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Lesley Wilson Secretary General European University Association (EUA) eua.be

Priorities for the Bologna Process 2004/2005 Strong Universities for Europe: “From Graz to Glasgow”. Lesley Wilson Secretary General European University Association (EUA) www.eua.be EAIE Torino, 16/09/2004 IRM Opening Session.

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Lesley Wilson Secretary General European University Association (EUA) eua.be

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  1. Priorities for the Bologna Process 2004/2005Strong Universities for Europe:“From Graz to Glasgow” Lesley Wilson Secretary General European University Association (EUA) www.eua.be EAIE Torino, 16/09/2004 IRM Opening Session

  2. I. Context: Converging Higher education and Research Agendas since 2000 • Lisbon Process: Europe to become the world’s most competitive and dynamic knowledge economy… • Key role of HEd & research (3% target, 700,000 new researchers etc..) • The Bologna Process: half way to 2010 – mid term goals set – legislative reform underway – now up to the universities for the implementation phase • The European Research Area: growing emphasis on fundamental research (e.g. ERC debate), & on research training & careers • Conclusion: Universities are at the centre if the EHEA/ERA goals are to be reached

  3. II. The Berlin Communiqué (18/09/2003) • Commitment to speed up national reform: intermediate priorities set for Bergen 2005 • 7 new members • Key European objectives • ‘Stocktaking’ including TRENDS IV • Elaboration of an overarching framework of qualifications for the EHEA • European dimension QA • EUA priorities/impact on the Communiqué • fundamental role of universities for quality assurance recognised • new Action Line linking the EHEA and ERA • doctoral level as the third cycle in the Bologna Process

  4. III .EUA Action: Bologna Implementation 2004/2005 Objective: prepare input to Bergen: The Glasgow Convention, 31 March – 3 April 2005 • Quality Assurance • Degree Structures, Credits, Qualification Framework • The European Dimension • Promoting the Attractiveness of the EHEA • Linking the EHEA & the ERA • Stocktaking • Support to new members

  5. 1. QA Policy: follow up of the Berlin Communiqué • Recognises the role of HEIs in promoting quality (first such official acknowledgment) • Invites ENQA, in co-operation with EUA, ESIB and EURASHE (= E4), • To develop an agreed set of standards, procedures and guidelines on quality assurance • To explore ways of ensuring an adequate peer-review system for QA & A agencies

  6. EUA’s QA projects • Quality Culture Project: • rounds to date, a 3rd coming up: nearly 100 institutions involved • To develop a strong internal quality culture • To improve quality levels without stifling diversity and innovation • To promote accountability through non-intrusive external QA procedures (institutional audits) • Institutional Evaluation Programme: • 10 years, over 120 institutions in 35 countries • based on fitness for purpose & looking at capacity for change • emphasising the self-evaluation phase • European rather than national but recognised by national authorities

  7. 2. Degree Structures/Credits/European Qualifications Framework • Further support to the development of ECTS/DS through the ECTS/DS counselors • Input to the elaboration of the European Qualifications Framework • Recommendation to create a credit based Qualifications Framework from the outset • EUA to establish its own WG to follow up on the key issues for universities, e.g. the debate on learning outcomes

  8. 3. The European and International Dimensions European Dimension • Continuation of the work of Joint Degrees: Project report finalised, Erasmus Mundus project on QA methodology for Joint Degrees) • Inside the doctorates project one strand on the development of the ‘Euro-PhD’ International Dimension • Strengthening of relations with North America: ACE and CHEA • EUA/CUIB Framework Co-operation Agreement in support of the development of a EULAC higher education area

  9. 4. Linking the EHEA & the ERA – Doctoral Studies as the ‘third cycle’ • Important for the Bologna Process, essential for universities - linking teaching and research • Links 2 differently structured and managed European processes – the EHEA & the ERA • Growing debate on research training, the role of doctoral programmes & career prospects for young scientists • Priority for EUA • Pilot Project “Doctoral Programmes” • EUA Conference in Maastricht (october 2004) • Bologna Seminar, February 2005 (EUA, Austria, Germany)

  10. 4. EUA Pilot project Doctoral Programmes 50 universities involved working in 6 networks Key Issues: • Structure and organisation • Financing and status of programmes/candidates • Quality of doctoral programmes • Identification of innovative practice (e.g. e.g. Co-tutelles, Ecoles Doctorales etc.) • Models for European co-operation (e.g.Joint Doctorates)

  11. 5. Stocktaking and Support to New Members Stocktaking • TRENDSIV – building on TRENDSIII through a targeted site visit programme New/Potential Members • Evaluation of all the B-H Universities • Bologna Seminar in the Ukraine • Extension of EUA projects to participants from new members

  12. “Strong Universities for Europe” • 3rd EUA Convention of European Higher Education Institutions,Glasgow, 31 March – 3 April 2005 • Discussions focused around 6 themes The context: University values > Torino 06/04 The responsive university > Marseille, 03/04 The mission Bologna – where are we now > TRENDS IV The research university > Maastricht, 10/04 The preconditions The quality university Financing the university

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