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Education to Save the World

Education to Save the World. 2014-2015 Fellowship Summit. #ed2ssummit. Our goal: transforming education to meet the demands of the 21st century. Modern Paradigm of School . Our current model of school has been in existence less .25% of human history.

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Education to Save the World

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  1. Education to Save the World 2014-2015 Fellowship Summit #ed2ssummit

  2. Our goal:transforming education to meet the demands ofthe 21st century

  3. Modern Paradigm of School Our current model of school has been in existence less .25% of human history

  4. Accomplishments that pre-date this model: philosophy, science, history... Fire Agriculture Language Math

  5. compartmentalization synchronization standardization requires limited knowledge/skill

  6. compliance, obedience conformity rote, repetitive work sorting system

  7. Assumptions • Age-based groupings • Bell schedules • Credit hours • Convergent goals • “Failure” = repeat • Principal-teacher-student compliance hierarchy • Discipline segregation • Change-resistant

  8. The atmosphere can safely absorb about three billions tons of CO2 annually, but people emit about eight billion tons yearly by burning fossil fuels. • The developing world dumps 70% of its industrial waste directly into “rivers, lakes, oceans or soil.” • One out of five people lacks access to clean drinking water. • During the past 50 years, agricultural overproduction has degraded more than 2.5 billion acres of topsoil • The wealth of the 200 richest people in the world exceeds the combined annual income of the world’s 2.5 billion poorest people.

  9. “Girls, when I was growing up, my parents used to say to me, ‘Tom, finish your dinner—people in China and India are starving.’ My advice to you is: Girls, finish your homework—people in China and India are starving for your jobs.” -Thomas Friedman

  10. US ranks 30th in math worldwide (down from 24th), 23rd in science, 18thin reading • The percentage of scientific papers written by Americans is down 10% since 1992 • The U.S. share of patents has dropped 8% since 1980 • 44% of 8th graders in Singapore scored at themost advanced level in math, 38% in Taiwan; only 7% in the US • Achievement gap persists (for reading the black/ white gap is 24 points, Latino/white gap is 21 points in NAEP data)

  11. Friedman & Wagner (economic competition) + Senge(non-sustainable system for our world)____________ This model is not working

  12. Kids know this – better than we do

  13. What’s not working?

  14. What does it look like?

  15. World is changing…fast • Human affairs have always been turbulent. What is distinctive now is the rate and scale of change. The two great driving forces are technological innovation and population growth. • -Sir. Ken Robinson • The forces of globalization entail major changes in all science and technology; the incredible connectivity that results, the enormous amount of information, often of dubious quality, that is at our fingertips; the convergence of cultures in economic, cultural and social terms. • -Howard Gardner

  16. Divergent goals = full potential

  17. But there are some “convergent” goals

  18. Developing creativity is key • Those with the imagination to invent smarter ways to do old jobs, energy-saving way to provide new services, new ways to attract old customers or new ways to combine existing technologies will thrive. • -Thomas Friedman • The new social contract is different: only people who have the knowledge and skills to negotiate constant change and reinvent themselves for new situations will succeed…any employee who needs to be managed is no longer employable. • -Ken Kay, President, Partnership for 21st C skills

  19. Everyone needs to be able to… • Communicate clearly & convincingly • Collaborate effectively • Make sense of new situations • Solve complex problems with creative solutions • Understand different cultures • Know how they learn best and teach themselves • Leveragetechnology • Gather information and make connections • Think interdisciplinary

  20. It’s not intellectual disciplines or hands-on.

  21. I must study politics and war so that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain. • -John Adams

  22. Purpose & Passion Matter • I discovered a consistent link and developmental arc in their progress from play to passion to purpose. • -Tony Wagner • Creating Innovators

  23. Education needs to be nimble • Systematic change is necessary • Continuous improvement • Adaptable to changing circumstances • Flexible to students needs, passions, and interests

  24. Creativity & innovation Cognitive processes Make meaning & connections Purpose Within a education framework that is adaptable Gather & evaluate information & knowledge Communicate Individualized interest & talent Collaboration Technology Self-monitoring & Learning Persistence, Grit & Belief in capacity of self & others

  25. individualized learning vs. collaboration

  26. core knowledgevs. self-directed

  27. equity & standardization

  28. How do we… • Produce more • Produce faster • Produce better • Produce cheaper • Conserve • Protect • Connect • Innovate

  29. Shifting paradigms means that we need to question and challenge everything – methods, goals, assumptions

  30. The dogmas of the quiet past are in adequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves and then we shall save our country. -Abraham Lincoln Address to Congress, December 1862

  31. Survival is Optional • Traditional • Better, faster, cheaper • Incremental improvements • Improvements limited • Transitional • Fix a problem • Transition from old to new, A to B • Changes limited Transformational Survival Revolutionary, necessary Continually transforming, no end state

  32. Transformation Transformation is what happens when people see the world through a new lens of knowledge and are able to create an infrastructure, never before envisioned, to the future. Transformation is motivated by survival, by the realization that everything needs to change or the organization will die; that a significant breakthrough in mindset  is needed in order to pursue new opportunities. Another motivator is a leader’s urgency  and drive to envision and create the future.

  33. Leading Transformation What if the cage is as much a product of habit and belief as concrete and steel? -Rick Hess Education needs leaders with the capacity or ability to create, produce, or give rise to new constructs, new possibilities.

  34. Towards collaborative innovators

  35. Essential Questions: • - How does education need to transform? • - How we can contribute to realizing that transformation?

  36. Agenda Group 1: One principle or quotation from each thinker Group 2: Web/diagram/map of the connections among ideas and thinkers (plus add your own prior knowledge) Present your thinking to full group

  37. In your journal We are moving from… (I used to think…) We are moving to… (Now I think…)

  38. Shared Goals: 1. Deepen our understanding of how and why schools need to transform and develop expertiseto make that transformation a reality 2. Experiment, reflect, and provide feedback to the cohort 3. Spreadingtheir knowledge and experience

  39. Proposed Action Steps: 1. Participate in three collaborativesthroughout the year.   2. Write four blog posts during the year reflecting on a topic relevant to the transformation of schools.   3. Host one event for other educators to learn more about the future of education and gain new ideas for classroom practice.

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