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Explore the significance of biodiversity, encompassing genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity, in preserving life forms and ecosystems. Learn about Australia's high biodiversity levels, threats such as habitat loss and climate change, and the importance of conservation efforts. Discover the impacts of biodiversity loss on ecosystem services, genetic diversity, and food security, and delve into the value of biodiversity for recreation, inspiration, and education. Explore preservation strategies like wildlife reserves, breeding programs, and educational initiatives. Witness the transformation from neglect to conservation in Australia's biodiversity landscape.

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  1. Biodiversity

  2. Bio What? • Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms: the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a part.

  3. Genetic diversity-the total genetic information contained in the genes of all species. (eg. Different colouring found in one species of kangaroos) • Species Diversity-The variety of species, refers to the number of species and the number of individuals in a species. (eg. Different types of trees, birds, insects and the number of each species found in one place) • Ecosystem Diversity- the variety of habitats natural communities and ecological processes in the biosphere. (eg. Coastal, Alpine, Agricultural, Urban and woodland ecosystems)

  4. Australia is considered to have high levels of biodiversity (450 000 species) representing 10% of species estimated on Earth. Approximately 80% are endemic (only occur in Australia) Since European settlement, at least 20% of mammals have become extinct. This is half of total mammal species that are known to become extinct throughout the world over the past 200 years. There are also many species of birds, mammals, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, fish and plants considered to be in danger and others are becoming rare. Cultural Diversity Is considered to be a fourth component of diversity. It relates to language, beliefs, land management practices, art, music, and social structures of human cultures. The survival of particular cultural groups can be ultimately interrelated with the survival of the natural environments on which they depend, and visa versa.

  5. Importance Of biodiversity Biodiversity is important for the continuation of life and is important for the survival of specific species, ecosystems and regions. Reasons for maintaining biodiversity include: • All species have the right to exist • Humans are dependent on biodiversity for their sustenance, health, well-being and enjoyment of life. • Food- we rely on biodiversity to provide us with a large and varied food source (medicine - renewable and biological) • Other species maintain the atmosphere, influence climate, generate and recycle essential nutrients in topsoil, dispose wastes, control pests and diseases.

  6. Biodiversity: A pathway to sustained and resilient ecosystems Reduced biodiversity results in ecosystems that are susceptible to environmental change From human activities such as farming and agriculture have been severe for both flora and faunal communities, and they have been modified, displaced, and species have become extinct. A diversity of genes within a species provides greater opportunities for their survival. (eg a single acacia through genetic construction may survive a drought – while another single acacia may of the same species may not)

  7. The Value of Biodiversity • Recreation- many recreation activities rely on or benefit from biodiversity • Inspiration- Biodiversity as a whole inspires artists, musicians and writers. • Escape- Biodiversity provides a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. • Education - Less opportunities for scientific research and education

  8. Threats to biodiversity • Habitat loss and fragmentation (love tunnel) • Competition from invasive species • Pollution • Global climate change • Desertification • Population growth and over consumption • Unsustainable use of natural resources.

  9. Consequences of loss of Biodiversity • A loss of ecosystem services-Protection of water resources, nutrient storage and cycling, Pollution breakdown and absorption • Loss of genetic diversity- Genetic diversity allows species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and stresses. • Reduced food security.

  10. Preservation of Biodiversity • The National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia’s Biological Diversity • Natural Heritage Trust • Wild life reserves- e.g. National Parks. • Flora and Fauna guarantee act • Endangered species Program • Quarantine • Education • Breeding Programs

  11. What is happening to Biodiversity. • In the past Australia’s Biodiversity has suffered greatly, primarily due to human misuse and abuse of the environment. Humans are now starting to realise the importance and value of biodiversity and are taking action to preserve it.

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