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Learn about Android application development through this HackFest event. Explore Android design, deployment, and interaction. Discover essential tools, resources, books, and the history of Android.
HackFest of AndroidApplication Development Md. Nazmul Hoq Salim
Why called HackFest ??? A hackfest(also known as a hack day, hackathon or codefest) is an event in which computer programmers and others involved in software development and hardware development, including graphic designers, interface designers and project managers, collaborate intensively on software projects. The word "hackathon" is a portmanteau (combination) of the words "hack" and "marathon", where "hack" is used in the sense of exploratory programming, not its alternate meaning as a reference to computer crime. wiki
Objective & Outline This will provides an introduction to developing applications for the Android mobile platform. It is divided into 3 parts - • Introduction to Android • Design in Android • Deployment or Interaction in Android
Materials • Google Android Developer Docs: Installing Android Studio • Vocabulary Words • Google Android Developer Docs: UI Design • The Material Design Specification • Common Android Views Cheat-sheet • DroidDraw - Visual Index to the Android Widgets • Google Android Developer Docs • Android API Reference • ThinkAndroid - How to Position Views Properly in Layouts • Android Developers Blog - Blogspot • Oracle's Java documentation • Official Oracle Java coding conventions • Genymotion, a faster Android emulator BOOKS: • Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, by Bill Phillips and Brian Hardy • Professional Android Application Development, by Reto Meier
What is Android ??? • mobile operating system developed by Open Handset Alliance, led by Google – originally purchased from Android, Inc. in 2005 • runs on phones, tablets, watches, TVs, etc (Google claims 900,000 Android device activations ) • based on Java (dev language) and Linux (kernel) • the #1 mobile OS worldwide (52% of U.S. smartphone market) – and now #1 overall OS worldwide! • has over 1 million apps published in Play Store • code is released as open source (periodically) – easier to customize, license, pirate, etc. than iOS
Development Requirements •Java(JDK) - to write Java (and Android) programs • Do not install Java Runtime Environment (JRE). JDK and JRE are different! • Can download the JDK for your OS athttp://java.oracle.com •Android SDK - (download Android SDK fromhttp://developer.android.com) • Simplest: download and install Android Studio bundle (including Android SDK) for your OS • Alternatives:-Download/install Eclipse–Install Android SDK tools by themselves, then install ADT for Eclipse separately (from this site) • We’ll use Android Studio with SDK included •download Android SDK fromhttp://developer.android.com
Download & Install Android Studio(link) • Google's official Android IDE, in v1.0 as of November 2014 – replaces previous Eclipse-based environment – based on IntelliJ IDEA editor; free to download and use
SDK Manager (Configure AS)This is found by clicking the following icon in the top toolbar: Contains • Class Library, • Developer Tools • Emulator and System Images • Documentation and Sample Code
Virtual Devices (AVDs) • allows you to run your project in an emulator – a software simulation of an entire Android tablet, phone, watch – when you click the "Run" button in Android Studio. it builds your app, installs it on the virtual device, and loads it • must set up virtual device first in Android Studio - to test and rup apps • alternative: install your ap on your actual Android device! – pro: app will run faster, better test of real execution – con: requires Android device, must be plugged into dev PC
Project structure in Android Studio (link) • AndroidManifest.xml (overall project config and settings)-specifies: –App’s Activities, Services, etc.–Permissions requested by app–Hardware features required, e.g., camera with autofocus–External libraries to which app is linked, e.g., Google Maps • src/java/… - source code for your Java classes • res/... = resource files (many are XML)- drawable/ = images- layout/ = descriptions of GUI layout- menu/ = overall app menu options- values/ = constant values and arrays- strings = localization data- styles = general appearance styling • Gradle- a build/compile management system- build.gradle = main build config file
Creating a new project (link) •Creating Android app project in Android Studio: –Go to File→New Project –Enter app, project name –Choose package name using “reverse URL” notation, e.g., edu.osu.myapp –Select APIs for app, then click Next
Creating a new project •Determine what kind of Activity to create; then click Next –We’ll choose a Blank Activity for simplicity •Enter information about your Activity, then click Finish •This creates a “Hello World” app
Application Building Blocks • Activity: A “single screen” that’s visible to user- can Be faceless, Be in a floating window, Return a value • Service: Long-running Faceless background “part” of app (not separate process or thread)- E.g. music player, network download etc… • ContentProvider: Manages app data (usually stored in database) and data access for queries- Enables sharing of data across applications, Provide APIs for querying, insert, update, delete • BroadcastReceiver: Component that listens for particular Android system “events” (broadcast ‘Intents’), e.g., “found wireless device”, and responds accordingly- Way to respond to external notification or alarms
DESIGN ANDROID APPS -Let's start from designing of an app that we want to create and then learn the necessary skills to build that app. We will create a app that will show us JELA BATAYON
Designing a user interface- open XML file for your layout (e.g. activity_main.xml) - drag widgets from left Palette to the preview image - set their properties in lower-right Properties panel XML:a language for describing hierarchical text data.– Uses tags that consist of elements and attributes. Tags can be nested.– Some tags are opened and closed; others self-close.– Used to define some of the resources-Layouts (UI), Strings, Manifest file etcExample:* XML is case-sensitive!<!-- this is a comment →<course name="CS 193A"> <instructor>M</instructor> <ta>none</ta> </course>
Layout (link) How does the programmer specify where each component appears, how big each component should be, etc.? A layout defines the visual structure for a user interface, such as the UI for an activity or app widget. You can declare a layout in two ways: • Declare UI elements in XML. Android provides a straightforward XML vocabulary that corresponds to the View classes and subclasses, such as those for widgets and layouts. • Instantiate layout elements at runtime. Your application can create View and ViewGroup objects (and manipulate their properties) programmatically.Layout managers (Java, Android): – Objects that decide where to position each component based on some general rules or criteria. – More flexible and general; works better with a variety of devices. • Layout can be nested - a layout could be declared inside another layout.
LinearLayout (link) • Dispose views on a single row or column, depending on android:layout_orientation • orientation is one of HORIZONTAL (default) or VERTICAL • items do not wrap if they reach edge of screen! • Has two other attributes:- gravity - alignment direction that widgets are pulled - set gravity on the layout to adjust all widgets; set layout_gravity on an individual widget • weight - gives elements relative sizes by integers Vertical Horizontal
LinearLayout example <LinearLayout … android:orientation="vertical" android:gravity="center|right"> <Button ... android:text="Button 1" /> <Button ... android:text="Button 2 Hooray" /> <Button ... android:text="Button 3" /> <Button ... android:text="Button 4 LonText" /> <Button ... android:text="Button 5"android:layout_gravity="left" /></LinearLayout>
Relative Layout • Disposes views according to the container or according to other views • relative to "parent" (the activity itself) - layout_alignParentTop, Bottom, Left, Right (set these to the ID of another widget in the format "@id/theID") • relative to other widgets/views - layout_below, above, toLeftOf, toRightOf (et these flags to a boolean value of "true" to enable them) - layout_centerHorizontal, Vertical, InParent • Useful to align views • intended to reduce the need for nested layouts
WebView (link) - If you want to deliver a web application (or just a web page) as a part of a client application, you can do it using WebView. • To add a WebView to your Application, simply include the <WebView> element in your activity layout. For example, here's a layout file in which the WebView fills the screen: • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><WebViewxmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"android:id="@+id/webview"android:layout_width="fill_parent"android:layout_height="fill_parent"/> • To load a web page in the WebView, use loadUrl(). For example: • WebViewmyWebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview);myWebView.loadUrl("http://www.example.com");
Nested layout • to produce more complicated appearance, use a nested layout – (layouts inside layouts) • what layout(s) are used to create the appearance at right? – overall activity: __________ – internal layouts: _________
Displaying Toasts • A "Toast" is a pop-up message that appears for a short tim • Useful for displaying short updates in response to events. • Should not be relied upon extensively for important info. Toast.makeText(this,"This is the Toast message", duration).show(); – where duration is Toast.LENGTH_SHORT or LENGTH_LONG
Deployment of Android Application • Android application written in Java • No single entry point: An application can use elements of other applications (should be permitted by the apps). For this to work, an application process can be started when any part of it is needed and instantiate the Java objects for that part.Therefore, Android apps don’t have a single entry point (like main()function). Rather they have essential components that the system can instantiate and run as needed. • Essential components • Activities • Services • Broadcast receivers • Content providers Any one of them can be act as an entry point of an Android Application.
Activity • The basis of android applications • A single Activity defines a single viewable screen - the actions, not the layout • Can have multiple per application -Each is a separate entity • Activities use Views to form GUI. • Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. • Views are where the activity’s interaction with the user takes place. • ContentView is the root view object in the hierarchy of views. • Activity.setContentView() method. • They have a structured life cycle • Different events in their life happen either via the user touching buttons or programmatically
Adding an Activity • in Android Studio, right click "app" at left: New -> Activity • creates a new .XML file in res/layouts • creates a new .java class in src/java • adds information to AndroidManifest.xml about the activity (without this information, the app will not allow the activity)
Activity State • An activity can be thought of as being in one of several states: • starting: In process of loading up, but not fully loaded. • running: Done loading and now visible on the screen. • paused: Partially obscured or out of focus, but not shut down. • stopped: No longer active, but still in the device's active memory. • destroyed: Shut down and no longer currently loaded in memory. • Transitions between these states are represented by events that you can listen to in your activity code.– onCreate, onPause, onResume, onStop, onDestroy, ...
Testing activity states (link) • Use the LogCat system for logging messages when your app changes states: • analogous to System.out.println debugging for Android apps • appears in the LogCat console in Android Studio public void onStart() { super.onStart();Log.v("testing", "onStart was called!");}
Multiple Activities • Many apps have multiple activities. • Example: In an address book app, the main activity is a list of contacts, and clicking on a contact goes to another activity for viewing details. • An activity A can launch another activity B in response to an event. • The activity A can pass data to B. • The second activity B can send data back to A when it is done.
Interacting with widgets • accessing a widget in the Java code: 1. in Design view, give that view a unique ID property value 2. in Java code, call findViewById() to access its View object - pass it a parameter of R.id.your_unique_ID - cast the returned value to the appropriate type (Button, TextView, etc.) public void button1_onclick(View view) { TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.mytextview); tv.setText("You clicked it!"); }
event: An external stimulus your program can respond to. Common kinds of events include: tapping, Keys pressed, Timers expiring, Network data available etc. View objects & Events • Each widget has an associated Java object you can access • They are subclasses of parent class View – examples: Button, TextView, EditText, … • View objects have many get and set methods that correspond to the properties in the Design view: – background, bottom, ID, left, margin, padding, right, text, textAlignment, textSize, typeface, visibility, … , etc. – example: for a Button's text property, there will be methods:public String getText() public void setText(String text)– Find list of properties in Design view, or typing ".get" on a button in Java code, or at: https://developer.android.com/reference/
Image Button / Button (link) A clickable widget with a Image (Image Button) /text label (Button) • key attributes: • Represented by Button class in Java code Button b = (Button) findViewById(R.id.theID);
Image View (link) A clickable widget with a Image (Image Button) /text label (Button) • key attributes: • to set up an image resource: – put image file in project folder app/src/main/res/drawable – use @drawable/foo to refer to foo.png • to change the visible image, in Java code: – get the ImageView using findViewById – call its setImageResource method and pass R.drawable.filename
EditText (link) An editable text input box • key attributes: • others: capitalize, digits, fontFamily, letterSpacing, lineSpacingExtra, minLines, numeric, password, phoneNumber, singleLine, textAllCaps, textColor, typeface
Switch/CheckBox (link) An individual toggleable on/off switch • key attributes: • In Java code: CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) findViewById(R.id.theID); cb.toggle(); cb.setChecked(true); cb.performClick();
AdapterView • A ViewGroup subclass • Its subchilds are determined by an Adapter • Used to visualize data • Make a ViewGroup to interact with data • Some methods:isEmpty(), getItem(int position), getCount(), getView() • Some subclasses of AdapterView: • Spinner • ListView, ExpandableListView • GridView • Gallery
Spinner (link) A drop-down menu of selectable choices • key attributes: • also need to handle events in Java code (see later) – must get the Spinner object using findViewById – then call its setOnItemSelectedListener method (see example)
ScrollView ListView, GridView, Layout and many more Items will discuss later …
ListView (link) An ordered collection of selectable choices • key attributes: • also need to handle events in Java code (see later) – must get the Spinner object using findViewById – then call its setOnItemSelectedListener method (see example)