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Sustainable Energetic Strategies for Germany by 2050

Explore the fundamentals of energy consumption and sources in Germany by 2050. Learn about reducing energy consumption through eco-friendly technologies, smart grids, and efficient transportation methods. Discover ways to promote sustainability in housing, industry, and daily life, such as zero-energy homes, local food consumption, waste sorting, and renewable energy sources. Embrace a green mindset to combat climate change and foster a greener future for generations to come.

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Sustainable Energetic Strategies for Germany by 2050

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  1. Fundamentals of sustainable energetic. (October 2011)Energy Consumptionand Energy Sources in Germany by 2050 Author 1 Author 2 Author 3

  2. Status quo • Germany today Total area: 357,012m² Population: 82 mill. GDP 2.4trillion in 2010 Electricity imports: 42.1TWh Electricity exports: 59.1 TWh • Energy resources Coal Oil Natural gas NuclearEnergy RenewableEnergy

  3. Reduction ofEnergy Consumption • Useof all available eco-friendly technologies • Lights. Reducing of street lights, eliminate lights-advertisement for reduction of energy consumption and light-pollution. • Give feed-back on energy consumption, at least a monthly bill • Enable the consumer to level-out the energy consumption over the day to make use of smart grids • Combustion of fossil fuels for heating is inefficient as electrical heating

  4. Transport I • Tailormadetransportation according to the needs and the traffic density (rush hour – rural areas) • Cities: public transport, supported by measures like city-toll (maut) • Rural area:Higher efficiency of infrastructure reduces the need of transportation, no need for long distances. In rural areas, efficient cars can be justified

  5. Transport II • 90% reducing of fossil fuel demand by new technologies and efficiency for cars (1-3liter cars, electro cars, etc.) • Electro cars used also as electricity storage • Reduce energy need by decreasing of traffic • Offer transport resources at the point of need, i.e. car sharing, public transport, bicycles • Get away from the attitude one consumer-one car. That reduces the problems of stationary traffic

  6. Housing • Home heating. Zero energy homes (ZEH) – good insulation, solar or/and horisontal ground source heat pumps for water and room heating, solar or/and wind electricity production by house, controllers for energy and water consumption at homes • Electricity. Connect homes to electricity system – use energy from system if needed and donate energy to the system if it is overproduced by house • Water. Rain water collection for household needs • Create incentives for smart use of energy, i.e. flexible tarifs

  7. Industry • Demographic change leads to decrease of industry production • Energy intensive industry sectors decline • Decrease of production (thereare too many things produced we don´t really need) • Introduce more measures, based on the footprint of a production. I.e. ease investment in greener technologies through tax-legislation • Food. Use local food. Stop food waste and so reduce its production and transportation energy needs. Save territory for wild life. • Paper. Eliminate paper advertisement, packaging. Save forests and CO2/O2 balance.

  8. People I • Parks. Plant more parks and forests to reduce CO2 amounts, to clean up the air • Waste. Waste sorting and their reuse or recycling • Introduce a master plan to make the people think green in their decisions • give a feed-back in their taken decisions and make them benefit financially from it

  9. People II • Introduce the ecological footprint in tax-legislation • Do the right thing and benefit from it • Impose certain taxes on efficient usage of energy. Higher taxes on fossil fuels and unjustified usage

  10. Demography I • ~15 Million people less until 2050 • In Germany by 2050, the years with a strong birth rate are becoming erased due to their age • Introduce measures to help supporting the scarcely populated regions and optimize it under energy-saving aspects

  11. Demography II • Industries with high energy consumption are decreasing generally in Germany and are not labour intensive • Change to the service industry, which is labour intensive solves the labour market problem • Environmental- and labour market issues are disconnected

  12. How MuchEnergyDoes Germany Need by 2050 Natural- and biogas for “high value energy” – industry Heat pumps, geothermal and solarthermic sources for “low value energy” – housing, service sector transportation

  13. Source: Greenpeace: PlanB 2050 – Energiekonzeptfür Deutschland

  14. Source: Greenpeace: PlanB 2050 – Energiekonzeptfür Deutschland

  15. Possible Energy Sources • Solar PV. Even more potential than in the following graph • Solar heating. Especially for housing • Ground source heat pumps for housing limited by regional access • Wind. Increase mainly in offshore wind parks • Hydropower. Nearly constant amount of power plants • “Sustainable” biomass. No new areas of cultivation, but areas of compensation

  16. Source: Greenpeace: PlanB 2050 – Energiekonzeptfür Deutschland

  17. Conclusion There is no “right answer”, complex possibilities Changes are introduced by the people and require a change in attitude A master-plan for the introduction of new technologies according to the expected lifetime Close consideration of international collaboration (im- and export) Smart grids and storage can contribute to the need of installed power plants

  18. References • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIgVvPEVznc Alex Steffen: The shareable future of cities (TED) • http://www.bmwi.de/BMWi/Navigation/Energie/Statistik-und-Prognosen/Energiedaten/gesamtausgabe.html Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety • http://www.greenpeace.de/fileadmin/gpd/user_upload/themen/klima/Plan_B_2050_lang.pdf Studie: Klimaschutz: Plan B 2050 – Energiekonzept für Deutschland • http://www.bmu.de/files/pdfs/allgemein/application/pdf/energieszenarien_2010.pdf Studie: Energieszenarien für ein Energiekonzept der Bundesregierung

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