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Explore the historical development and impact of educational technology in transforming the teaching-learning process, with a focus on utilizing modern machines and gadgets to foster effective learning. Learn about technology's role as both a presenter of knowledge and a productivity tool, integrating ICT infrastructure to create a dynamic and responsive educational environment.
PowerPoint Presentationon Educational Technology Prepared by Assistant Professor Meena Babe Ke College of Education Daudhar
If schools don't train students to use and think about digital tools in a thoughtful way, where else is it going to happen?"
Educational Technology may be considered as The utilization of modern machines and gadgets in the field of education to increase the rate of learning to develop the learners interest for effective and productive learning by exerting its influence on the teaching learning process through vicious and progressive use. Educational technology plays various roles. Form the traditional point of view, it serves as presenter of knowledge just like teachers. It also serves as productivity tool. With the internet, technology has facilitated communication among people. From the constructivist’s perspective, educational technology is a meaningful learning tools by serving as a learning partner
Historical Development of Educational Technology • The Elder Sophists (450-350 B.C.) used the term ‘techne’ to refer to the process of applying knowledge in a systematic way to the practical art of instruction. • Socrates (470-399B.C.) taught through question answer methods. • In the 17th century Johann Comenius introduced textbooks for children. • The first educational television station went on air in Houston, Texas, in 1953. • In 1956 CCTV were established for instructional purposes. • Programmed instruction was developed in the works of • B.F.Skinner (1954)and N.A. Crowder(1960)
Defective Teaching Learning Process
Internet: Greatest impact TIME Evolution of Education Technology IMPACT TIME
Educational Technology can be conceived as a science of techniques and methods by which educational goals could be realized
Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.
Arouse Interest ET is a value addition to quality, relevance, appropriateness and other such attributes, transforming education by making it dynamic and responsive to the passions that move the learners and arouse their curiosity and desire to learn.
Teaching aids Blackboard OHP TV LCD PC Whiteboard
Building a learning culture Teacher: Develop knowledge & skills Understand learning and its need Facilitate learning Create learning opportunities Learner: Self-directed Self-motivated Self-regulating Lifelong learning Building a learning Culture Administrator: Create Learning environment Provide ICT infrastructure Resources for lifelong learning
TECHNOLOGICAL EXPLOSION, A DOUBLE-EDGED SWOR D A very important factor impelling change has been the technological explosion, particularly in the area of ICT(Information and Communication Technologies). Such technologies are double-edged swords. They allow people to contact one another and exchange ideas very easily in order to create communities built around common interests and common causes. They also make it possible for global corporations to move billions of dollars around the world with the click of a button.
Technology in Education and Educational Technology Technology is the modification of the natural environment to satisfy perceived human wants and needs” (ITEA, 2000, p. 9). This modification of the natural environment (nature) may be characterized as “human innovation in action.” Technology education is “a study of technology which provides an opportunity for students to learn about the processes and knowledge related to technology that are needed to solve problems and extend human potential” (ITEA, 2000, p. 242). Technology education is concerned with the broad spectrum of technology, which encompasses, but is not limited to, such areas as: design, making, problem solving, technological systems, resources and materials, criteria and constraints, processes, controls, optimization and trade-offs, invention, and many other human topics dealing with human innovation. Technology has both positive and negative effects on society, and conversely, society impacts technology in many ways. impacts technology in many ways.
Educational technology is sometimes referred to as instructional technology or informational technology. A very careful analysis of words and terms related to educational technology gives one a better understanding of the differences between it and technology education. Educational technology is concerned with technology in education. It is involved in the use of technology as a “tool” to enhance the teaching and learning process across all subject areas. Educational technology is concerned about teaching and learning with technology. In the International Society for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S), the document states that these standards describe, “...what students should know about technology and be able to do with technology” (ISTE, 2000, p. XI).
TYPES OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGYHardware ApproachSoftware Approach
HARDWARE It refers to the application of Engineering principle or technology useful in the process of teaching. It is also termed as Hardware Approach to Education. Silverman called this type of approach as ‘Relative Technology’. This refers to borrow and apply technology, machines and devices in the process of teaching and learning. THE OHP, THE SLIDE PROJECTOR, THE FILM PROJECTOR, RADIO, TELEVISION AND COMPUTERS WERE DEVELOPED FOR THE PURPOSE . It is for the group of students. It is quite useful as it enhances the learners performance and enhance interest in the subject and extends the teachers’ limits beyond time and space without increasing the cost of instruction per pupil.
SoftwareIt refers to the application of scientific principles to instruction. It is concerned with all aspects of designing the instructional sequence and instructional mode to go along with different hardware. Programmed instruction falls into this class of educational technology. Principles of Psychology, Operant conditioning of skinner led to the development of ET. The emphasis is on scientific way of teaching.
Scope of Educational Technology • Distance Education • Mass Education • Historical Information • Gaming and simulation • Collecting Storing and retrieval of Information • Research
Main Areas of Educational Technology • Programmed Learning • Micro Teaching • Simulated Teaching • Interaction Analysis
Technology can play a traditional role, i.e. as delivery vehicles for instructional lessons or in a constructivist way as partners in the learning process. In a constructivist way technology helps the learner build more personal interpretations of life in her/his world. Technology is a learning tool to learn withnot from. It makes the learner gather, think, analyze, synthesize information and construct meaning with what technology presents.
Technology as tools to support knowledge construction • For presenting learners’ ideas, understandings and beliefs • For producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases for learners • Technology as information vehicles for exploring knowledge to support learning-by-constructing • For accessing needed information • For comparing perspectives, beliefs and world views
Technology as context to support learning by doing • for representing and simulating meaningful real-world problems, situations and contexts • for representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments, and stories of others • Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing • For collaborating with others • For discussing, arguing, and building consensus among members of the community • For supporting discourse among knowledge building communities
Technology as intellectual partner • For helping learners to articulate and represent what they know • For reflecting on what they have learned and how they come to know it • For supporting learners’ internal negotiations and meaning making • For constructing personal representations of meaning for supporting mindful thinking
Proper implementation of technology in the classroom gives students more “control of their own learning and tends to move classrooms from teacher-dominated environments to ones that are more learner-centered (Russel and Sorge, 1999)
Internet has started reshaping education. Education will not be the same in the next decade There is no going back. The traditional classroom has to be transformedWeb-based Education Commission, US Many universities/colleges may not survive by the end of this decade The future teachers will not carry books but computers
Learning Environment • In an on-line multimedia learning environment: • teaching & learning is ‘one-to-one’ (individual) • more interactivity (in normal classroom, it varies with the class size) • learner-centred • Learner monitoring & grading system
Benefits • Convenient • self-service (mix and match) • on-demand (anytime, anywhere) • private learning • self-paced • Flexibility: (modular package)
Benefits • Cost-effective • Virtual learning environment • Share lessons among schools • Reduce material cost • Reduce travel/accommodation costs
Benefits • Consistent • Central control of content • Same quality of content for all • Same quality of education for all
Benefits • media-rich • Easier to understand & more engaging • repeatable • As many times as you like • easier to monitor progress • less administrative work • can be more precise
Need of the hour • It is incumbent upon educators today to begin preparing for the changing education paradigms of tomorrow.
Working Together, We Can achieve our goal and expected qualities in higher education