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Physical Properties and Bonding

Physical Properties and Bonding. Giant Metallic. Variable hardness , malleable rather the brittle Variable melting and boiling points , dependent on number of valence electrons , normally high. Giant Metallic. Good electrical and thermal conductivity

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Physical Properties and Bonding

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  1. PhysicalProperties and Bonding

  2. GiantMetallic • Variable hardness, malleableratherthebrittle • Variable melting and boilingpoints, dependentonnumber of valenceelectrons, normallyhigh

  3. GiantMetallic • Goodelectrical and thermalconductivity • Insoluble, except in othermetals • Examples ?

  4. GiantIonic • Hard, butbrittle • Highmeltingpoints, normallyover 500°C • Conductwhenmoltenor in solution, butnot as solids • More soluble in waterthanothersolvents • Examples ?

  5. GiantCovalent • Examples ? • Veryhard, butbrittle • Veryhighmeltingpoints, over 1000°C • Do notconduct in anystate, except ? • Insoluble in allsolvents

  6. Molecular Covalent • Usuallysoftand malleable (unless H-bonding) • Lowishmeltingpoints. Oftenliquidsor gases at stp • Do notconduct • More soluble in non-aqueoussolvents • Examples ?

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