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Dr. Olli M. Turpeinen (C/MET/AIM) International Civil Aviation Organization 14 April 2010

Implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) by Aeronautical Meteorological Service Providers. Dr. Olli M. Turpeinen (C/MET/AIM) International Civil Aviation Organization 14 April 2010. Background.

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Dr. Olli M. Turpeinen (C/MET/AIM) International Civil Aviation Organization 14 April 2010

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  1. Implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) by Aeronautical Meteorological Service Providers Dr. Olli M. Turpeinen (C/MET/AIM) International Civil Aviation Organization 14 April2010

  2. Background • Quality management (QM) require-mentsintroduced in ICAO Annex 3/ WMO Technical Regulations [C.3.1] in 2001, as part of Amendment 72 • Provisions aligned with those relating to Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) introduced in 1999 in ICAO Annex 15

  3. ICAO SARPs • ICAO Annex 3 provisions regarding QM • §2.2.2 – MET service provider should establish a QMS • to become a Standard in 2012 • §2.2.3 – QMS should be compliant with ISO 9000 • §2.2.4 – QMS should provide assurance that MET info supplied complies with stated requirements

  4. ICAO SARPs • §2.2.5 – QMS should include verification/validation procedures in regard to OPMET exchange, resources for monitoring adherence to prescribed transmission schedules • §2.2.6 – Compliance of QMS should be demonstrated by audit

  5. Stated Requirements • All set out in ICAO Annex 3, regional air navigation plans and WMO regulatory documents • geographical and spatial coverage • format and content • time and frequency of issuance • period of validity Ch. 3,4, 6-10, Appendixes 2, 3, 5-9 of Annex 3 Regional air navigation plans

  6. Stated Requirements (Cont’d) • Accuracy of measurements and observations Attachment A to Annex3 • Accuracy of forecasts Attachment B to Annex3 • OPMET exchange requirements Ch.11 & Appendix 10 to Annex3

  7. Stated Requirements (Cont’d) • Qualifications & Training of Met Personnel WMO TR Chapter B.4 – Education and Training WMO Doc 258 – Guidelines for the education and training of personnel in meteorology and operational hydrology – Vol. I: Meteorology (its appendix) New Standards in WMO Technical Regulations ex-pectedin 2012 (subject to approval by the WMO EC)

  8. Rationale • Provides assurances of consistent service standards to users • Protects MET service providers against loss of business to low-cost “unscrupulous” competition • Provides a basis for State regulation for service providers

  9. Link between QM &Safety Management Systems (SMS) • SMS a requirement • SMS principles must be applied in the provision of safety-related services for international air navigation • All ICAO annexes include specific SMS provisions • Exception: those related to data provision (i.e. Annexes 3 & 15)

  10. Link between QM &Safety Management Systems (SMS) • QM in Annexes 3 and 15 is regarded an absolute necessity in support of SMS • If QMS not implemented, a finding against the State will be posted (through the Safety Oversight Audit process)

  11. Costs of implementation • Lower than first expected • Costs are eligible for cost recovery • Cost sharing between States an option to be considered • joint use of a QMS consultant ► substantial cost savings

  12. Costs of implementation • Air traffic volume is not sufficient? ►Consider consolidation of services with neighbouring States • Significant savings have been realized through efficiencies following the implementation of QMS

  13. Case Studies – HK, China • Airport Meteorological Office (AMO), under Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), embarked on QM in late 2001 • AMO, a total workforce of 23, serves as the Aerodrome Met Office, Aeronautical Met Station and Met Watch Office • Certification to ISO 9000:2000 awarded in late 2002

  14. Cost of QMS Implementation(HK, China) • Staff cost: ~180 man-days (half incurred by managers) • Consultancy fees ~USD13,000 • system review • training • advice on selection of certification body • guidance on preparation of documentation

  15. Cost of QMS Implementation(HK, China) • mock certification audit • 6-month support after implementation • Certification cost: • ~USD 2,500 • Recurrent cost on surveillance visits: • ~USD1,000 per year

  16. Critical Success Factors(HK, China) • Full commitment from top management • Commitment and understanding from all staff • Adequate training to staff

  17. Assistance for roll-out • Local experience of implementation in Tanzania • documentation & expertise available • Joint WMO Guide/ICAO Manual: • Manual on the QMS for the Provision of Meteorological Service to International Air Navigation (Doc 9873)

  18. Assistance for roll-out • Planned seminars/workshops: • Within the AFI Comprehensive Implementation Programme (ACIP) • “Train the trainers”-seminar during the second half of 2010 • Both in English and French

  19. End

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