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(4) IT Strategy, Business Processes, and ERP IT 战略 , 业务流程和 ERP

The Networked Economy: Information Management, Strategy, and Innovation 网络经济 : 信息管理 , 战略 , 和创新. (4) IT Strategy, Business Processes, and ERP IT 战略 , 业务流程和 ERP. Agenda 议程. IT strategy and execution (Ross and Weill) IT 战略和执行( Ross 和 Weill )

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(4) IT Strategy, Business Processes, and ERP IT 战略 , 业务流程和 ERP

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  1. The Networked Economy:Information Management, Strategy, and Innovation网络经济:信息管理, 战略, 和创新 (4) IT Strategy, Business Processes, and ERP IT战略,业务流程和ERP

  2. Agenda议程 • IT strategy and execution (Ross and Weill) IT 战略和执行(Ross和Weill) • IT governance, management and organizationIT 管理和组织 • IT and business processesIT 和业务流程 • ERP企业资源计划

  3. Agenda议程 • Introduction to ERP systemsERP系统的介绍 • How they evolvedERP的发展史 • What they doERP能做什么 • How ERP systems map the organization‘s business processesERP如何表示出公司的业务流程 • ERP planning and introductionERP计划和简介 • ERP systems and solutionsERP系统和解决方案 • Example: SAP范例:SAP

  4. Ross/Weill: Six IT Decisions Your IT People Shouldn’t Make你的IT人员不应该做的六个IT决策 • STRATEGY战略 • How much should we spend on IT?我们应该在IT方面投入多少? • Which business processes should receive our IT budget?哪些业务流程应该获得IT预算? • Which IT capabilities need to be companywide?哪些IT能力应该在公司层面上展开? • Ross and Weill,哈佛商业评论, 2002年11月 • EXECUTION执行 • How good do our IT services really need to be?我们的IT服务到底需要做到多好? • What security and privacy risks will we accept?我们将会承担怎样的安全和隐私风险? • Whom to blame if an IT initiative fails?如果我们在IT方面的努力以失败告终,责任由谁来承担?

  5. (1) How much should we spend on IT?我们应该在IT方面投入多少? • Senior Management Role:高级管理层的角色: • Define strategic role that IT will play in the company and then determine the level of funding needed to achieve that objective界定IT在公司发展中的战略地位,然后决定实现目标所需要的投入 • Consequence of Abdication:让位的后果: • Company fails to develop an IT platform that furthers its strategy despite high IT spending尽管公司对IT的投入很大,还是不能够发展一个辅助战略的IT平台

  6. (2) Which business processes should receive IT budget?哪些业务流程应该获得IT预算? • Senior Management Role:高级管理层的角色: • Make clear decisions about which IT initiatives will and will not be funded决定哪些IT努力应该得到资助,哪些不应该得到资助 • Consequence of Abdication:让位的后果: • A lack of focus overwhelms the IT unit which tries to deliver many projects that may have little companywide value or can‘t be implemented well simultaneously缺少重点的工作使得IT部门实施的很多项目对公司的整体价值贡献不大或者协同效应不佳

  7. (3) Which company-wide IT capabilities?哪些IT能力应该在公司层面上展开? • Senior Management Role:高级管理层的角色: • Decide which IT capabilities should be provided centrally and which should be developed by individual businesses决定哪些IT能力应该由公司集中发展,哪些应该由具体的业务部门来发展 • Consequence of Abdication:让位的后果: • Excessive technical and process standardization limits the flexibility of business units, or frequent exceptions to the standards increas costs and limit business synergies过度的技术和流程的标准化限制了业务部门的灵活性,而频繁发生的超标事件增加了成本并限制了协同效应

  8. (4) How good do our IT services really need to be?我们的IT服务到底需要做到多好? • Senior Management Role:高级管理层的角色: • Decide which features – for example, enhanced reliability or response time – are needed on the basis of their costs and benefits从成本和收益的角度权衡哪些特性是必须的,例如提升可靠性还是缩短反应时间 • Quantitative (service level agreements) vs qualitative (features etc)定量(服务水平协议)与定性(特色等) • Consequence of Abdication:让位的后果: • The company may pay for service options that, given it‘s priorities, aren‘t worth the costs公司很可能为某些服务特色的选择付出代价,因为这些特色的收益不能抵消成本

  9. (5) What security and privacy risks will we accept?我们将会承担怎样的安全和隐私风险? • Senior Management Role:高级管理层的角色: • Lead the decision making on the trade-offs between security and privacy on the one hand, and convenience on the other通过权衡安全与隐私和易用性来作出决定 • Trade-offs depend on the industry 权衡,取决于行业性质 • Consequence of Abdication:让位的后果: • An overemphasis on security and privacy may inconvenience customers, employees and suppliers, an underemphasis may make data vulnerable and lead to acceptance problems with privacy-sensitive customers对安全和隐私问题的过分重视可能会给顾客、员工和供应商带来不便,而对此的忽略又会带来数据的丢失或泄漏以及隐私敏感型顾客的接受问题

  10. (6) Whom do we blame if an IT initiative fails?如果我们在IT方面的努力以失败告终,责任由谁来承担? • Senior Management Role :高级管理层的角色: • Assign a business executive to be accountable for every IT project, monitor business metrics including profitability为每个IT项目指定一个业务主管作为负责人,监控业务的各项度量指标,包括收益率 • Consequence of Abdication:让位的后果: • The business value of system is not fully realized永远无法实现系统的业务价值

  11. Process: Strategic planning and corporate IT architecture 流程:战略计划和公司的IT体系 IS CSF Constraints, Structure, etc信息系统公共服务框架约束,结构等 Infor-mation Archit.信息体系 Business System Archit.业务系统体系 Business Goals, Functions, Structure, Constraints, etc. 业务目标, 公共服务框架, 功能,结构约束等 Information Systems Strategic Planning信息系统战略计划 Business Planning业务计划 Technical Archit.技术体系 Planning计划 Architecture体系 Solution and Application Architecture解决方案和 应用体系

  12. Information hierarchy and information architecture信息层次和信息体系 • Information hierarchy信息层次 • Different information needs in the organization 组织需要不同层次的信息 • Strategic information战略信息 • Tactical information战术信息 • Operational information运营信息 • Information architecture信息体系 • Structure and use of information within the organization组织内信息的结构和信息的使用 • Alignment of information with the organization‘s strategic, tactical, and operational needs.保持组织的战略、战术和运营相关信息的一致性

  13. IT Governance: DefinitionIT管理:定义 • IT Governance specifies the decision rights and accountability framework to encourage desirable behavior in the use of IT, the way IT is managed in a firmIT管理规定决策权利和责任框架来促成在IT的使用上希望出现的行为,在公司内管理IT的方式 • IT governance is an integral part of enterprise governance and consists of the leadership and organisational structures and processes that ensure that the organisation’s IT sustains and extends the organisation’s strategies and objectives.IT管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,它包含领导力以及为确保组织的IT能够维持和延展其战略和目标的组织结构与流程 • IT Governance Institute, 2003IT 管理学会, 2003, www.itgi.org

  14. IT Governance: Principles IT管理:原则 • Actively design governance积极的设计IT管理 • Know when to redesign知道什么时候要重新设计 • Involve senior management高级领导层参与 • Make choices (explicit trade-offs)做选择(通常需要权衡) • Clarify the exception-handling process明确处理例外的程序 • Provide appropriate incentives提供正确的激励 • Assign ownership and accountability for IT governance要为IT管理指派负责人并规定责任 • Design governance at multiple organizational levels在多个组织的层面上设计管理 • Strive for transparency 努力创造透明性 • Provide education提供教育 • Implement common mechanisms across the organization对所有资产执行相同的管理机制

  15. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 系统开发生命周期 Project Identification立项 Waterfall model瀑布模型 Project Initiation项目初始分析 Analysis分析 Design设计 Implemen-tation实施 Maintenance维护

  16. SDLC – System Development Life CycleSDLC –系统开发生命周期 Identifies the portfolio of IT projects to be undertaken and ranks those with respect to business maxims.确定要实施的IT项目组合,并且按照业务目标将它们排好优先顺序。 Project Identification立项 Project Initiation andPlanning项目初始分析和计划 Analysis分析 Analysis分析 • Identifying Development Projects确定开发项目 • Selecting & Prioritizing Projects选择项目并将项目排序 Implementation实施 Maintenance维护

  17. Project Identification立项 Taking the CIO Perspective –IT Strategy Perspective站在CIO的视角上-IT战略视角 • Top Down自上而下 • Top Management高级管理层 • Steering Committee筹划指导委员会 Schedule Projects项目进度 … … … Evaluate, Prioritize, and Schedule Projects评估, 排序, 和安排项目进度 • Bottom Up自下而上 • User Departments使用者部门 • Development Group开发组

  18. SDLC – System Development Life CycleSDLC –系统开发生命周期 A cost-benefits analysis is being carried out as well as a study of project feasibility. The result can be a baseline project plan, a re-scheduling decision or a rejection of the project.进行成本-收益分析和项目可行性分析。结果可能是一个作为基准的项目计划,一个重新计划的决策,或者是一个拒绝该项目的决定。 Project Identification立项 Project Initiation andPlanning项目初始分析和计划 Analysis分析 Design设计 • Feasibility Planning可行性分析 • Project Plan项目计划 Implementation实施 Maintenance维护

  19. SDLC – System Development Life Cycle SDLC –系统开发生命周期 Project Identification立项 • Current system and its functions确定当前系统如何运行 • Wish list for new system.以及使用者对新系统的期望 Project Initiation andPlanning项目初始分析和计划 Analysis分析 Design设计 • Requirements Determination(technical & business)需求确定(技术上的和业务上) • Requirements Structuring(through process/logic/data modelling)需求结构化 (通过 流程/逻辑/数据 建模) • Alternative Generation & Selection多种方案的产生与选择 Implementation实施 Maintenance维护

  20. SDLC – System Development Life CycleSDLC –系统开发生命周期 Project Identification立项 What does the current environment look like and what do we want for the future? 当前环境什么样,我们希望将来是什么样子? Project Initiation andPlanning项目初始分析和计划 • Determine requirements确定需求 • Model requirments(process, logic, objects and data) – current and future需求建模(流程,逻辑,对象和数据)-当前和将来 • Generate alternatives产生多种选择方案 • Select the most adequate从中选择最适当的 Analysis分析

  21. Model Two views: Business view and System view 两种见解:业务见解和系统见解 • Function职能的 • Organization组织的 • Process流程的 • Enterprise IT-Architecture企业IT体系 • Systems 系统 • Data 数据 • Logic 逻辑 • Objects 对象 • To describe the environment of a project, two views co-exist: the business view and the system / technology view 描述一个项目的环境时,两种见解共存:业务见解和系统见解 建模

  22. Mindsets of business people and “techies” 业务人员和技术人员会有完全不同的想法 • What tools should be built into the system?系统里要构建什么工具? • Application performance?应用程序的性能如何? • What sort of interface?使用哪种接口? • Logical implementation in new or existing system?在新系统还是现有系统中使用? • What platform for delivery?系统建立在什么平台上? • How much security?需要多少安全措施? • Network performance?网络性能如何? • Can we make sure that the system can deliver XYZ? 系统肯定会算出XYZ吗? • What does the new process look like?新流程是什么样子的? • What organizational unit will the process belong to?新的流程应该隶属哪个部门呢? • Who will be the boss afterwards?然后谁能成为头呢? • Who does what afterwards?下一步谁应该做什么呢? • Will it be difficult to use the new system?新系统会不会难于使用呢?

  23. IT: From techie-toys … to strategic asset回顾IT:从技术人员的玩具到战略资源 • Past: IT as a toy for techies过去: IT是技术人员的玩具 • Present: IT as intrinsic part of enterprise strategy现在:IT成为企业战略的内在组成部分 • Differences between these views不同观点的差异 • Different organizational structure不同的组织结构 • Different relevance and focus不同的相关性和集中点

  24. What all does an ERP system combine?ERP系统结合了什么? • Enterprise software / ERP environments are to combine:领先的ERP环境很好的结合了 • Data modeling数据建模 • Database management数据库管理 • Data warehouse management数据仓库管理 • Process modeling流程建模 • Process management流程管理

  25. What is an ERP system?什么是ERP系统? • Software package for a client server environmentERP系统是为客户服务器环境设计的软件包 • New: Software as service = ASP (lower entry cost)新:软件作为服务存在=ASP(低进入成本) • ERP systems integrate most business processes of a companyERP系统整合了公司主要业务流程 • Examples: Travel reimbursement, procurement, sales例子:差旅费报销,购买一项服务,卖一个零件 • ERP systems process most the company‘s transactionsERP系统能够处理公司内大部分的事务 • ERP systems use a common enterprise-wide relational databaseERP系统使用公司范围的关系数据库 • Avoids data redundancy: Stores each piece of data once避免数据冗赘:每一条数据只做一次存储 • ERP systems allow real time accessERP系统允许实时的数据访问

  26. ERP Marketshares ERP 市场份额 • WORLD • 世界 • 2006 (Source: AMR Research) • SAP 43% • Oracle 23% • Sage 5% • Microsoft 4% • SSA Global 3% • 2004 • SAP 40% • Oracle 22% • CHINA中国 • 2006 (Source: Analysys) • UFIDA (local) 34.0% • SAP 12.3% • Kingdee (local) 12.2% • Gold Abacus (local) 6.4% • Inspur (local) 6.1% • Digital China (local) 5.0% • Oracle 3.4% • Newgrand (local) 3.4% • QAD 1.9% • Bokesoft (local) 1.6%

  27. Modules for different business functions 不同业务功能模块 • AM (Fixed asset management)固定资产管理 • CO (Controlling) 控制 • CCA (Cost Centre Accounting)中心成本会计 • PC (Product Cost Controlling)产品成本控制 • ABC (Activity Based Costing)作业成本计算法 • FI (Financial Accounting) 财务会计 • GL (General Ledger)总帐 • AR (Accounts receivable)应收款 • AP (Accounts payable)应付款 • LC (Legal consolidation)财务报表合并

  28. Modules for different business functions 不同业务功能模块 • QM (Quality Management) • 质量管理 • CA (Quality Certificates)质量证明书 • IM (inspection processing) • 质量检查 • PT (planning tools) • 计划工具 • QN (quality notifications)质量通知 • SD (Sales and Distribution) • 销售和配送 • HR (Human Resources)人力资源 • PA (Personnel Administration)人事管理 • PD (Planning and Development)计划发展 • MM (Materials Management) 物料管理 • IM (Inventory Management)库存管理 • IV (Invoice Verification)发货单核实 • WM (Warehouse Management)仓库管理

  29. Modules for different business functions 不同业务功能模块 • PP (Production Planning) 生产计划 • SOP(Sales and Operations Planning) 销售和运作计划), • MRP (Materials Requirements Planning) 物料需求计划 • CRP (Capacity Requirements Planning) 产能需求计划 • PM (Plant Maintenance) 设备维护 • EQM (Equipment and Technical Objects)设备和技术物品 • SMA (Service Management) 服务管理 • WOC (Maintenance Order Management) 维修订单管理

  30. Process Flows, Systems and Access before ERPERP之前的工艺流程,系统和数据访问机制 Old Process Flow and Models旧的工艺流程和模型 Separate Data Storage and Access数据存储和数据访问是分离的

  31. Process Flows, Systems and Access with ERPERP实现的工艺流程,系统和数据访问机制 New Process Flow and Models新的工艺流程和模型 Central Relational Database中央关系数据库 Data warehouse数据仓库

  32. The Evolution of ERP (1 and 2)ERP发展史(1 and 2) • MRP – Material Requirements PlanningMRP-物料需求计划 • in the 1960s19世纪60年代 • bill of material processing物料加工清单 • Closed-Loop MRP闭环MRP • Contains tools to plan priority and capacity包含安排优先顺序和产能的工具 • Supports both planning and execution同时支持计划和执行 • Goes beyond material planning by considering aggregate sales and operations planning, build schedules (master scheduling) and demand management (e.g. forecasting)除物料计划以外还包含了总销售计划和运作计划,建立了时间进度安排(主调度)和需求管理(例如,预测) Closed-Loop MRP闭环MRP MRP

  33. The Evolution of ERP (3)ERP发展史(3) • MRP II – Manufacturing Resource PlanningMRPII-制造资源计划 • Direct outgrowth and extension of closed-loop MRP闭环MRP直接发展的产物 • Enhanced sales & operations planning on a detailed level使得销售和运营计划更加细致化 • Financial interfaces that allow to translate the operating plan (in pieces, pounds, gallons, etc.) into financial terms (dollars)财务接口可以把运营计划(以件、千克等为单位)转换成财务指标(美元) • Simulations – the ability to ask “what-if” questions模拟-使得公司有能力问“如果…会怎么样?” Closed-Loop MRP闭环MRP MRP II MRP

  34. The Evolution of ERP (4)ERP发展史(4) • ERP – Enterprise Resource PlanningERP-企业资源计划 • Fundamentals are the same as MRP II基础就是MRPII • ERP is more powerful than MRP II, because it is based on…ERP比MRP II更加强大,因为它… • …a single set of planning tools across the entire enterprise…在整个公司内使用一套计划工具 • …provides real-time integration of sales, operating, and financial data…能够实时的提供综合了销售、运营和财务三个方面的数据 • …connects resource planning approaches to the extended supply chain of customers and suppliers.…将资源规划方法与扩展了的顾客和供应商的供应链结合起来 ERP Closed-Loop MRP闭环MRP MRP II MRP

  35. Strategic Planning战略计划 Business Planning业务计划 ForecastingandDemandManagement预测和 需求管理 Sales & Operations Planning销售和运营计划 CapacityPlanning生产量计划 OperationsPlan运营计划 SalesPlan销售计划 Master Scheduling主调度 Detailed Planning: MRP, Plant Scheduling, Supplier Scheduling, etc.细节计划:MRP,工厂进度安排,供应商进度安排等 Execution执行

  36. ERP is enterprise-wide set of management tools ERP是一套企业范围内的管理工具 • Hierarchical view on co-operation合作的等级观念 • Centralized scheme集中制定规划 • Drives internalization of processes流程内部化 • Links customers and suppliers into a complete supply chain 把顾客和供应商们联结在一条完整的供应链上 • Embodies proven business process for decision-making利用合理有效的业务流程来辅助决策 • Provides high degrees of cross-functional integration 提供高水平的跨职能整合

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