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Guided Reading: An Important Component in Balanced Literacy and the School Improvement Plan

Discover the benefits of guided reading in a school improvement plan. Learn how to implement this research-based practice to boost students' reading proficiency and comprehension skills through small-group instruction.

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Guided Reading: An Important Component in Balanced Literacy and the School Improvement Plan

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  1. Guided Reading: An Important Component in Balanced Literacy and the School Improvement Plan Lisa Guzzardo Asaro Dr. Lisa Rivard June 16, 2011

  2. Today’s Outcomes • Introduce and raise awareness of Guided Reading as a STRATEGY • Introduce a DRAFT template for a TIERED continuous school improvement approach to guided reading

  3. Agenda • What is Guided Reading? • What does it look like in the School Improvement Plan? • Goals • Objectives • Strategies • Activities • Fiscal Resources

  4. Stage Two: STUDYStep 7: Research Best Practice STUDY Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice FOCUS

  5. Guided Reading a Researched Best Practice • “Guided reading is a teaching approach designed to help individual students in small groups learn how to process a variety of increasingly challenging texts with understanding and fluency.” (Fountas and Pinnell. Guided Readers and Writers Grades 3-6, Heinemann, 2000)

  6. The Purpose of Guided Reading The purpose of guided reading is to meet the varying instructional needs of all the students in the class. The teacher meets with a small group of children guiding them through material at their instructional level, assessing and documenting their progress.

  7. Guided Reading… • occurs in a small-group context • teacher selects and introduces both fiction and non-fiction texts to readers • provides support as needed • engages the reader in discussion • makes teaching points after reading • extends the meaning of the text through writing, text analysis or other learning experiences • the lesson may also include work with words • has a natural fit with the RTI model

  8. Problem-Solving Model Targeted students participate in guided reading intervention that is in addition to Tier 1 using different resources and additional 30 minutes of time Guided Reading at least 3x per week is one Targeted students participate in learning that is in addition to Tier 1 component of a Comprehensive Literacy Block

  9. Guided Reading within the School Improvement Plan

  10. Data Elements Fiscal Resources Goals Objectives Strategies Activities • Resource Name • Funding Source • Planned/Actual Amount • Activity Name • Activity Description • Activity Type • Planned/Actual Staff • Planned/Actual Timeline • Strategy Name • Strategy Statement • Target Areas • Research • Objective Name • Measurable Objective Statement • Goal Source • Content Area • Goal Name • Student Goal Statement • Gap Statement • Cause for Gap • Measures/ • Sources of Data • Criteria for Success • Person Responsible

  11. Goals • All students will increase their proficiency in reading both fiction and non-fiction texts.

  12. Objectives • Increase Reading Proficiency • Measurable Objective Statement to Support Goal: The percentage of students proficient in reading on the MEAP will stay at 100% for 3rd grade and increase to 100% for 4th grade by the 2011-2012 school year. The percentage of students proficient in reading on the GATES test will increase to 90% for 3rd grade and increase to 88% for 4th grade by the 2011-2012 school year. The percentage of students proficient in reading on the DRA test will increase by 10% at each grade level by the 2011-2012 school year. (78% of 1st, 77% of 2nd, 58% of 3rd, and 83% of 4th graders)

  13. Strategies • Reading Fluency and Comprehension • Teachers/staff will utilize reading fluency and comprehension to teach reading strategies in order to increase the students' capacity for reading fluently and comprehending both narrative and informational texts. • Cite Research

  14. Activities • Define the Activity: Guided Reading • Tier 1- Core Instruction • Tier 2/3- Interventions • List Professional Development needed to successfully implement and monitor progress including time frame and persons responsible • List time frame for implementation including persons responsible

  15. Fiscal Resources • List Resources needed for implementation Ex. • Houghton Mifflin Leveled Readers Grades K-6 (Tier 1) • Early Success – Intervention Tool Kit Grades K-2 (Tier 2) • Soar to Success – Intervention Toolkit with Leveled Readers Grades 3-6 (Tier 2) • Daily 5 Resource Manual for Teachers by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser (Tier 1- Supplemental support resource for teacher dialogue in professional learning communities) • Funding Sources used • Ex. General Funds

  16. Resources for You http://misdrti.weebly.com/

  17. Contact Information • Lisa Guzzardo Asaro lasaro@misd.net • Dr. Lisa Rivard lrivard@misd.net

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