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VOCALS Update Chris Bretherton, Univ. of Washington. VOCALS THEME. To better understand and simulate how marine boundary layer cloud systems surrounding the Americas interact with the coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system on diurnal to interannual timescales. . VOCALS in CLIVAR.
VOCALS THEME To better understand and simulate how marine boundary layer cloud systems surrounding the Americas interact with the coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system on diurnal to interannual timescales.
VOCALS in CLIVAR • Bob Weller will assume VOCALS leadership at this meeting. • VPM7 VOCALS participants: US (Bretherton, Fairall, Mechoso, Weller) Chile (Garreaud, Ruttland, Pizarro) Uruguay (Terra) Ecuador (Cornejo) • VOCALS observational program overview • VOCALS science advancing understanding/GCM simulation of boundary layer clouds in the coupled climate system. • VOCALS radiator experiment
VOCALSScientific Issues • Time and space scales of CTBL-continent interaction. • Regional S/I feedbacks between Sc clouds, surface winds, upwelling, coastal currentsand SST in E Pacific. • Feedbacks of Eastern Pacific cloud topped boundary layer properties on overall tropical circulation and ENSO. • Climatic importance of aerosol-cloud interactions.
VOCALS STRATEGIES • Global and mesoscale model evaluation and improvement (e.g parameterization development) using multiscale data sets. • Model sensitivity studies to refine hypotheses and target observations. • Science by synthesis/use of existing data sets, enhancement through targeted instrument procurement, algorithm evaluation and development, and enhanced observation periods. • Co-ordination with oceanographic, aerosol, cloud process communities, including CLIVAR cloud CPT, CLOUDSAT, etc.
Ongoing VOCALS observational enhancements: • 3.5 years of WHOI stratus buoy (20S 85W) data (Weller) • documents surface met, energy budget, subsurface cooling • by ocean eddies and waves. (SE end of TAO line also useful). • (2) U. Chile installed ceilometer and surface met at San Felix Is. • (maintenance/power continuity issues) (Ruttland/Garreaud). • (3) Buoy maintenance cruises for two weeks every Oct-Nov. • now have PACS-supported NOAA/ETL surface met./ • cloud remote sensing (Fairall). • (4) Integrated satellite data: • Nascent JOSS VOCALS archive, starting with GOES data. • Minnis GOES products (selected periods).
100km A Patch of Open Cells (POC)MODIS 250m visible imagery
POCs drizzle more Figure by Kim Comstock/Rob Wood
MODIS effective cloud droplet radius – small in coastal pollution larger in clean areas, excessive in broken cloud of POCs. large (clean) in drizzle
Low-latitude cloud feedback Climate Process Team Goal: Reduce uncertainty in low-latitude cloud feedbacks on climate sensitivity. • In-depth diagnosis of cloud feedbacks in models. • Implement ‘best-practices’ parameterizations honed via single-column methods, newest observations. • Start with boundary-layer clouds, move to deep convective systems.
CPT organization • Core group (C. Bretherton, M. Khairoutdinov, C. Lappen, B. Mapes, J. Norris, R. Pincus, B. Stevens, K. Xu, M. Zhang): Parameterization, diagnosis, observational hooks. • Advisory group (B. Albrecht, A. Betts, C. Fairall, T. del Genio, S. Ghan, G. McFarquhar, R. Mechoso, H. Pan, D. Randall, D. Raymond, J. Teixeira, R. Weller) • NCAR–Kiehl, Rasch, Collins; Liaison: hiring underway GFDL-Klein, Held, Donner; Liaison: Zhao GMAO-Bacmeister, Suarez. • Not an exclusive effort - active coordination with observational programs such as VOCALS, GCSS, European, Canadian efforts, CFMIP.
ERBE Annual meanControl run -SWCF (W m-2) NCAR GFDL GMAO
NCAR SST+2Bonygramcomparison GFDL GMAO
6-day EPIC buoy period soundings vs. global models • Forecast models and esp. GCMs underestimate ABL depth. • Cloud is too shallow, thin (but surface drizzle still too high).
Initial conditions (30 levels) at 00Z 16 Oct. 10 K inversion ESE PBL winds
Forcings (from ECMWF analyses) Homogenize above 600 mb More subsidence during daytime Ship-observed SST = 291.8 K Homogenize above 600 mb
U. Washington PBL/ShCu schemes in CAM3 • Grenier-Bretherton (2001 MWR) moist TKE/explicit entrainment PBL scheme, modified so TKE diagnostic. • Bretherton-McCaa-Grenier (2004 MWR) shallow cu scheme: • - Buoyancy sorting bulk entraining-detraining plume • - Cu-base mass flux • - Plume momentum equation for overshooting entrainment • Single column L30 tests using EPIC dataset (GCSS WG1?) • L30 and L26 tests with T42 Eulerian core using a preliminary version of CAM3.
VOCALS ‘radiator-fin’ experiment ca. Oct. 2007? • Transect between WHOI buoy and coast • Goals: Cloud/aerosol interactions, PBL diurnal cycle • mesoscale ocean structure Diurnal subsidence wave Cld microphys. gradient Coastal jet buoy Ocn heat transport • 3-4 weeks • Surveyed in a radiator pattern by ship (ocn, cld obs) • Aircraft flights along transect • To realize this vision, major S American buy-in needed!