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The Russian Revolution 1917. Russia in WWI. Tsarist Russia lacked capacity to fight a modern long war , her strategy was built on short, limited operations. Infrastructure and production of weapons was far behind her major enemy , Germany .
Russia in WWI • TsaristRussialackedcapacityto fight a modern long war, herstrategywasbuilt on short, limited operations. • Infrastructure and productionofweaponswas far behindher major enemy, Germany. • The tsaristgovernmentlacked solid political support, the refusaltointroduce real reforms would strike back in the war, somethingillustrated by the risingnumberof strikes between 1912 – 14.
Russiahad by the end of 1914 mobilised 6,5 million men, but the numberofrifleswasonly 4,6 millions. Productioncapacitywas 27000 rifles a month. • The major Russian ports wereeasilycut off early in the war • Russianrailwaynet still undevelopedcomperedto the west, military transport wereprioritized, which led tosupply problems in the cities. Lengthofrailways for 100km2 Russia 1,1km Germany 10,6km France 8,8km Austria-H. 6,4km Source: Pipes
From hopetodisaster • Aftersome initial Russiansuccessess, the first major defeatcame in the battleofTannenberg, end of August 1914. • RussiaalsoadvancedintoAustria-Hungary and occupied major areas, somethingthat led tooverconfidence. • The Austro-German counteroffensiveof 1915 marked the beginningof the Russiandefeat.
The February Revolution 1917 • The tsaristgovernmentpartlyfinanced the war by printingmoremoney. As a concequenceof the increased output ofmoney, Russiafaced a growing inflation after 1915. • Foodshortageswasalso a problem thatgrewworse, especiallyduring the coldwinters. Peasantsexpected the pricestorisemore, and thenkept part of the harvests in barns or didn´tuse full capacityof the areable land. Bakeries in the citiesfrequentlyhadtoclose, as deliverancesofflourwereunpredictable. • The citiescontinuedtogrowduring the war, buthousing and foodcould not be sufficientlyprovided. • Nikolai hadappointedhimselftosupremecommander (August 1915) withoutqualifiedknowledgeof modern warfare. In 1916 Russialaunchedher last successful offensive againstAustria-Hungary, butafter German aid the offensive failed. • Rasputin got increasedpoliticalinfluence as the tsar wasoccupied at the front, thisdiscredited the royalfamilyevenmore. Rasputin wasfinallymurdered in December 1916.
A sudden rise in temperature in February 1917 broughtpeople , especiallywomen, out on the streetsofPetrogradtodemonstrateagainst the foodshortages. • Industrial workers on strike and sailors from the navyjoined the demonstrations and a major unreststartedtogrow. • Tsar Nikolai hesitated, butfailedtotakeanydecisions in time. Forcedtoabdicate the firstdaysofMarch. • A ProvisionalGovernmentwas set up, formed by liberal parties in the Duma. • The unrestcontinued, a free press developed and socialist propaganda flourished. • In Petrograd,Moscow and provincialcitiesSoviets, electedcommitteesofworkers and soldierswere set up. • The governmentpromisedfreeelections and reforms, butmade the fatal mistaketocontinue the war.
Vladimir Lenin • Born 1870 in Simbirsk as Vladimir IljitjUljanov • 1887: Lenin´s brother arrested and executed because of involvement in a terrorist group, that planned to murder the Tsar. • Lenin studied law in Kazan and was dragged into an underground political organization. After a rather harmless student-meeting, Lenin was kicked out of the university. That occasion created bitterness and hatred towards the regime an Lenin decided to overthrow the system. • 1893: Lenin arrested in S:t Petersburg, accusedofrevolutionairyactivities, exciledtoSiberia. • 1900: Lenin settles in Munich and becomes editor of the Russian socialist paper Iskra, published in someWesteuropeancities. • 1902: The pamphlet ”What is to be done” is published for the firsttime. Herehe presents his theoryabout the revolution and the party as a revolutionairy Avantgarde. • 1903: The Russian Social Democratic Party splits intoBolsheviksandMensheviks • 1905: Lenin returnstoRussiatemporarily, butsoonleavesagain.He leves severalyears in Switzerland. Read moreabout Lenin and read his ownwords on www.marxists.org
The returnof Lenin • Lenin returned to Petrograd with German help and with German economic support, April 3 1917, the Bolsheviks organized a massive welcome at the railway station. Lenin proclaimed that the socialist revolution should be fulfilled within a couple a weeks, not years. On April 4, he presents the April Thesis. Lenin in Stockholm
Lenin´s April Theses • End the war • No support to the Provisional Government • All power to the Soviets • Dissolve the army in favour of a people´s militia • Confiscate the property of the landowners and nationalize all land • Introduce one national bank controlled by the Soviet
A chaotic summer • The economicassistance from Germany is used by the Bolshevikstodelivermassproduced propaganda, main organ is the newspaperPravda. • Alexander Kerensky (prime minister in June 1917) launches the disastrous June offensive, whichleadsto the collapseofmorale and discipline in the army. The Russianeconomywitness a collapse. • Lenin escapes an attemptto arrest him (accusedofattemptstooverthrow the government) and hides in Finland. WritesState and the Revolution. • General Kornilovattemptstoremove the threatof the Bolsheviks and sendstroopstoPetrograd, Kerensky arrests him, sincehefear a coup. Lenin in Finland 1917.
The October/November Revolution • Lenin decisive to take power before the planned elections in November and before a threatening German occupation. • The Bolsheviks managed to organize an all Russian Congress of Soviets where they managed to win majority, and so the coup was carried out in the name of the Soviets. • Kerensky´s government did almost nothing to prevent the coup. Very few loyal forces were called to the capital. • The Bolshevik Red Guards (organized by Trotsky) could easily take control over key positions in the capital, they met no resistance. • The man and woman on the streethardlybothered in the beginning, thisonlyseemedto be a new factiontakingpower in the nameof the revolution. • In Soviethistory the Bolshevik´sorganised coup cameto be called ”The GreatProletarianOctober Revolution”.