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PARAGUAY: EXPORTACIONES, EMPLEO, PRODUCTIVIDAD Y CRECIMIENTO Junio 2006. Objetivo. Utilización del modelo de GTAP para realizar simulaciones ex antes, a fin de evaluar el impacto de instrumentos de política económica que puedan lograr el crecimiento de la economía.
Objetivo Utilización del modelo de GTAP para realizar simulaciones ex antes, a fin de evaluar el impacto de instrumentos de política económica que puedan lograr el crecimiento de la economía.
Modelo y Cierre - Modelo estándar del GTAP. - Cierres (Closures) estándar del modelo GTAP, ajustado para describir cierta característica de las economías de América. - El cierre utilizado presume desempleo del factor trabajo no calificado.
Closure exogenous pop psaveslack pfactwld profitslack incomeslack endwslack cgdslack tradslack ams atm atf ats atd aosec aoreg avasec avareg afcom afsec afreg afecom afesec afereg aoall afall afeall au dppriv dpgov dpsave to tp tm tms tx txs qo(ENDW_COMM,REG) ; Rest Endogenous ; !Employment swap qo("unsklab","Paraguay") = pfactreal("unsklab","Paraguay"); swap qo("unsklab","ALCA") = pfactreal("unsklab","ALCA");
Macrosimulaciones • Plena vigencia de un Acuerdo de Libre Comercio (ALCA). • Subsidio a las exportaciones paraguayas del 10%. • Aumento de la Productividad Total de los Factores (PTF) en 5%. • Aumento de la Productividad Total de los Factores en el Sector Primario en 10%.
Aumento de la Productividad Total de Factores en el Sector Primario en 10%
Sources of welfare changes There are basically 4 major sources for any given welfare change: 1. Allocative efficiency effect: Welfare may increase or decrease due to reallocation of the existing resources. e.g. moving labor from the food sector to the manufacturing sector. 2. Endowment Effect:Welfare may change as a result of a change in the amount of resource endowments. e.g. an increase in the region's arable land endowment as a result of favorable climate change. Because endowments are typically exogenous in GTAP, we don't attempt to explain why they have risen or fallen. This is obviously a limitation. 3. Technology Effect:Welfare may increase due to technological improvements. e.g. Labor may become more productive due to training, mechanization, etc. Once again, since technology is exogenously specified, we don't explain the source (and potential costs) of this improvement. 4. Terms of Trade (TOT) Effect:Welfare may change as a result of more/less favourable prices of exports/imports of a region due to trade policy reforms, or changes in supply and demand conditions. This only plays a role when the economy in question is open: in a closed economy model, there are no exports or imports. In GTAP model the Equivalent Variation (EV) is employed as the welfare indicator, where a positive EV indicates a welfare gain, and a negative EV indicates a welfare loss. Zero EV implies that there is no welfare gain or loss.