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Latin Phrase of the Week

Latin Phrase of the Week. Nota Bene (N.B) Note Well. Quiz. 1. Give English for Senatus Populusque Romanus. Give English for Exempli Gratis: e.g. Give English for E Pluribus Unum Give English for Id Est. Give English for “ Anno Domini.”. Chapter 2.

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Latin Phrase of the Week

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  1. Latin Phrase of the Week Nota Bene (N.B) Note Well

  2. Quiz 1. Give English for Senatus Populusque Romanus. • Give English forExempli Gratis: e.g. • Give English for E Pluribus Unum • Give English for Id Est. • Give English for “Anno Domini.”

  3. Chapter 2 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs Principal Parts: Dictionary Entry Properties of Verbs: Number, Person, Tense, Voice and Mood Infinitive Subject/Verb Agreement

  4. Properties of Verbs:Person, Number, Tense, Voice and Mood Person: Latin verbs may be in the first, second, or third person. The person represents the identity of the subject. 1st person: I or We 2nd person: you or you all 3rd person: he/she/it or they Identify person of the underlined verbs. Shelovesthe farmer. They never want to see him again. Janedoesn’t like ice cream. You never like pizza. Welove pizza.

  5. Number Latin verbs are either singular or plural in number depending on the number of the subject noun. • Ilove. • The girls love their dresses. • Theylove to watch the ocean. • Samloves Latin.

  6. Tense A verb indicates the time when the action occurs. • Present: I am learning Latin. • Future: I will not see you tomorrow. • Perfect: I saw you with your friends. • Imperfect • Pluperfect • Future perfect

  7. VoiceActive voice and Passive voice Active Voice: expresses what the subject of the verb does. The farmer loves the girl. Passive Voice: expresses what is done to the subject of the verb. The girl is loved by the farmer. Practice: • I love Latin. • My students are loved by me.

  8. Mood A group of verb-forms which represent a verbal activity as being real, desired, or hypothetical. Indicative: makes a statement about a fact, or about something which will be a fact in the future. I love. If he comes, he will see.

  9. Imperative: expresses the will of the speaker as a command. Stand up! Students, read and translate!

  10. Subjunctive: represents a verbal activity as will, desired, or conditional. • Let us love our country! • May you be happy! • If one were there, one would see them leaving.

  11. Identify person, number, tense, and voice of the underline verbs. e.g 1: Welove Latin. Person: first person (we) Number: Plural (we) Tense: present (love) Voice: Active voice (the subject “we” does the action) e.g 2: Latinis loved by us. Person: third (Latin=it) Number: singular (Latin) Tense: present (is loved) Voice: Passive voice (Action “love” is done to the subject “Latin”)

  12. Identify person, number, tense, and voice of the underlined verb. • Caesarwished to become a consul. • Jack and Jane will visit us next week. • Webegin to be troublesome to you. • Sheis loved by her family. • Latinwill be taught by Jane. • Latinwas studied by all educators. • Theylove ice cream. • Yousaid it was cool. • Ilove Latin. • You all will love Latin.

  13. Conjugation • Verbs that share the same endings. 4 conjugations in Latin. 1st conjugation: amo, amare, amavi, amatus to love 2nd conjugation: teneo, tenēre, tenui, tentus to hold 3rd conjugation: pono, ponĕre, posui, positus to place 4th conjugation: audio, audire, audivi, auditus to hear *** You recognize a verb’s conjugation from the second principal part.

  14. Dictionary Entry Amo, amare, amavi, amatus to love ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1st principal 2nd principal 3rd principal 4th principal def Part partpartpart ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 1st person infinitive 1st person participle Singular singular Present tense Past tense ↓ ↓ ↓ I love to love I loved

  15. Determine the conjugation of each verb and translate each principal part. e.g. : Habeo, habēre,habui, habitus to have ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ I have to have I had Conjugation: 2nd conjugation • Accipio, accipĕre, accepi, acceptus to receive • Ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus to walk • Invenio, invenire, inveni, inventus to find • Paro, parare, paravi, paratum to prepare • Video, vidēre, vidi, visum to see

  16. Conjugateamo, amare, amavi, amatusto love2PP-re+endings

  17. The Infinitive • In English, an infinitive is a verb form preceded by the word “to”. (to go, to see, etc) • In Latin, an infinitive is the verb form that ends with the letters –re (2nd principal part). Amo, amare, amavi, amatus to love ↓ to love **** the infinitive does not show person or number. Ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus to walk Exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus to wait for Narro, narrare, narravi, narratus to tell

  18. Subject and Verb Agreement • The verb agrees in number with the subject. If the subject of a sentence is singular, the verb is singular. If the subject of a sentence is plural, the verb must be plrual.

  19. Subject and Verb Agreement: They have to agree in person and number. e.g: The girl carries water. Carry: (porto, portare, -vi, -tus) ↓ ↓ ↓ subject verb direct object ↓ ↓ ↓ Puella (Portare) aquam. ↓ Person/# 3rd person/singular portat Puellaportataquam.

  20. PracticeAmo, amare, amavi, amatus to love • We love water. Aquamama______. • You all love water. Aquamama_______. • Anna and Rosa love water. Anna et Rosa aquamama_____. • Tina loves water. Tina aquamama_________. 5. I love water. Aquam am_____.

  21. Practice 6. The farmers carry water. Agricolaeaquamporta__. • The she-wolf is walking in the forest. Lupa in silvaambula___. • I am telling a story. Fabulamnarr____. • We live in the forest. In silvahabita_____. • They call us. Nosvoca____.

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