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Educational Technology. Trends in Educational Technology. A lot going on! Communication/Just in Time Collaboration Immediate access to information Interactive media Simulations Game technology Technology Integration Watch out for the unexpected!. Dimensions. Topics. Knowledge Surveys
Trends in Educational Technology • A lot going on! • Communication/Just in Time • Collaboration • Immediate access to information • Interactive media • Simulations • Game technology • Technology Integration • Watch out for the unexpected!
Topics • Knowledge Surveys • Clickers • Computer Games • Student Peer Review Systems
Clickers • Game-like fun for the students • Collect lots of data (anonymous) • Student engagement • Active learning • Great launching point for discussion • Can instantly adapt lectures to results
Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development ZPD is “the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers.”
Sample Peer Review ”Looks pretty good”
Perfunctory Reviews perfunctory \pur-FUNGK-tuh-ree\ --adjective : Done merely to carry out a duty; performed mechanically; done in a careless and superficial manner; characterized by indifference
Detailed Peer Review You should have requirements that detail the concepts in section 4.2. Although you had some very good points (i.e. the database should look up student's degree requirements; view should list courses, etc...) almost all your requirements can be more detailed. Go through section 4.2 (each of the sections) and think of what the program would need to do to effective run. Some good examples of what requirements are necessary are on others' websites, however I'll give some to you now:1.Is there a timeline requirement?2.Is there a requirement on how much(or how little) this will cost?3.Is there security requirements?4.Is there user view requirements?These(and many other questions) are what you should answer in your requirements definition document. Good luck on Assignment #3.
avg delta over 1 nines “perfect” avg dev. eights under 1
"The jury didn't consist of my peers ... This jury believed citizens have a civic duty to obey the laws".
What is a Game? Wikipedia: A game is a structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for remuneration, and from art, which is more concerned with the expression of ideas. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports/games) or art.
Educational Games? • Learning: Is learning a game? • Fun: What makes something fun? • Perspective: Is it just a matter of perspective? Is there anything that can’t be viewed as a game in some way? • Artificial: Does a game, by definition, deal only with artificial results (i.e.: artificial conflict)?
Computer Games • Why do children spend inordinate amounts of time playing computer games, but not their homework? • Can teachers keep up with gaming technology? • Can computer games be effectively integrated into the curriculum.
Concept of a Knowledge Survey 1. = I have insufficient knowledge to answer this question. 2. = I have partial knowledge or know where to quickly (20 minutes or less) obtain a complete answer to this question. 3. = I can fully answer this question with my present knowledge. Nuhfer, E. B., and Knipp, D. (2003). The knowledge survey: a tool for all reasons. To Improve the Academy, 21, 50-78. http://www.isu.edu/ctl/facultydev/resources1.html.
6 4 5 2 3 1
Physics Knowledge Survey http://hawk.cs.csuci.edu/william.wolfe/csuci/surveys/PHYS_Knowledge_Survey/asp/PHYSSurveyQuestions.asp
Summary • Knowledge Surveys • Clickers • Computer Games • Student Peer Review Systems