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Learn about the initiatives in Greece to upskill and reskill adult refugees, aiming to help them integrate into the workforce. The program includes language training, vocational guidance, and educational opportunities.
Upskilling, reskilling and employing adult refugees October 2016 IraklisPliakis, VET Special Advisor Ministry of Education, IEP
The refugee Crisis • Massive Influx of an “Exodus” Character • MSs at EU external borders (Greece & Italy) MSs under secondary flows (asylum applications): Germany, France, Sweden
The refugee Crisis - Greece Available Data (3) Apprehended third country nationals to Greek Turkish Borders • 2015 862.000 • Approximately the number of irregular migrants that Greece received during 2000s • 2016 (Jan – Aug): 184.957 (data on September under verification by Hellenic Police Headquarters) • Vast Majority of refugee profile: Syrians, Iraqis & Afghanis • Greek authorities worked intensively with EC, EU Agencies & EU MSs
The refugee Crisis - Greece Available Data (2) Asylum Applications
The refugee Crisis - Greece Available Data (1) Reception/ Current Status: • 53 adequate facilities already developed, that today guest 41.468 (max. capacity 51.577, established all-over Greek territory) • UNHCR has established 12101 (today guests 8633) additional places (under rental scheme) • Non official settlements (estimated) 2.443 • Non official self settlements (estimated) 8.300 • Total population throughout Greek territory 60.844 • Total nominal capacity to official structures 63.678
The state of play of refugee education & training in the past • The Ministry of Labour was responsible and assigned to organizations of the Civil Society the implementation of education and training programmes, targeted to asylum seekers and people under international protection The Multiannual Programme (European Refugee Fund) • A total of 1257 asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection, attended language & training courses (2008 – 2015) • (Greek/ English language training lessons, computer classes, remedial teaching, etc) Third-country nationals recognized with the refugee status, can be enrolled to the training programmes of the Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) according to the same terms and conditions that are applied for the Greek nationals OAED The enrollment in vocational training programs (IEK) for recognized political refugees was possible without the presentation of upper secondary graduation certificate from their country of origin (the current low changed the procedure). IEK
The state of Play of refugee education & training in 2015-16 • 105 educational-type interventions for children and • 48 educational-type interventions for adults. • These interventions are organized by NGOs - international or Greek, various collectives (associations, unions, etc.), universities, solidarity groups etc • In only one third of the cases lessons are mentioned (mostly English, Greek or -more rarely- mathematics & Arabic) . • Actions for adults primarily focus on activities for empowerment, artistic creation, counseling, creation of joint discussion groups on issues regarding the Centers, learning the Greek and English language and the facilitation of adults on visiting libraries, museums, etc. • In 7 cases, refugees residing at the Centers participate in the organization-implementation of educational activities, mainly English or Arabic lessons.
Main Challenges • Ensure adequate funding 1 • Adapt existing legal framework 2 Overcome language barriers 3 • Create adequate curricula 4 • Train teachers & trainers 5 Certify refugees’ skills and knowledge 6 Achieve smooth coexistence with local society 7
Main target groups • Adolescents between 15-18 (elements of adulthood) • Adult refugees • Recognized refugees/ beneficiaries of subsidiary protection/ long term stay in Greek territory • Refugees in Relocation & family reunion programmes • People that can certify their skills • People unable to certify their skills • The percentage of refugees above15 years old is about 70% of the total population
Reception School Structures for Refugee Education They will provide a flexible institutional and didactic intervention scheme that will eventually introduce refugees in the Greek Educational System. • 9 months teaching period Refugees that are above 15 years old • They can be established in upper secondary schools, Refugee reception centers & in other available spaces
Reception School Structures for Refugee Education (15-18) Will be established within any district school and will operate from 14:00 to 18:00, i.e. following the daily program of the district EPAL school. • They will offer language (Greek & English) and IT skills Counseling & vocational guidance Workshops & training in basic skills in specific vocational sectors/ specialties Certification (e.g. language) and introduction of refugees in the formal or non-formal educational & training system
Reception School Structures for Refugee Education (18+) They will be will be implemented in LLL centres (existing institutions – adequate legal framework) • They will offer language (Greek & English) and IT skills Counseling & vocational guidance Workshops & training in basic skills in specific vocational sectors/ specialties Certification (e.g. language) and introduction of refugees in the formal or non-formal educational & training system
Refugee Education Coordinators / duties Refugee Education Coordinators will represent the Ministry of Education and will be liable for the coordination and supervision of all structures and their educational staff. 1 • Raise awareness that education is fundamental for refugees’ social integration. 2 Update the recording of refugees by age and other criteria necessary for their education 3 • Monitor and coordinate educational activities provided by all stakeholders, governmental and non governmental bodies etc. 4
Alternative educational pathways for refugees (1) Certification procedure that leads to formal or non formal education. • Second chance schools. Existing institution that offers the possibility to adults to obtain lower secondary education diploma following an alternative curriculum SDE Upper Secondary Vocational Education EPAL Intercultural Upper Secondary Education GEL Post lower-secondary education Institutes of Vocational Training IEK
Alternative educational pathways for refugees (2) Linkages with work placed learning • Apprenticeship Schools that follow the dual system EPAS Possibility of linking specific courses with in-company training. Training programmes
Short term Reception structures Will be established in alternative available spaces • They will offer language (Greek & English) and IT skills Counseling & vocational guidance Possible pilot project: upskilling refugees in order to work in nearby refugee reception centers Certification (e.g. language)