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Student Learning Profile (SLP)

Explore how Student Learning Profiles (SLP) capture academic performance, achievements, and personal growth during senior secondary years. Discover the impact on university admissions and the broad support for SLP implementation. Learn about design flexibility and different school strategies.

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Student Learning Profile (SLP)

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  1. Student Learning Profile (SLP) Exploring….. Session 3 Students tell their own stories…..

  2. The main objective: To reflect a fuller picture of the students in terms of whole person development

  3. What is SLP? Every student should be encouraged to build up a personal profile for recording their learning experiences during the senior secondary years. • Academic performance in school; • Other Learning Experiences; • Awards / achievements gained outside schools; & • Student’s ‘self-account’ (e.g. impressive learning experiences, career goal setting & etc.)

  4. Activity: Design your ideal SLP…… ?

  5. What do you want to be put in SLP? Employers Universities Students Teachers Parents Multiple perspectives

  6. Will SLP be considered in university admission? Universities will consider taking account in their selectiona broader range of information about student achievementsin different areas and provide students the opportunity to demonstrate that they possess the range ofcompetencies and personal qualitiesthat they will need to benefit from undergraduate education. (HUCOM, 2006) We will continue to give broad support to the implementation of OLE and are ready to recognise SLPs as documents of good reference value. Practical arrangements will also be made to facilitate the use of the SLP as a reference document in the admission process from 2012. (HUCOM, 2008)

  7. Design Schools will have full discretion over the design of their SLP, including: • The format • The content • The level of detail required • The implementation process

  8. Four Starting Strategies adopted by Seed Schools in the case study Educational value; high sustainability Student Ownership, but not learning-focused student led Self-regulated learning Student-led, recording-oriented approach Student-led, reflection-oriented approach * * * recording * * Teacher-driven, recording-oriented approach Teacher-driven, reflection-oriented approach reflection * * * * Turning experience into learning, but insufficient student ownership * Tendency to compliance mentality * teacher driven

  9. SLP building workflow of “Collect-Select-Reflect”: Common features from school cases COLLECT SELECT Teacher Key participation and achievement Finalise ‘self- account’ Validation Report by end of SS Student Report REFLECT

  10. Four Starting Strategies • Teacher-driven, recording-oriented approach (King’s College)

  11. Teacher-driven, recording-oriented approach (King’s College) COLLECT SELECT Teacher Key participation and achievement Finalise ‘self- account’ Validation Report by end of SS Student Report REFLECT

  12. Four Starting Strategies 2. Teacher-driven, reflection-oriented approach (CNEC Lau Wing Sang Secondary School)

  13. Four Starting Strategies 3. Teacher-driven, reflection-oriented approach (SKH Bishop Baker Secondary School)

  14. Teacher-driven, reflection-oriented approach (CNEC Lau Wing Sang Secondary School; SKH Bishop Baker Secondary School) COLLECT SELECT Teacher Key participation and achievement Finalise ‘self- account’ Validation Report by end of SS Student Report REFLECT REFLECT REFLECT

  15. Four Starting Strategies 3. Student-led, recording-oriented approach (Po Kok Secondary School)

  16. Student-led, recording-oriented approach (Po Kok Secondary School) COLLECT SELECT Teacher Key participation and achievement Finalise ‘self- account’ Validation Report by end of SS Student Report REFLECT

  17. Four Starting Strategies 4. Student-led, reflection-oriented approach (SKH Kei Hau Secondary School)

  18. Student-led, reflection-oriented approach (SKH Kei Hau Secondary School) COLLECT SELECT Teacher Key participation and achievement Finalise ‘self- account’ Validation Report by end of SS Student Report REFLECT REFLECT REFLECT

  19. http://www.edb.gov.hk/cd/ole

  20. Tools and Templates

  21. Tools that you may consider… • WebSAMS – provide two SLP templates for school reference • School-based tailor-made system • Systems available from the market • …

  22. What could a SLP tell you about the student?

  23. Issued by school outside school Provided by students SLP template in WebSAMS • Student Particulars • Academic Performance • Other Learning Experiences • List of Awards and Major Achievements • Performance / Awards and Key Participation Outside School • Student’s Self Account

  24. Student Particulars

  25. Understanding in-school performance of academic subjects Displaying the topics of projects involved. Academic Performance in School

  26. What was the role of the student in the activity? What evidence of achievements does the student have in each activity? Description showslearning goals, knowledge, generic skills, values and attitudesdeveloped Which kind(s) of OLE experience in each activity? Other Learning Experiences

  27. Information on awards and achievements issued by the school Awards and Major Achievements issued by School

  28. Performance outside school Readers could ask student to produce evidence against each entry if necessary Performance / Awards and Key Participation Outside School

  29. -Highlightimpressive learning experiences and how skills and attitudes learnt. • Provide informationonpersonal goal-setting or careers aspiration. • Highlight a particular skill / ability possessed. Student’s ‘Self-Account’

  30. Key Issues related to school-based SLP • Using Electronic Systems ? • Existing class teacher periods? • Sense of responsibility and ownership ? • Student motivation? • Individual / class / form / whole school level?

  31. SLP = Learning Portfolio SLP documents ALL learning records. Electronic tool is a MUST. SLP is ONLY for university admission. School MUST use the tool from EDB. Promoting SLP in school is the responsibility of IT TEACHER. Myths

  32. Professional Development Programmes for SLP • Seminars for school leaders from Dec 2007 to Feb 2008 • Workshops on WebSAMS • Workshops on enhancing quality student involvement in SLP

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