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WG3b Activities A proposal. Jean-Marie Bettems / MeteoSwiss COSMO GM Roma, September 5 th , 2011. WG3b – What is it?. The working group on physical aspects has been split in two parts, WG3a and WG3b , with WG3b being concerned with soil and surface aspects .
WG3b ActivitiesA proposal Jean-Marie Bettems / MeteoSwiss COSMO GM Roma, September 5th , 2011
WG3b – What is it? • The working group on physical aspects has been split in two parts, WG3a and WG3b, with WG3b being concerned with soil and surface aspects. • Jean-Marie Bettems / MeteoSwiss is currently the coordinator of WG3b. • The tasks of WG3b have to be defined.
WG3b – What is it for? • From the new COSMO Terms of References: • Tasks, authority, and responsibilities of Working Group Coordinators • maintains a Work Package List documenting all the activities within the Working Group and coordinates the work of the scientists contributing the Working Group; • plans changes to the official version of the COSMO software within the scope of the Working Group and supervises their implementation; • ....
WG3b – Activities (1) • Background • TherearesometaskswhichwereproposedwithinCOLOBOC but whichhave not yetbeenfinalized, orwhichare permanent (e.g. datapool). • Thereare also sometaskswhichweredefined in theformer WG3. • A prioritytask on theimplentationofmireparametrization in TERRA hasbeenacceptedbytheStC. • Manyactivities on thistopictakeplace in theCLM community. • Criteria • Potential impact on thequalityofthesimulations (NWP, but also assimilationsystemandclimateapplications) • Significancefor end users • Availableresourcesandexpertise • Riskasessment !
WG3b – Activities (2) • 1. Define a list of WG3b activities with • Active tasks with associated resources, • Tasks without resource, but urgent (→ ask StC for resources) • Tasks without resource, on hold • 2. Suggest activities to other working groups • 3. Maintain a list of open questions • WG3b_Proposal.doc
WG3b – Which resources? Active COSMO scientists in thisfield Giovanni Bonafe ARPA-SIMC gbonafe@arpa.emr.it Massimo Milelli ARPA-Piedmontm.milelli@arpa.piemonte.it Juergen.Helmert DWD Juergen.Helmert@dwd.de Ekaterina Machulskaya DWD Ekaterina.Machulskaya@dwd.de DmitriiMironov DWD dmitrii.mironov@dwd.de Bodo Ritter DWD bodo.ritter@dwd.de Jan-Peter Schulz DWD jan-peter.schulz@dwd.de Martin Lange DWD Martin.Lange@dwd.de Claudia Heret DWD Claudia.Heret@dwd.de Gerd Vogel DWD gerd.vogel@dwd.de Edouard Davin ETHZ edouard.davin@env.ethz.ch Grzegorz Duniec IMGW grzegorz.duniec@imgw.pl Jean-Marie Bettems MeteoSwiss jean-marie.bettems@meteoswiss.ch Reto Stoeckli MeteoSwiss Reto.Stoeckli@meteoswiss.ch Ekaterina KazakovaRoshydromet kaza4ok-87@mail.ru Inna RozinkinaRoshydromet rozin2004@mail.ru Alla YurovaRoshydrometalla.yurova@gmail.com