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Explore state EPSDT policies for hearing screening, compare with guidelines, consider updating policies on hearing. Discuss implementation methods and stakeholder involvement for new standards. Share educational strategies for working with different stakeholders. Emphasize the importance of data, training, and outreach in improving follow-up care. Address challenges and opportunities in implementing universal newborn hearing screening laws and improving services for hard-to-reach groups. Aim to streamline services and involve key groups in creating a comprehensive strategy. Evaluate quality incentives and financial opportunities for hearing services.
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS:Key Informant Interviews with EPSDT Directors Peggy McManus MCH Policy Research Center July 12-13, 2005
STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STANDARDS & POLICIES • Session Objectives: • Examine state EPSDT policies for hearing screening & follow-up • Compare with JCIH, AAP guidelines, & Healthy People 2010 objectives • Consider strategies for updating state EPSDT policies on hearing
Interview Findings: Current Picture and Strategies • EPSDT standards primarily based on AAP preventive care guidelines, with some variations • EPSDT standards on hearing focus almost exclusively on screening, not referral & follow-up • Unclear the extent to which EPSDT standards reflect JCIH guidelines
Standards & Policies: Interviews • States have organized mechanisms for regularly updating EPSDT, with input from other state agencies & key stakeholder groups • New standards & policies disseminated through provider manuals, bulletins, & newsletters • Effective ways of implementing new standards -- work closely with state AAP chapters
Standards & Policies: Interviews • Less involvement with AAFP, though states interested in more • Hospital involvement critical • State universal newborn hearing screening laws – key in facilitating adoption of standards • Attention needed to address outreach, screening, & follow-up of failed screens.
Strategic Directions Information & Education • Session Objectives: • Share ideas about effective educational strategies for working with PCPs, families, hospitals, MCOs, and local health departments (LHDs) • Examine potential opportunities for informing & involving key stakeholders
Information & Education: Interviews Primary Care Physicians: • No magic bullets or single approaches • Very little done so far on follow-up • Important to have good, actionable data about how PCPs perform • Evidence-based data also important • Newsletters that profile promising practices useful
Information & Education: Interviews PCPs continued: • Ongoing training of residents helps • CME necessary, but not sufficient • More needed to target PCPs in rural areas, with small numbers of children in practice
Information & Education: Interviews Families: -- Work with existing family networks -- More education is needed on follow-up, esp. with families whose children have complex health care needs -- Follow-up telephone calls & face-to-face meetings work best
Information & Education: Interviews • Use of popular media helpful • Critical to have a “why” piece – explaining why both screening & follow-up are necessary • Informing families about standard of care is important and can positively influence parent demand for services
Information & Education: Interviews • Hospitals • State EHDI efforts, esp. involving on-site work, critical in implementing universal newborn hearing screening • Funding hearing aid loaner program important • Need to target small, rural hospitals and move beyond screening • Perinatal conferences important • Also, having short educational videos about hearing screening for use by hospitals important
Information & Education: Interviews • Local Health Departments • EPSDT outreach workers have critical role to play, but few have focused on hearing • Important to link with home visiting, case management, disease mgmt., & other initiatives involving LHDs • Regular training opportunities for LHDs, with CME important
Information & Education: Interviews • Hard-to-reach groups • EPSDT outreach workers have critical role to play • Home visiting & case mgmt. programs reach high-risk groups, though hearing follow-up seldom addressed • More attn. to cultural competence to reduce families’ delays in seeking follow-up • Translation & transportation are critical
Information & Education: Interviews • Overarching Comments • Comprehensive strategy needed, promoted through various channels (e.g., immunization) • Have a simple, consistent message – 1/3/6 • Involve key groups at outset • Address shortage of audiologists, incl. causes – education & training, reimbursement, other • Streamline & integrate hearing follow-up services with CM, EI, WIC, 1-800 #, EPSDT outreach, etc
Strategic Directions: Quality & Financial Incentives • Session Objectives • Review potential opportunities for incorporating national benchmarks from Healthy People 2010 • Examine Medicaid reimbursement levels for hearing services • Consider alternative performance incentive strategies
Quality Incentives: Interviews • Few EPSDT programs use or are aware of Healthy People 2010 hearing objectives • Most Medicaid quality standards from NCQA (HEDIS), AAP • Use of quality indicators (e.g., 1/3/6) could be an effective strategy • Important to have actionable data for use by providers • Comparative state data also helpful
Quality Incentives: Interviews • NICHQ’s model of collaborating with practices, conducting chart reviews, identifying improvement strategies, & providing feedback (eg, lead, immuniz) • Need to make sure hearing screening & follow-up is incorporated into EPSDT evaluations. Records could be tagged for follow-up
Quality Incentives: Interviews • Consider a GPRA project (e.g., immunization) • CMS could set a standard (e.g., dental care) • Maintain close link with public health • Issue certificates of excellence to providers scoring 95% of higher • Acknowledge the good work of providers “They’re not doing this work for the financial rewards, but for the benefits to children.”
Reimbursement Incentives: Interviews • “Ha, ha, ha. Stand in line.” • State Medicaid and public health funding is already stretched to its limits • Important to piggyback with existing EPSDT administrative outreach efforts • Through Medicaid’s administrative match, possibly some potential for funding follow-up activities
Reimbursement Incentives: Interviews • To claim administrative match requires financial support from other state agencies – good luck! • To justify payment changes, evidence of cost savings needed • Professional organizations & provider groups need to advocate for rate increases showing costs not being met and access adversely affected
Reimbursement Incentives: Interviews • Also, comparative state fee data useful – no one wants to be lowest (see handouts) • See examples from dental care. Also, incentives used successfully with EPSDT visit rates, immunizations, & lead screening • Examine hospital payment mechanisms to assess where to place incentive • Consider outside foundation & community funds
Strategic Directions: Monitoring & Tracking • Session Objectives • Examine existing state data sources and data-sharing arrangements to link with • Consider ways to improve accuracy & quality of reportable data on hearing screening & follow-up
Monitoring & Tracking: Interviews • Accurate data depends on accurate provider coding. Providers/office staff may need training on appropriate coding. • When hearing services bundled into a single code or folded into DRG payments, difficult to rely on claims data • Tracking hearing is much more complicated than lead screening
Monitoring & Tracking: Interviews • Potential data sources: vital records, EPSDT, EHDI tracking system, early intervention, care management, hospital databases, administrative claims, case management systems, registries • Data-sharing agreements most helpful • Publish program success
Strategic Directions:Collaboration • Session Objectives • Identify new & existing opportunities to effectively promote collaboration among key stakeholders • Share information about promising strategies • Consider roles & responsibilities for state EHDI programs to play with Medicaid & participating MCOs and other providers
Collaboration: Interviews • Already a great deal of collaboration between Medicaid and EHDI programs, mostly around newborn screening • Meetings at least quarterly help, involving Medicaid & other key stakeholders • Written interagency agreements useful in promoting accountability
Collaboration: Interviews • Examples: MD – a portion of EHDI coordinator’s time/salary is dedicated to working with Medicaid. • IL: “Think Tank Day” on newborn hearing projects for coming year; developed education, referral, & follow-up document; grand rounds training with AAP; newborn screening advisory group; now working on parent website
Collaboration: Interviews • Linking with other screening programs, such as electronic birth certificates, immunizations, or newborn metabolic screening, may have potential but not yet done for most part • State Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems (SECCS) grants important vehicles to link with in many states. Other initiatives – Healthy Babies/Healthy Kids& Families, Commonwealth’s ABCD program, & Early Education and Care