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Russian Revolution: Rise of Communism in 1917

Explore the tumultuous period of Russia's Communist Revolution in 1917, led by Vladimir Lenin, and the subsequent impact on the nation and the world. Learn about the role of Czar Nicholas II, the Bolsheviks, Alexandra, Rasputin, and the factors that sparked the revolution. Discover Lenin's promises, reforms, and the aftermath of the revolution.

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Russian Revolution: Rise of Communism in 1917

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Russia’s Communist Revolution1917

  2. Who was the leader of Russia before the Rev? Who were the Bolsheviks? Who was Alexandra? Who was Rasputin? What three things led to the revolution? (Hint WWI, Czar’s Gov and Revolutionaries) Who was the leader of the Revolution? Draw the communist symbol and explain the parts. What three things did he promise? What were some changes that Lenin made? Why were many Western nations freaked out about the Revolution? What happened after the Revolution? Why was it bad? Who took over after Lenin? On a sheet of lined paper, title it Russian Revolution and write the following questions (make sure to leave room to answer them):

  3. Before World War I, Russia was ruled by a rich autocrat named Czar Nicholas II.

  4. The Russian people didn’t like him because while he was rich…

  5. …they were poor.

  6. Then came World War I.

  7. Russia lost somewhere between five and eight million soldiers! Nobody really knows!

  8. Things were also bad because of the stupidity of the Czar’s government. Some people believed that the Czar wife Alexandra was a German Spy.

  9. She was under the influence of the crazy Siberian monk Rasputin.

  10. The people were angry! They blamed the rich, and started listening to…

  11. …communists. Hammer Poor industrial workers Sickle Poor field workers, farmers.

  12. Communists, like Robin Hood, said they wanted to “steal from the rich to feed the poor.”

  13. Germany was fighting Russia, and wanted them to quit. The Germans wanted to focus on fighting France, Britain and their new ally, America.

  14. So, Germany sent Vladimir Lenin, a Communist, into Russia. Lenin’s simple message, “peace, land and bread” for all made sense to peasants.

  15. Lenin started a gang called the Bolsheviks. They took over the country!

  16. First, they machine-gunned the Czar and his family!

  17. Then, Lenin’s communist government took control of the economy! They took farmland from the rich and gave it to the poor… …took control of the banks and industry …and established an eight hour workday.

  18. The idea that a government could take control of the economy freaked out the rich in capitalist America, Britain and France. What if the poor in our countries try the same thing?!!!!!

  19. Not everyone in Russia supported Lenin’s takeover, and a civil war started.

  20. From 1918-1920, Lenin’s “Red” Bolsheviks fought off the “Whites.” The war killed Russia’s economy and 15 million people.

  21. After the Reds won, rather than share money and power as promised, Lenin’s Bolsheviks kept it for themselves.

  22. When Lenin died, an evil man killed his rivals and took control of the gang and the country. His name was Joseph…

  23. STALIN!

  24. ? STALIN!

  25. Who was the leader of Russia before the Rev? Who were the Bolsheviks? Who was Alexandra? Who was Rasputin? What three things led to the revolution? (Hint WWI, Czar’s Gov and Revolutionaries) Who was the leader of the Revolution? Draw the communist symbol and explain the parts. What three things did he promise? What were some changes that Lenin made? Why were many Western nations freaked out about the Revolution? What happened after the Revolution? Why was it bad? Who took over after Lenin? On your sheet of lined paper answer the following questions:

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