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Country Report on Asian ALARA Networking Meeting

Country Report on Asian ALARA Networking Meeting. Daejon, Republic of Korea , 3-5 December 2007. LIU Senlin China Institute of Atomic Energy P.O. Box 275(1), 102413 Beijing Fax: +86 10 6935 7008 Tel: +86 10 6935 7882(O) Email: slliu@ciae.ac.cn P. R. CHINA. content. Personnel information

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Country Report on Asian ALARA Networking Meeting

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  1. Country Report on Asian ALARA Networking Meeting Daejon, Republic of Korea , 3-5 December 2007 LIU Senlin China Institute of Atomic Energy P.O. Box 275(1), 102413 Beijing Fax: +86 10 6935 7008 Tel: +86 10 6935 7882(O) Email: slliu@ciae.ac.cn P. R. CHINA

  2. content • Personnel information • Position • Personnel expertise • Implement of ALARA in China • Proposals on Asian Region ALARA Network

  3. Personnel information Position • Vice-President, China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), and • Director, Department of Safety and Protection of CIAE, and • Director, Office of Nuclear Safety, Radiation Protection, and Environmental Protection of CIAE

  4. CIAE • It was founded in 1950. • It is the birthplace of Chinese nuclear science and technology, and China nuclear industry. • It is the base for nuclear science and technology implementing pioneering, basic, and Comprehensive studies in China.

  5. CIAE • It is about 3200 staffs, including 700 senior scientists, and 6 academician of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE). • It consists of 5 Depts., and 3 Divis., and 4 Construction Depts.

  6. CIAE China Institute of Atomic Energy Five Dept. Three Divi. Four Proj. Nuclear Physics Safety and Prot. CEFR Reactor Engi. R&D Sci.&Tech. Infor. CARR Radiochemistry Radiometrology BTAU Nucl. Tech. Appl. CRARF High Tech. Corp. Radioisotope

  7. CIAE • Its major tasks and activities: • Fundamental research on nuclear science and technology • R&D on Advanced nuclear energy • Application of nuclear technology

  8. Personnel expertise • I am engaged in the area of safety and protection for 20 years. There are concerned as follows in 1987-1998: • research on methodology for the assessment of dose to the public • safety analysis and environmental impact assessment of nuclear facilities, such as RR, NPP, Nuclear fuel cycling facility, etc. • research on aerial monitoring technology used for nuclear and radiological emergency monitoring

  9. Personnel expertise • 1999-now: • as vice-president of CIAE, in charge of nuclear safety, radiation safety, waste safety, and environmental protection in CIAE • research on Energy and the Environment • research on strategy and policy for the minimization of Radwastes in China • R&D on emergency monitoring system for combating nuclear terrorism

  10. Personnel expertise • 1993-now: member, Nuclear Safety and the Environment Committee, SEPA/NNSA • 2002-now: vice-president, Chinese Radiological Protection Society (CRPS) • 2004-now: • member, National Nuclear Emergency Coordination Committee of China (NNECCC) • advisor, Chinese delegation to the UNSCEAR • member, editorial board of Chinese Journal-Radiation Protection, and Radiation Protection Newsletter, and Science and Technology of Atomic Energy • professor, CNNC Graduate School

  11. Implement of ALARA • Since the early of 1980s, the optimization principle had been a provision in National Regulations on Radiation Protection. • In the year of 1990, a National Advisory Group on the implementing of ALARA was established in the former Ministry of Nuclear Industry (MNI) of China, and now the CNNC, and under it there is a National ALARA Center in CIRP, an ALARA Committee in each Nuclear Facility Operator. • Some researches and practices of the application of ALARA were made by the CIAE, NPP, etc.

  12. Cases of ALARA • Application of ALARA into the discharging scheme of RR in a site without receiving water body • Application of ALARA into the residual content of U, Pu, and Am in the decommissioning of a nuclear facility site • Application of ALARA into the determination of discharging concentration of liquid effluents in NNP • Application of ALARA into the management of Radwastes in NNP

  13. Case of ALARA • Application of ALARA into the determination of natural nuclides concentration used for construction materials • Application of ALARA into the design of radioisotope production facility • Application of ALARA in national training course on competent radiation protection persons

  14. National expectation to ALARA Network • to be shared with knowledge and experiences of ALARA good practice by national regulatory, experts, etc. • To be a forum on discussion and argumentation against radiation protection issues • To be a platform to exchange safety and protection information by regulatory staffs within Asian Member States, the RPO of operation organization

  15. National expectation to ALARA Network • To be a public web site (only part of it) for the general member to the public to read the good practice of RP within Asian region • National representative, or correspondents will be assigned by the member states government • Newsletter will be issued periodically

  16. Some issues to be discussed • How to establish it, and what are its style and characteristics? • What experiences should be learnt for the similar networking, such as ANSN, EAN, RaSaReN, etc. • How to operate and maintain it? By Department of the IAEA, any member states?

  17. Proposals • The provisional acronym ARAN (Asian Region ALARA Network) is Ok for my personnel option • A task team or group is needed, and its members should mainly be from the future operation organization of the network, and staffs of the IAEA, and • An Asian steering committee would also be necessary in the establishment and operation of the network.

  18. 谢谢

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