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Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior

Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door.

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Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior

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  1. Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior • appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. • To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. • To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. • Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. • WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.

  2. BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting • PULASKI COUNTY Mon., Mar. 26, 2001 • BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. • APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY • TIME & ITEM • 7:00 p.m. • 1. Invocation Rev. John Collins, First • Church of the Brethren

  3. 2. Additions to Agenda

  4. 3. Presentation to Bill Breedlove

  5. 7:00 p.m. • 4. Public Hearings: • a. Budget Amendment - See enclosed public hearing notice explaining the county budget amendment involving Randolph Park, the Visitor’s Center and routine appropriations as advertised for the March 26 Board meeting. The preliminary conceptual plans for the proposed visitor’s center are posted at the rear of the Board Room.

  6. b. An Initiative by the County of Pulaski for consideration of an amendment to the Pulaski County Zoning Ordinance to revise Section 2-3 to delete the Special Use Permit (SUP) requirement for a “second single-family dwelling” in the Agricultural (A-1) District - The Planning Commission recommends approval of a change to the zoning ordinance allowing up to 2 homes per lot in the agricultural district as long as home sites could otherwise be divided into separate lots.

  7. 7:30 p.m. 5. Highway Matters: a. Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: The resident engineer may have information to share on the following matters from previous Board meetings, unless noted otherwise. A summary to be prepared by Mr. Crigger regarding a tour of rural additions of concern to the Board this week with VDOT will be enclosed with this packet, if provided in time, or presented at the meeting.

  8. 1. Rural Addition Status Report - A signed agreement from Norfolk Southern for the right-of-way required for Cooks Crossing was received March 19, 2001. A community meeting on Lindsey Rd is planned for April 3rd, property owner review of Old School House Lane for site distances is underway.

  9. 2. Update on Request to Add Deerwood Subdivision as a Rural Addition - An update will be provided following the meeting this week with VDOT. Staff is reviewing the development standards to ensure the project will meet VDOT restrictions regarding development potential.

  10. b. Request to Add Rt. 798, Falling Branch Road, to Six Year Plan and Potential Relocation of Fence at Turner Junkyard - This addition of Falling Branch Road is a follow-up to the request by Al Davis at the February Board meeting. It is recommended that the fence be allowed to remain in place until removal become necessary due to problems with the sewer line.

  11. c. Request for Guardrail, State Rt. 612 - Ms. Frances Counts of Parrott has requested Rt. 612 be added to the list of guardrail requests.

  12. d. Request for Children at Play Signage - Ms. Shannon Aker of 5388 Aldrin St., Dublin has requested installation of “children at play” signs. Due to funding limitations, it is not recommended the Board designate funds for “children at play” signs.

  13. e. Request for Informal Speed Study on Parrott River Road Route 600 Between Railroad Trestles - Residents would like to see a speed limit established in order to address concerns with speeding on this narrow road, particularly during summer months when traffic along the New River increases significantly. See enclosed petition.

  14. f. Request for Informal Speed Study on Rt. 600, Belspring Road Rt. 600 between Parrott and Route 114 - This road is currently posted at 35 mph. Residents feel the speed limit should be increased to 45 mph to avoid undue constraint on emergency vehicles and to encourage compliance.

  15. g. Rt. 687, Church Hill Lane, General Maintenance of Road - Residents would like to see VDOT perform general maintenance of this road.

  16. h. Request for Cleaning of Culverts - Ms. Thelma Turpin of 6359 Isaac Walton League Road, Hiwassee, has advised the culverts in the area are clogged and pushing water upon her property.

  17. i. VDOT Recreational Access Funding Resolution for Randolph Park - Adoption of a resolution requesting VDOT recreational access funding for Randolph Park, a copy of which will be provided at the meeting, is recommended. Since funding cannot be obtained until after opening of the park, VDOT representatives recommend chip and seal surface be installed at this time, with plant mix to be installed at a later date using access funds.

  18. j. Board of Supervisors Concerns

  19. k. Citizen Concerns

  20. 7:45 p.m. • 6. Treasurer’s Report • The Honorable Rose Marie Tickle, Treasurer

  21. 7:55 p.m. • 7. Citizens’ Comments • Presentation Re: Downtown Pulaski Revitalization

  22. 8:05 p.m. • 8. Reports from the County Administrator & Staff: • a. Key Activity Timetable - An updated timetable is available at rear of the Board Room. Recent changes or additions have been italicized.

  23. Recommendations to • The Pulaski County • Board of Supervisors • For the County Animal Shelter • March 26, 2001 • Prepared by the Pulaski County • Animal Shelter Advisory Committee • Continued

  24. The current animal shelter has been operating over capacity for more than 5 years. From 1995 through 1999: • Animal complaints nearly doubled and responses more than doubled—to 3,450. • The total number of animals picked up increased 42%. • The number of animals placed doubled and the total returned to owners increased 24%. • The number euthanized increased 17%. • Continued

  25. In 1999 Pulaski County: • Picked up and sheltered 1,925 animals—1,450 dogs and 475 cats. • Euthanized 1,204 of these--931 dogs and 273 cats. • Continued

  26. In addition to overcrowding, the current facility suffers from: • Potentially unstable outer walls. • Termite destruction. • Cracked floors harboring disease. • Euthanasia in public view. • Deafening noise. • Labor intensive maintenance. • Inadequate airflow. • Lack of insulation. • Continued

  27. Recommendations • 1. Construct a new all-indoor shelter in the pine tree area off Bagging Plant Road. • 2. Use the Smyth County Shelter as an example, based on: • The State veterinarian’s recommendations. • That shelter’s life expectancy. • The comparable number of animals handled. • Continued

  28. Recommendations Cont. • 3. Modify Smyth County’s plans to: • Lower noise levels. • Better allocate space. • Reduce disease. • Make maintenance easier. • Continued

  29. Basis for Recommendations • 1. The existing facility: • Does not meet State codes. • Would cost more to upgrade to shelter requirements than the price of a new facility. • The building’s poor condition makes renovation impractical. • Existing facility would have to be demolished and removed, adding $15,000 to a new shelter’s cost. • Continued

  30. Bases for Recommendations Cont. • The County probably would also have to upgrade water and sewer lines. • 2. The State requires the County to provide an animal shelter that meets State codes. • A new bill will impose fines beginning January 1, 2002. • Fines can be as high as $1,000 a day per violation. • Continued

  31. Bases for Recommendations Cont. • 3. A new facility would: • Serve the County for 30 years, • Ensure long-term compliance to codes, • Control disease, • Increase adoptions, and • Provide a better working environment. • The contractor who recently assessed the existing facility estimates that a new 5,200 square foot shelter would cost about $545,000. • Continued

  32. Bases for Recommendations Cont. • 4. The new site was selected for: • Convenience. • Public visibility and citizens’ knowledge of the area. • Attractiveness. • Continued

  33. Bases for Recommendations Cont. • Animal shelter specialists recognize that a well-designed facility in a visible, attractive location increases adoptions, multiplies the number of lost animals returned, and helps build community awareness and good will. • The availability of County-owned property. • Easy access to utilities. • Continued

  34. Bases for Recommendations Cont. • 5. The existing facility could be easily converted for the water and sewer departments’ use, and congestion would be reduced in the County garage area. • 6. Unsolicited donations are already pledged. Cost reducing options such as grants and volunteer contractors are available. • Continued

  35. c. Appointments: 1. Fairview Home 2. Planning Commission

  36. 9. Items of Consent: • a. Minutes of February 12 & 26, 2001

  37. b. Accounts Payable

  38. c. Appropriations and Transfers - Approval of the transfers as follows: • 1. Appropriations – (None other than those advertised for public hearing) • 2. Interoffice Transfer #9

  39. d. Ratification: • 1. Change Orders • a. Cloyd’s Mountain Leachate Pump Station - Ratification of the enclosed change order is requested.

  40. b. Randolph Park - Additional Engineering Services Expenses Draper Aden - Ratification of the following additional expenses is requested: • Sewer Line Easement plats – Draper Aden – December 31 – January 27, 2001 - $2,224.58; • Swimming Pool Surge Tank and Drain Line Investigation, sizing of water meters and service lines, sewer line construction coordination – Draper Aden - December 31 – January 27, 2001 - $677.50; Continued

  41. Reimbursable Expenses – Draper Aden – December 31 – January 27, 2001 - $1,569.21 (Reynolds Architects bid and construction phases for architectural Phases II, III and IV); • Sewer Line Easement Plats – Draper Aden – December 31 – January 27, 2001 - $2,224.58; • Swimming Pool Surge Tank and drain line investigation, sizing of water meters and service lines, sewer line construction coordination – Draper Aden – December 31 – January 27, 2001 - $677.50; Continued

  42. Reimbursable Expenses – Draper Aden- December 31 – January 27, 2001 - $1,569.21 (Reynolds Architects bid and construction phases for Architectural Phases II, III, and IV).

  43. f. Randolph and DeHaven Parks Concession & Vending- Enclosed are proposals for aquatics, food concessions and vending services for both parks. Staff recommends the following awards: • 1. Two-year contract to Steve Burbee for operation of concessions at DeHaven Park, resulting in income to the county of $100 per month and 10% of net profits. • 2. One-year contract to Bob Whetzel (manager of Sonic) for operations of concessions at Randolph Park resulting in income to the county of 5% of net profits, plus investment of $9,000 in equipment. Contract is renewable at the option of both parties for an additional year.Continued

  44. 3. Five-year contract to Pepsi for Randolph Park vending services resulting in income to the county of 20% of gross sales, plus investment of $2,000 each for two scoreboards and a $600 annual contribution for special events. 4. Four-month contract to the YMCA for aquatics, lifeguarding and restroom cleaning at a DeHaven Park and Randolph parks at a discounted cost of $93,000 ($9,000 for DeHaven Park and $86,359 for Randolph Park contracted individually). Enclosed is a comparison, between hiring a 12-month in-house aquatics director vs. YMCA management costs for Randolph Park. Continued

  45. While the 12-months in-house option would provide additional staff resources during the winter months, staff recommends contracting through the YMCA on the basis of the $6,600 cost savings and increased number of staff available through the YMCA.

  46. g. Removal of Vehicle from Service – 1990 Chevy Caprice - The Board is requested to approve removal of the above vehicle from service. The vehicle was originally purchased by the New River Valley Emergency Squad and was transferred to the Board of Supervisors in order to be covered under the central insurance policy.

  47. h.Resolution to Establish a New Community Criminal Justice Bd. - Enclosed is correspondence from Regional Planner Cindy Miller explaining the request. Adoption of the enclosed joint resolution providing for the implementation of the Comprehensive Community Corrections Act and the Pre-trial Services Act and Establishment of the New River Valley Criminal Justice Services Board (NRVCJSB) is requested.

  48. i. 2nd Annual New River Trail Challenge Sponsorship - Sponsorship of up to $1,000 for the finish line lunch is requested. The cost last year totaled less than $700. Staff is working to reduce this expense by charging for the meal as part of the registration fee as is the normal practice in events of this type.

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