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THE FRENCH NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK. REFORME Meeting, Berlin, 21 October 2011. DEFINITION OF QUALIFICATION within the French context. According to the glossary of the Recommendation about EQF:
DEFINITION OF QUALIFICATION within the French context • According to the glossary of the Recommendation about EQF: • The qualificationmeans a formal outcome of an assessment and validation process which is obtained when a competent body determines that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to givenstandards. • The termusedin French iscertification(false linguisticfriend).
Main principles of the French approach • Every vocational certification can be awarded after initial, continuing as well as work integrated learning or after professional and personal experience • The vocational certifications, recognised as qualification indicators, are registered and classified within level grids and learning domains.
The recognition of qualification standards needs a tripartite consultation State Social partners Employers Social partners Unions
French indicators of qualification Two categories of indicators are in use : • The classification descriptors used in the sectoral collective agreements negotiated by social partners • Three kinds of individual certifications : diplomas (or degrees) , titles vocational and oriented, sectoral certificates produced by sectoral social partners (law of January 2002).
Three categories of recognised qualifications are registered within the National Directory of Professional Qualifications (RNCP): • Vocational diplomas (degrees) and titles delivered in the name of the State, under a ministry responsibility – including all the Higher education degrees from Universities • Vocational Qualification Certificates produced by sectors under the social partners responsibility • Titles or certificates delivered by public or private institutions
www.cncp.gouv.fr The RNCP is built upon three information steps and remains directly linked to the certificate supplement Europass • A list of certified qualifications(first results after research by key words). • A description of each certified qualification (on the basis of the Europass description mode) in terms of activities, capacities and associated know-how, as well as competences. • Links with other websites for further information about the qualification looked for. The RNCP can be used freely through the website mentioned above
Correspondence betweenthe French NQF and EQF French 5 level grid EQF 8 level grid
About referencing to EQF About referencing to EQF • Main debatesconcern the lack of French qualifications for the EQF levels 1 and 2, as well as the meaning of the term « competence ». • A specific group coordinated by CNCP is in charge of a commonmethodologywithscheduled meetings. • Social partners, research and statistics institutions are integrated in the workshops at national and Europeanlevels.
An approach which needs time • Information about EQF and NQF is not really disseminate among neither wide public nor operational stakeholders involved in vocational training. • The concept is too complex in an environment where training schemes are mixed with evaluation process of qualification. • Much time is needed to make the mentality change and understand the complexity of various qualification processes (mean) leading to professional competence (final outcome).
Further information Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle 1, avenue du Stade de France 93210 Saint Denis-La Plaine France www.cncp.gouv.fr