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Security, Fire Safety and Health and Safety at Central European University. SECURITY at Central European University. Please show your ID card to the Security Guards when entering the CEU building s!. Lost / damaged ID cards. Replacement fee: €10
Security,Fire Safety andHealth and Safety at Central European University
Please show your ID card to the SecurityGuards when entering the CEU buildings!
Lost / damaged ID cards • Replacement fee: €10 • Payment in cash in Budget and Finance Office Cash Desk (Nador 15. 2nd floor) • in case students present a police report on stolen / lost ID card, there is no replacement fee • Lost and Found items can be left and collected at Nador 9 and 11 receptions.
Please pay attention to your private property at all times: • Laptops • (Laptop area, Library) • mobile phones • bags & luggage & wallets Please take care of CEU property and report damages to the security service
Use cloak room or lockers when you visit the Library in Nador 9 Do not leave bag or luggage without attendance! Lost and Found items can be left and collected at Nador 9 and 11 receptions.
Surveillance cameras are installed for recording at entrances, PhD Labs and Computer Labs • Motion detectors are located in the Faculty Tower
Opening hours Nador u. 9. Nador u. 11. Nador u. 13. Nador u. 15. Október 6.7. Október 6. u. 12. entrances weekdays 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Zrinyi u. 14. entrance weekdays 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. On weekends the entrances are open for shorter periods,depending on the opening hours of the service units (Library and Computer Labs) Please check the Student Handbook for further details.
Bicycles Bicycle storage in Nador 15 Courtyard
Bicycles • Please use your CEU ID card at the Nador 15 bike entrance • Bicyclerepairtools are availableat the N15 security desk • A bike repair station which includes a repair rack and two airpumps is located in the covered portion of the Nador 15 courtyard • In case of keycard troubles or bike maintenance issues please contact: bicycles@ceu.hu
If you discover fire or suspectan outbreak of fire: • Use the fire alarm equipmentand then inform surrounding people. • To use; break the front window, thenpress the button. The alarm signal will sound immediately. • Only try and fight the fire if you are competent and you consider it safe to do so.
If you discover fire or suspectof outbreak of fire • Raise the ALARM and initiate an evacuation • Call for the Fire Service (Tel. 105 or 112) • Evacuate to the assembly point • ONLY IF it is SAFE to do so, attempt to extinguish the fire. • Always position yourself with an exit or means of escape at your back before you attempt to use an extinguisher to put out a fire. • In general, Leave IMMEDIATELY on hearing the alarm or if instructed to leave the area by CEU security staff.
How to evacuate the building. • Leave the building immediately • Follow the green signsdirecting you to the nearest safe exit. • Walk quickly but don’t run. Close doors behind you. • Do not delay your exit to collect your belongings • Go to the Fire Assembly Point • Do not return to the building until told to do so by the CEU security staff
How to evacuate the building (cont) • Do not use elevator in emergency cases. • In case of fire, the elevators should return to the groundfloor, and stay there with opened doors. • The fire section doors will automatically close. You can open these manually.
How to evacuate the building (cont) Maps of escape routes are placed in offices,rooms and corridors.
Never fight a fire if… • One extinguisher is not enough • Smoke is affecting your breathing • You cannot see the way out • Gas cylinders or chemicals are involved • Your efforts are not reducing the size of the fire • You don't know what is burning. • The fire is spreading rapidly . • The fire is producing a large amount of smoke . • IF YOUR INSTINCTS TELL YOU NOT TO…
In case of hearing the fire alarm: • Leave the building when you hear the alarm sound! • Follow the signsdirecting you to the nearest safe exit! • Inform the Fire Brigade • (Telephone numbers in Hungary: • 105 or 112)
How to use the fire extinguisher. • Take off the wall and carry near to the fire. • Place the extinguisher at your side. • Hold the hose in one hand, pointing it at the base of the fire. • Pull out the safety pin with the other hand, then push down/squeeze the handle. • Direct the contents of the extinguisher on the fire
Most fire extinguishers operate using the P.A.S.S. technique: • Most fire extinguishers operate using the P.A.S.S. technique: • PASS = Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep • PULL... Pull the pin. This will also break the tamper seal. • AIM... Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the fire. • SQUEEZE... Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. • SWEEP... Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out. Watch the area. If the fire re-ignites, repeat steps.
Fire Classification Class A - All carbonaceous material such as wood, textiles and paper. Also certain types of plastic and rubber. Class B - Flammable liquids such as petrol, oils, greases and paints, solvents and fats. Many plastics can also be included in this class. Class D - Fires involving flammable metals. For example sodium, lithium, magnesium and aluminum when in the form of swarf or powder. Class C - Flammable gases such as methane, propane, butane, acetylene, town gas including natural gas. Class E - All fires which are complicated by the presence of live electrical equipment or wiring. Class F - Fires involving cooking oil and fat. For example olive oil, maize oil, sunflower oil, lard and butter.
How to use the fire hose. • The fire hydrant box includes a 20 meter hose pipe with a water spreader (nozzle). To use, there is a need for two persons. • The first person should roll out the hose, and grab the nozzle, • Then the other person should open the tap.
Categories of Fire Signs • Prohibition (Red-White-Black) • You must not do something • Mandatory (Blue-White) • You mustdo/carry out the action given by the sign • Warning (Yellow-Black) • Caution / Hazard ahead / Risk of danger • Safe Condition (Green-White) • The safe way/route to use in an emergency • Fire Equipment (Red-White) • To indicate fire equipment
Type of Fire Extinguishers at CEU ABC Powder Fire Extinguishers Carbon dioxide Fire Extinguishers • Safe for use on: • Wood, Paper • Textiles • Flammable Liquids • Gaseous Fires • Live Electrical • Equipment • Safe for use on: • Flammable Liquids • Live Electrical • Equipment
Fire Extinguishers - Powder Red body with blue label. Best on Class B fires but safe to use on any type of fire. Works by chemically interfering with the combustion reaction
Fire Extinguishers - Carbon Dioxide Red body with black label Best on Class B and C fires but safe to use on any type of fire Safe to use on fires involving electricity Extinguishes by reducing oxygen levels and cooling
Principles of Fire • A fire is - the rapid oxidation of a fuel producing heat, particulates, gases and non-ionizing radiation • Broadly speaking, there are three essentials to every fire. There must be: • Fuel, combustible material - i.e. something to burn • Air - i.e. oxygen to sustain combustion • Heat, - i. e. higher than ignition temperature of the combustible material • at the same time at the same place. • The process of combustion can be likened to a triangle whose sides are:
Methods of Extinguishing Fires: • The three principle methods of extinguishing fires (i.e. the removal of one side of the "triangle of combustion") are: • Starving,removing the fuel • Smothering,removing the air (oxygen) • Cooling, removing the heat
Moving and Traffic Do not run on slippery marble floors, stairs or corridors!
Door steps • Always look ahead! • Stairways • Never run on the stairs!
Bars and ledges(lower height) Do not lean or sit on them!
Swing doors: • Alwayslook behindyou • before you release • the door! • Automatically operated doors: • These doors operate slowly. • Be careful when using them!
Medical Center • In case of any accident, please turn to our Doctors! • Location: • Nador 11 courtyard • Phone no: 327-3815 • http://www.ceu.hu/studentlife/services/medical-center
Accidents • First Aid Kits are available at all Receptions • Please ask the Security Guards and they will take further steps if necessary!
Smoking regulation Please be advised that due to the regulation in Hungary (law no. XLII, year 1999) smoking is prohibited at educational institution’s areas. The regulation prohibits the designation of indoor smoking areas in any public institution or place of work or within 5 metres of the entrance of the building. In compliance with this regulation, only the following outdoor areas will be designated for smoking purposes effective immediately:Nádor 9 Building - Faculty Tower 2nd floor Japanese GardenNádor 9 Building - Monument Building 2nd floor roofgardenNádor 15 Building - ground floor courtyardFrankel Leó 30-34. Building – Business School 4th floor roofgardenHattyú 14-Cognitive Development Center-ground floor, outdoor designated smoking areaThe buildings of Október 6 Nr. 7. Október 6 Nr. 12. Október 6 Nr.14.Nádor 11 Nádor 13. Zrínyi 14Arany János 32.(OSA)will be strictly non-smoking buildings including the restaurants, buffets as well.The designated outdoor smoking areas have indications with proper signalization (both written and pictorial). The health protectional fine may be 20.000-50.000 HUF in case of prohibited smoking! Employees have to pay for it!