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Do Now Break down the questions using the 7 steps!. You cannot extend the mastery of government over the daily working life of the people without, at the same time making it the master of the people ’ s souls and thought.
Do NowBreak down the questions using the 7 steps! You cannot extend the mastery of government over the daily working life of the people without, at the same time making it the master of the people’s souls and thought. Speaker A: “ The business of America is business, and we would be wise to remember that.” Speaker B: “Government ownership of business is superior to private enterprise Speaker C:” Strict government regulation of business practices is a means to insure the public good.” Speaker D: “Only through personal effort can wealth and success be achieved.” Which speaker best expresses the main idea of Hoover’s policy to end the Great Depression. • Speaker A • Speaker B • Speaker C • Speaker D • The idea expressed in the quotation is a basis for President Hoover’s belief that the problems of the Great Depression could best be solved by • Nationalizing major industries • Requiring business to pay a minimum wage to workers • Relying mostly on private enterprise and individual initiative to improve economic conditions • Creating government job programs for the unemployed
Born: January 20, 1882 Hyde Park, New York Died: April 12, 1945 Warm Springs, Georgia State Elected From: New York Political Party: Democrat Vice President: John N. Garner 1933-41 Henry A. Wallace (41-45) Harry S. Truman (1945) Platform: New Deal FDR32nd President1932-1945
A. Democrats-Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1. FDR was governor of New York; wife Eleanor a. Ran for vice-president in 1920 and was Secretary of the Navy during WWI 2. Democratic platform- a. Urged the repeal of Prohibition and made general appeals forRelief,Reform and Recovery with a “New Deal”
B. Republicans re-nominated Herbert Hoover 1. They had no better alternative C. Roosevelt carried 42 of the 48 states- he won overwhelmingly! D. People blamed Hoover and the Republicans for the Depression
Political Maps: 1928 vs. 1932 The Political map flipped on Hoover Hoover is blue
Inauguration Day, 1933He was positive, charismatic, encouraging, upbeat, always smiling, full of hope.
Nothing to Fear… • “…This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our country today. This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. ” Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address
II. Banking Panic A. 20th Amendment changed the presidential inauguration from March 4 to January 20. (ratified Feb. 1933) B. Hoover was a Lame Duck- a person leaving office that has not been re-elected has little or no influence.
C. Between the election and the inauguration the banking system disintegrated and the economy came to a standstill D. Most smaller banks closed while larger banks stayed open, by 1933most people had lost faith in the banking system and withdrawn any money they had left-most banks closed their doors and waited until March 4 to see if FDR could help
III. “BRAIN TRUST” A. Advisory group formed by FDRwhile campaigning for the presidency in 1932. B. These were a group of brilliant social, economic and political thinkers who comprised Roosevelt's cabinet. C. This group advised FDR in developing his 15 relief agencies to make advances in recovery efforts.
D. FRANCIS PERKINS 1. A teacher and social worker who was originally from Boston, MA and eventually moved to New York 2. The first woman to be named to a cabinet position- the Secretary of Labor in 1933. 3. She supported workers’ rights to join unions.
IV. THE HUNDRED DAYS • March 9th – June 16th Congress met for exactly 100 days to pass laws that would hopefully get America out of the Depression.
B. 100 Days Order of Business • March 6th- 1st order of business was to call a “Bank Holiday”- 1933 to stop massive withdrawals that day. • March 9th - Emergency Banking Act: only financially sound banks were allowed to reopen.
Bank Holiday-to inspect banks and insure sound practices ***it was to restore public confidence 3. New Deal agencies created: a. FDIC-created to insure depositsup to $5,000/ also to restore public confidence in banks Today its 250,000!
b. 1933 Fed Emergency Relief Admn. gave aid to states to create jobs c. Civil Works Administration (CWA) 1933- created jobs doing anything needed (lots of roads built, even athletic buildings!) d. Public Works Admn- built roads, dams, public buildings
e. Created in 1933, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)employed jobless young men on work projects such as planting trees, stocking lakes and rivers, and building shelters, trails, and campgrounds.
C. FIRESIDE CHATS: 1. March 12th –FDR held the first of manyFireside Chats 2. FDR’s informal talks through radioin which he calmly but confidently explained in simple terms the nation’s problems & how the New Deal planned to defeat the Depression
3. Many Americans felt he was speaking directly to them. 4. He often received 50,000 letters a day after a Fireside Chat. 5. First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, became a role model for future first ladies; she was directly involved in charity work to help the needy
Radio: The Original Entertainment • Nearly 90% of American homes owned a radio • Sales of radios greatly increased in the 1930s, from 13 millions in 1930 to 28 million by 1940
Famous Radio Moments • Orson Welles created a new special called War of the Worlds • It was an epic drama about aliens landing in America • Unfortunately, many thought it was a news broadcast and panicked!
V. THE “NEW DEAL”: FDR’s Platforms. It had 3 general aims:
A. RELIEF( the tub of ice cream!) 1. Immediate action taken to halt the economy’s deterioration. 2. FDR launched large-scale programs of direct relief to aid the nation’s 15 million unemployed workers. 3. Most Americans disliked relief. They wanted jobs-not handouts- so organizations were created to address that issue.
B. RECOVERY (Girls Night Out!) • Temporary programs to restart the flow of consumer demand. • “Priming the Pump”- FDR poured money into the economy through federal loans and government spending.
3. Helping the Nation Recover a. SEC-formed to regulate companies trading on the stock market b. ** JM Keynes-promoted deficit spending to end the depression/ created a huge national debt c. NIRA (National Industrial Recovery Act)- passed to stimulate business and reduce unemployment by stabilizing prices, raising wages, limit hours, create jobs
d. National Recovery Admn. Created by NIRA. - drew up codes to get businesses to work together to set hours, wages, prices, etc; however, it was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1935 but survived constitutional challenge
e. Farmers were called to cut production to make prices rise . AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) paid farmers to reduce output but was declared unconstitutional in 1936. f. Tenn. Valley Authoritycreated to upgrade economic and social life in the Southeast-it built dams to create low-cost electricity, flood control, and recreation / provided jobs
D. REFORM (Showing up to prom with a hotter date!) Permanent programs to avoid another depression and insure citizens against economic disasters. -FDIC -Social Security