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Showcase ITL 522. Josephine Stifter National University. TPE #1. TPE 3- Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
Showcase ITL 522 Josephine Stifter National University
TPE #1 • TPE 3- Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning • Element 4: Individually and through consultation and collaboration with other educators and members of the larger school community, plan for effective subject matter instruction and use multiple means of representing, expressing, and engaging students to demonstrate their knowledge. • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xbeuow5YhV-efMnegbqd1euIS9kZybVK/view?usp=sharing
TPE #1 Assignment • The assignment that I feel reflects my knowledge of the importance of collaborating with educators to provide effective instruction and use the UDL model was the literacy lesson plan assignment. I made this lesson with my school coach who was also a science teacher as well as the English teacher. I received some really great strategies and insight on how to have my students successfully write a paragrpah from the English teacher. My science coach helped me provide a lesson with many ways of engagement, representation, and expression.
TPE #1 Inspire experience • An experience that made me feel most inspired related to this TPE has been starting to write my Cal TPA assignments. It has been a huge undertaking that has been a collaboration between myself, my coach, the special education teacher, my National instructors, as well as my classmates. With all of their help I have written a lesson that embodies the UDL model of teaching as well as something my students enjoyed and had data that showed learning.
TPE #1 Reflection • Since I am doing my Cal TPA’s concurrently with this class I used the same lesson for the literacy lesson and my seminar course. With that being said there is a lot of peer collaboration going into my TPA lesson, which means I have spent a lot of time with other educators recently preparing my lesson plan. It has really taught me how important it is to hear what other more experienced teachers have to say and what strategies can work for the different content areas.
TPE #1 Reflection • In specific my coach used to be a science teacher and helped me incorporate all of the UDL methods into my lesson. We got students engaged through readings, discussions, and videos. Content was presented in multiple ways through video, reading, lecture, and research. Students are allowed to express themselves through a PowerPoint or a Word document as well as in their various discussions and graphic organizer. The English teacher has helped me weave literacy into this lesson.
TPE #1 Reflection • She also helped me figure out how to make a writing assignment that would fit the group I have and their needs. The special education teacher helped me figure out how to scaffold the lesson for my students with IEPs as well as the English learners. All of this practice collaborating to make one great lesson gave me so much insight on new teaching strategies as well as how to effectively plan for all students learning needs. I needed some help with different strategies because my lessons were getting stale. I feel like there are so many new things I can take and mold into all of my lessons from this class.
TPE #1 Growth plan • Work on continuing to collaborate with others to make engaging lessons for my students as well as to learn more about planning and strategies. • Work on finding new and interesting ways to represent content to my students that allows them to engage in multiple different ways. • Continue finding new ways to allow my students to express what they are learning and be open to ideas from all educators including my students. • Continue to work on becoming a better planner and adding more detail into these plans.
TPE #2 • TPE 1- Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning • Element 7: Promote student’s critical and creative thinking and analysis through activities that provide opportunities for inquiry, problem, solving, responding to and framing meaningful questions, and reflection. • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F6xCy6xMKPUIcHjrHgTxY2qPNjucb0Ps/view?usp=sharing
TPE #2 Assignment • The assignment that I feel reflects my knowledge of promoting critical and creative thinking is the literacy lesson video. This video shows my students and I engaging in discussions that promoted students sharing their thoughts and responding to well framed questions. It allowed students to reflect on what they had watched and read as well as inquire about what the different genetic technologies were.
TPE #2 Inspire experience • An experience that made me feel most inspired related to this TPE was some whole class discussions I had with my students shown in the literacy video about genetic technology. I had done more purposeful planning of the questions I was asking them during these discussions and got some really good results. I felt as though students were engaging in the content and using critical thinking skills to create well informed opinions on genetic technology.
TPE #2 Reflection • Students need to engage in more higher order thinking to successfully learn content. This can be done in many different ways but the one that I found works really well for my students is discussions on a video or a reading passage. This allows them to reflect and think about the content in ways that they are not getting to engage in during classic worksheet activities. Students are able to bounce ideas off of peers and inquire more from the teacher.
TPE #2 Reflection • Students can respond to well framed questions or finish sentence frames that promote sustained conversation and higher order thinking. Through this process I learned the importance of planning these questions out so that they are purposeful in what they ask the students to be discussing as well as promote them to ask other questions, inquire more about why their partner feels a certain way, and engage in academic vocabulary and conversation.
TPE #2 Reflection • I was extremely inspired by the conversations my students were having and want to focus on building this skill because my students really enjoyed it and it accomplished them practicing the skill of critical thinking. I would also like to find other ways to have my students engage in this process that works as well as these discussions do. Through careful planning I want to facilitate more of this kind of instruction and incorporate it more often into our daily routine.
TPE #2 Growth plan • Continue to work on engaging my students in higher order thinking. • Continue to work on my NGSS knowledge and how I can properly implement these standards so this critical thinking can occur. • Purposefully plan discussions and the questions students will be engaging in. • Challenge my students in ways that is out of their norm to promote learning.
ITL522 Reflection • What is important to me as an inspired teacher? What are the important beliefs and values gained from this class that inspire me (affect)? • As an inspired teacher it is important for me to focus more on my planning and my students needs. Proper planning can facilitate the higher order thinking that promotes sustained learning and engaged students. I believe it is my duty to support my students in any way possible by collaborating with other educators and practicing the art of teaching. I always need to be a student myself and my greatest teachers are in my classroom learning from me everyday.
ITL522 Reflection • What specific actions have I learned about from this class that I can take to remain inspired (behavior)? • Inspired teachers focus on planning lessons that are engaging to students and meet their needs. They are always looking for ways to challenge their students. Inspired teachers do not restrict their students learning environment but use the UDL model to broaden the horizons in the classroom. Teachers should always be thinking of literacy and language development standards when planning lessons. We are all teachers of literacy and our plans should embody this so that all students are properly served.
ITL522 Reflection • What are the important concepts, subjects, and/ or knowledge gained from this class that have inspired me as a teacher (knowledge)? • The most important thing I have gotten out of this class was being able to go through one whole cycle of the lesson planning template. I got to not only plan the lesson but it also forced me to sit down and formally reflect on the learning event. I now realize how important it is to use this information in order to properly plan for the next days lesson. It inspired me to start taking time out of my week to do the reflections. These will not only serve me to become a better teacher but it will be easier to plan my curriculum next year when I have all of this information on each lesson.
ITL522 Reflection • When I think about inspiring my PK12 learners, what are the beliefs and values that will guide my decisions and perspectives(affect)? • When I think about inspiring my PK12 learners, I will plan for a lesson that is engaging to all students and submits them to critical thinking. I will pick assignments that include practice in content literacy and language development. I will reflect on my lesson plans in order to perfect them and better serve my students. I will always think of them and their needs and interests before creating a lesson.
ITL522 Reflection • What are a few key teaching practices and/ or strategies I plan to implement to inspire my learners/ students (behavior)? • I am going to start implementing the tap reading strategy as well as adding articles into my lesson plans more often. • I am going to focus on building content literacy while also teaching the standards. • I plan to continue challenging my students by having them perform critical thinking tasks. • I plan to work on my ability to effectively plan meaningful discussions with my students.
ITL522 Reflection • Considering what I have learned from this class, how will I know each learner is inspired to learn, wants to contribute positively to our learning community, and is thriving in my class (cognitions)? • I will know when my students are inspired to learn when they are actively engaged in the lesson. They will be using academic language and improving in their literacy skills. They will be participating in a positive and safe learning environment. When my students are inspired they will be willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
ITL 522 Links • https://jcsshowcase.wordpress.com • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xbeuow5YhV-efMnegbqd1euIS9kZybVK/view?usp=sharing • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F6xCy6xMKPUIcHjrHgTxY2qPNjucb0Ps/view?usp=sharing