions (2) Typical configuration: %L L+H* L* L-L%
Wh- questions (2) Che, ¿vos de dónde saliste? (Hey, Where have you left from?) %L L+H* L* L-L%
Reiteratives Typical configuration: %L H* L+H* H-H%
Reiteratives ¿No podés venir?. (Aren’t you coming?) H* L+H* H-H%
Commands Typical configuration: %L H* L-L%
Commands ¡María! ¡Vení para acá! (Mary! Come here!) H* L-L% L+H* !H* L-L%
Exhortation Typical configuration: %L L*+H L-L%
Commands (exhortation) ¡Dale! ¡Acompañame! (Come on! Come with me!) L*+H L-L% L*+H L-L%