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This draft presentation outlines the Department of Human Settlements' strategic plan for 2014-2019, approved by Cabinet and driven by inputs including the Ruling Party's Manifesto, National Development Plan, and Medium-Term Strategic Framework. It covers the department's vision, mission, challenges, expected results, delivery priorities, and critical actions to achieve sustainable human settlements. The focus is on ensuring access to adequate housing for all, addressing housing affordability, spatial planning improvements, and enhancing institutional capabilities. The secret mission statement aims to provide one million housing opportunities over the next five years, while tackling challenges like inequitable settlement patterns and weak governance. Proposed interventions align with the NDP's human settlements development plan, emphasizing land management changes and enhancing spatial systems. The department's delivery priorities include ensuring decent living conditions for all citizens, implementing integrated residential programs, and accelerating basic service provision in informal settlements.
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS STRATEGIC PLAN & BUDGET VOTEPresentation to Human Settlements Portfolio CommitteebyMinister L.N. Sisulu 03 July 2014 Draft
INTRODUCTION • Dept’s Strategic Plan 2014/19 approved by Cabinet in June 2014. • Strategic Plan: • concluded subsequent to rigorous consultation process with relevant stakeholders • Importantly, informed by: • Manifesto of the Ruling Party • National Development Plan • Medium-Term Strategic Framework
PRESENTATION OUTLINE • Part 1: Strategic Plan: 2014/19 & critical actions identified to achieve annual sector targets • Part 2: Budget Vote • Part 3: Utilisation of Human Settlements Grants & alignment of plans to achieve the set delivery targets
STRATEGIC PLAN: 2014/19 • The mandate of the Department of Human Settlements • Vision and Mission of Human Settlements • Human Settlements challenges • Expected Results • Delivery Priorities • Critical MTSF Actions to to achieve the sustainable human settlements vision • MTSF Delivery Targets • Way forward
THE MANDATE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS • Everyone has the right to have access to adequate housing • Adequate housing: Security of tenure; Availability of services, materials, facilities and infrastructure;Affordability; Habitability; Accessibility; Location; Cultural Adequacy • Other embedded rights such as the right to an environment that is not harmful to health or well being (Section 24), the right to clean water (Section 27), the right to property (Section 25)
A VISION FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS • By 2050 visible results from effectively coordinated spatial planning systems shall have transformed human settlements in South Africa into equitable and efficient spaces with citizens living in close proximity to work and access to social facilities and necessary infrastructure • By 2030measurable progress towards breaking apartheid spatial patterns shall be made, with significant advances made towards retrofitting existing settlements offering the majority of South Africans access to adequate housingin better living environments, within a more equitable and functional residential property market SECRET
MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS • Ensure all South Africans have access to adequate housing and quality living conditions through programmes that provide one million housing opportunities for qualifying households over the next five years, and providing basic services and infrastructure in all existing informal settlements PROPOSAL FOR MTSF DEVELOPMENT FOR DHS
CHALLENGES FACING HUMAN SETTLEMENTS(PROBLEMS STATEMENT) • Dysfunctional and inequitable settlement patterns • A fractured housing market with inequitable access to its workings and benefits • Housing affordability problems • Weak spatial planning and governance capabilities • The need to ensure continued provision of housing (addressing asset poverty) and basic services to meet a complex set of housing affordability needs • The need to reactivate strong social solidarity amongst communities and the building of capable and confident citizens
EXPECTED RESULTS FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS • Outcome: Sustainable Human Settlements and Improved Quality of Household Life • Sub outcomes: • Adequate housing and improved quality living environments • A functionally equitable residential property market • Enhanced institutional capability for effective coordination and spatial investment decisions
Proposed Interventions The NDP sets out the development praxis for human settlements for the next 15 years with a specific focus on the following: • Changes to land management systems • Improved and coordinated spatial systems that will transform human settlements in South Africa into equitable and efficient spaces with citizens living in close proximity to work with access to social facilities and necessary infrastructure’. • Significant advances made towards retrofitting existing settlements offering the majority of South Africans access to adequate housing, affordable services in better living environments, within a more equitable and functional residential property.
Human Settlements Delivery Priorities In responding to the government Manifesto, the department is expected to deal with the following: • Ensure all South Africans live in decent conditions in suitable human settlements • Implement integrated human settlement residential programmes to provide all inclusive amenities and public transport, and overcome apartheid spatial development. • Provide one million housing opportunities for qualifying households in urban and rural settlements over the next five years. • Accelerate the provision of basic services and infrastructure in all existing informal settlements • Increase the supply of affordable housing through mobilization of housing allowances for teachers, nurses, police officers, office workers and many others in the gap market. • Eliminate the backlog of title deeds.
Human Settlements Delivery Priorities In responding to the government Manifesto, the department is expected to deal with the following: • Issuing of title deeds for households in the subsidy market on occupation • Work with financial institutions, private sector organizations, co-operatives and social partners to increase the provision of capital for housing. (This will include the establishment of a mortgage insurance scheme). • Increase the number of housing units in better-located mixed income projects (Especially in social, co-operative and rental housing, to revitalize inner cities, mining towns and developing cities) • Use Catalytic projects, such as integrated residential programmes, to direct investment and overcome apartheid spatial geography.
Human Settlements Delivery Priorities In responding to the government Manifesto, the department is expected to deal with the following: • Promote integrated public transport systems in the new human settlements, including provision of passenger rail and buses. • Connect additional 1.6 million homes to electricity grid over the next five years. • Continue to work towards universal access to running water by providing access to those who still don’t have it.
WHAT CHANGES DO WE WANT TO ACHIEVE? • An increase in the number of households living in adequate housing • An increase in the number of functional and integrated urban developments for poor households • An increase in access to basic infrastructure and services • Improved spatial targeting of investment in areas that promote household livelihoods, integration and appropriate densification • Improved living environments for poor households and enhanced ability of poor neighbourhoods to move up the property ladder • Increased state capabilities in human settlements planning and development SECRET
Critical actions identified to achieve the sustainable human settlements vision: Adequate Housing and Quality Living Environments • Review housing policies to better realise constitutional housing rights, ensure that the delivery of housing is used to restructure towns and cities and strengthen the livelihood prospects of households • Develop an implementation strategy to increase the supply of housing opportunities using different tenure types • Develop a more coherent and inclusive approach to land i.e.(develop overarching principles for spatial development) • Include access to basic services and infrastructure (water, sanitation, energy infrastructure, roads and services)
Critical actions identified to achieve the sustainable human settlements vision: Adequate Housing and Quality Living Environments • Implement projects that ensure spatial, social and economic integration, these include projects implemented in mining towns • Provide support for economic development in identified hubs • Develop minimum standards and finance options for investment in public spaces
Critical actions identified to achieve the sustainable human settlements vision: A functionally equitable residential property market • Revise the regulations and incentives for housing and land use management • Radically revise the housing finance regime ,this includes the consolidation of DFI’s , diversification of finance options and products for the affordable gap market, review of current finance products such as MDI,FLISP etc. • Develop a policy on administrative systems that support individual transactions in the affordable secondary housing market • Fast-track the issuing of outstanding title deeds • Issue title deeds for new housing units in the subsidy market • Establish transactional support for affordable housing market
Critical actions identified to achieve the sustainable human settlements vision: A functionally equitable residential property market • Establish transactional support for affordable housing market • Monitor transactions in the secondary housing subsidy market • Intensify home ownership education programmes for affordable housing market • Analyze construction of new housing units in the entire residential property market • Monitor the number of properties in subsidy market entering the municipal rates roll • Collect, analyze and disseminate information on property trends and values in the affordable housing market
Critical actions identified to achieve the sustainable human settlements vision: Enhanced Institutional Capacity for effective coordination of spatial investment decisions • Strengthen the programme for accreditation and assignment of municipalities • Develop a monitoring and support programme for assigned and accredited municipalities • Implement technical capacity programmes for human settlements development • Increase participation of stakeholders in housing development (community based organizations etc) • Strengthen mechanisms to mobilise private sector contribution to human settlements development • Develop horizontal and vertical mechanisms amongst spheres of government contributing to human settlements development • Review planning systems to achieve better spatial impact
Total allocation over the 2014/15 MTEF The operational budget of the national department constitutes only 3% of the total allocation.
Human Settlements Development Grant 2014/15 to 2016/17 Allocation according to updated formula
Human Settlements Development Grant (Bucket Eradication Programme) 2014/15 to 2015/2016
Municipal Human Settlements Capacity Grant 2014/15 to 2016/17
Rural Household Infrastructure grant: Direct Transfer to Municipalities 2014/15 to 2015/16 Financial Year
Rural Household Infrastructure grant:Indirect Transfer to Municipalities 2014/15 to 2015/16 Financial Year
PART 3:UTILISATION OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS GRANTS2014/15 Human Settlement Development Grant (HSDG) Urban Settlement Development Grant (USDG) Rural Household Infrastructure Grant (RHIG)
HSDG: 2014/15 • In summary, delivery targets show: • Greater emphasis on secure tenure, water & sanitation, ie. delivery of sites; • Decrease in number of houses built; and • Yr-on-Yr, Decrease in number Hsg Opportunities provided • ‘Anomalies’ in delivery, ascribed to: • Allotment of 5% of HSDG to Sanitation Programme; • Significant increasein Subsidy Quantum; • Use of HSDG to overcome Bulk Infrastructure shortages
Provincial Allocations: 2014/15 • While allocation may have increased, in real terms, this number has actually decreased, on account of: • 5% of original allocation allotted/extradited to Sanitation Programme; and • Allocation comprises: Hsg Progr, Mining Towns & Disaster Relief. • HSDG (2013/14): R16,9 billion • HSDG (2014/15): R16,6 billion • The implications to be carefully considered.
National Imperatives • A significant percentage is committed to Informal Settlement Upgrading. 39% of all households (sites) to be provided with secure tenure & services are located in informal settlements • Affordable Rental is up from 5.4% in 2013/14. • Continued commitment to FLISP & Rectification Programmes • Historically KZN, Mpu & Limpopo committed bulk of its allocation to Rural, while PHP remains anchor Programme for W/Cape & Mpu.