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Minimum General Knowledge program. One. We all should know little bit about the Vedas (VED) which is eternal and first ever knowledge of this universe. What is meant by the word “Veda” ?.
MinimumGeneral Knowledge program One We all should know little bit about the Vedas (VED) which is eternal and first ever knowledge of this universe.
What is meant by the word “Veda” ? VED word is derived fom its sanskrit root-word ‘vid’ which menas ‘to know, to learn’. Thus ‘Veda’ means Knowledge.
How many Vedas are there ? The Vedas are four (4) :-
What do they say? VED instruct human beings about how they should behave in life, how can family, society, country and the whole world prosper and live peacefully, how we should worship God, etc. All of us can benefit by these sacred books of devine knowledge.
Who gave this knowledge and why? God who is present everywhere and knows everything, gave this knowledge. He gave us this knowledge to make us happy and contented. He cares for us like our parents. As our fathers and mothers teach us the right thinking and right behaviour for our welfare, so did our father of fathers God gave us the knowledge of the vedas for our welfare, because he is desirous of our well-being and happiness.
When did God give us the knowledge of the Vedas ? God gave the knowledge of the Vedas to the Rishis at the beginning of human life. Without this knowledge, they could not have known what to do and what not to do in their lives. Without someone to teach us reading and writing, we can not learn these skills. Who else but God at the beginning of creation could have taught us, the human beings ? The four Rishis who were given this knowledge through the vedas were Agni, Vayu, Aditya, Angira.
The four Rishis who were given this knowledge through the Vedas :-
Did God give them this knowledge through paper, pen and Ink ? If not, how did he do so ? God is present in every human being. The hearts of the Rishis were pure and unaffected. God enlightened their hearts with the knowledge of the Vedas. An omnipresent and all powerful God does not need paper, pen or ink, nor speech to do so. He had only to inspire and imbue with knowledge the hearts of the Rishis to serve the purpose.
Has this knowledge kept changing from time to time ? No. The knowledge God gives is constant for all times. There is no need of change in it at any times.
Do the vedas belong to human beings of any one country or race in particular? No. They belong to all the human beings of the whole world because their aim is to provide true knowledge and happiness to all of them. God is father to all human beings of the whole world, not to any one race or country. Therefore, everyone who desires to become a good human being, has the right to read them. It is clearly so stated in Yajurved 26/2 - “I have given the vedic knowledge for the well-being of the whole humankind”.
Do not, for this reason, ever forget the instruction of RishiDayanand regarding the study of the Vedas. He says :- “The Ved is the book of all true knowledge. It is the duty of all the Aryas** to read and study it and practice the knowledge in their lives”. ** Arya is a person who is religious, righteous, virtuous, conscientious, peace-loving and liberal in behaviour.
Please visit below websites and / or read books for better understanding / Knowledge Please forward this presentation to all your friends and relatives. Thanks. Acknowledgment And Thanks :- “All about Vedic Dharma” by VishwaNath (Published by :- DAV College Managing Committee) Presented by AryaSamaj – Gandhidhamwww.aryagan.com Vishwapriya “Vedanuragi”