ELMO - Miniaturising Electronics The objective of the ELMO Programme is to build a widelyapplicable knowledge base for the coming years so that thefocus is on the core competence of the electronics sector.The criteria set for the central themes of the programme,in other words, for the development trends, are miniaturisation,integration, and cost-efficiency. • Duration: 2002-2005 • Estimated volume: 100 million euros,of which Tekes accounts for approximately50 million euros • Programme Manager: D.Sc. Pentti Koskinen,Tietoneuvos Oy • Further information:www.tekes.fi/english/programmes/ELMO Docs 39889 09-2002
To promote the technological leadership ofFinland in the sub-areas that are critical fromthe point of view of the electronics sector To create basis for new businessopportunities To accumulate high technology knowledge byencouraging research institutes and enter-prises to participate in long-term research Vision-oriented objectives Docs 39889 09-2002
To develop the innovation environment byenhancing interaction between universities, research institutes and companies To develop co-operation networks and management of the value chain To encourage small and medium-sized enterprisesto renew their operations Vision-oriented objectives Docs 39889 09-2002
Intelligent systems take into consideration thedevelopment trends miniaturisation integration cost-efficiency Optoelectronics and its opportunities new business area Efficient design processes take into consideration thecore electronics’ value chain Cost-effective productivity takes into consideration thecore electronics’ value chain Scenario-oriented results Docs 39889 09-2002
Example of a smart system Docs 39889 09-2002
Micro-electronics and its materials especially the research on silicon, compound semi-conductors and optical materials, substrates, andpackaging, together with the related processes,analyses and characteristics Manufacturing, production, and testing module precision mechanics and manufacturing mechatronics and product processes Integrated systems resulting in a tested prototype System on Chip System on Package MEMS ... Future technologies includes long term research projects and preliminarysurveys that are used to steer the ELMO Programme tonew innovative directions Key ELMO technologies Docs 39889 09-2002
Generic technologies supporting the value chain • Embedded software and genericmiddleware, software platforms • Tools and methods • Integrated design • Modelling and simulation • Reliability • Reliability and environment • Tools • Methods • Impact of environmentalrequirements on reliability Docs 39889 09-2002
Future technology Printing optoelectronics Ultrafast opticaltelecommunications DSP Systems andWireless sensors Molecular electronics andfotonics Micromaterials & Processes Package and integration Production Passive and activecomponents Wires, … Clusters and project examples Situation in 2002 • Intelligent systems • SoP • MEMS • ASIC+RF • Ubi • Optical systems • Sensors • Receivers andTransmitters • Low power and low voltage system • Distributed power systems, ... • Tools • Life long testability • Environmental factors, … Docs 39889 09-2002
List of research projects Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT),Espoo- ElectroMechanical Microcomponents for Precision Applications University of Jyväskylä - Miniatyrizing Sensors University of Oulu- Distributed Power Supply Dynamics Tampere University of Technology- Component integration Tampere University of Technology- Use of flip-chip techniques in industrial applications Helsinki University of Technology- Implications of IPP and EU environmental directives on future activities of electrical and electronics enterprises Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT),Espoo- Removal of heavy organic compounds with aqueous ozone processes Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)- Monolithic integration of SOI micromechanics and electronics Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)- Chemical-mechanical planarisation of silicon wafers Tampere University of Technology, Optoelectronics Research Centre, ORC- Towards Lighter Technologies Tampere University of Technology- Lead free components, their connections and mechanical testing University of Oulu- Testability development of integrated mixed-signal circuits
List of research projects University of Oulu- LP/LV CMOS circuit block development for sensor micromodules University of Oulu- Additive precise circuit patterns Helsinki University of Technology- Integration of Radiocommunication Circuits (RADINT) Helsinki University of Technology- Self-organized molecular electronics and photonics (SOMEP) Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT),Oulu- Optics on future printed circuit board in high speed data transmission applications Tampere University of Technology- Flexible Design Methods for DSP Systems Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT),Oulu- Printing optoelectronics Helsinki University of Technology- Impact of Miniaturization on Manufacturing and Reliability of Electronics Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)- New technologies for passive integration and ALCVD dielectics for mircoelectronics Helsinki University of Technology, Electronic Circuit Design Laboratory- Information Processing via Nonlinear Dynamics and Bifurcation Theory Helsinki University of Technology - Environmental and life cycle issues in design and R&D activities of electrical and electronics enterprises Kajaani Polytechnics- Feasibility study on introduction and testing new electronics manufacturing technologies in Kajaani region Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT),Tampere- Intelligent tyre development