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New Program Administrator Technical Assistance and Title I Basics

New Program Administrator Technical Assistance and Title I Basics. Agenda. Introduction to Title I, Part A What is Title I? History and Purpose of Title I TAS and SW Programs Parental Involvement Nonpublic Schools Application and Amendments Monitoring and Resources.

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New Program Administrator Technical Assistance and Title I Basics

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  1. New Program Administrator Technical Assistance and Title I Basics

  2. Agenda • Introduction to Title I, Part A • What is Title I? • History and Purpose of Title I • TAS and SW Programs • Parental Involvement • Nonpublic Schools • Application and Amendments • Monitoring and Resources • NCLB Flex Waiver and Federal Accountability • What is the Flexibility Waiver? • School placement categories • Turnaround Principles and Rigor Tiers • Parameters of Selection • Funding and Monitoring • Closing • Resources • Questions

  3. An Introduction to: Title I, Part ANCLB Flexibility Waiver and Federal AccountabilityNew Program Administrator MeetingSeptember 12 and 13, 2013

  4. An Introduction to Title I, Part A

  5. What Is Title I? • Supplemental federal funding for low achieving students targeted to high poverty schools. • Provides extra academic support and learning opportunities for children who are failing, or most at-risk of failing, state and local standards.

  6. History of Title I • Title I is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that was introduced in 1965, now known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB). • Title I is the largest single program of federal aid for elementary and secondary education. • NCLB emphasizes the importance of teacher quality, student achievement, and parental involvement. • NCLB stresses high standards and accountability.

  7. How Does Title I Help Schools? • By providing supplemental resources and academic opportunities for those students most at-risk for not meeting State and Local standards. • Title I funding may be used for professional development, providing necessary training to teachers.

  8. What Types of Services Are Offered? • Services are determined by the Local Educational Agency (LEA) and schools and are additional to what is already provided • Programs must be supported by scientifically or evidence-based research. • Instruction should focus on the highest needs of the students in the building.

  9. For Example… • Before/after school tutoring • Specialized teachers (e.g., Reading Recovery) • Instructional Coaches • Interventionists • Preschool • Extended time opportunities • Student Supplies • Professional Development • Literacy Materials • Equipment and Technology • Home School Liaisons

  10. How Does the Money Get To a School? Federal Government allocates $ to States based on Census Poverty Data. States allocate $ to districts based on Census Poverty Data. Districts allocate $ to schools based on Free/Reduced Lunch Counts.

  11. How Does a School Become Title I? • Schools within each LEA must be ranked by percentage of poverty from highest to lowest. • Free/Reduced lunch data is used to determine the poverty level of schools in a district. • Schools that meet or exceed poverty averages (based on total F/R lunch counts) are eligible to be served. • Rules regarding ranking and serving are technical and complex.

  12. Ranking and Serving Schools • Schools must be served in rank order (from highest to lowest poverty percentage). • There are multiple methods to qualify schools for Title I Services, which could include districtwide poverty average, grade span grouping, the 35% rule, grandfathering and the 75% requirement. • After establishing the ranking, the LEA then allocates funds to eligible schools in rank order.

  13. Who Can Be Served in a Title I School? • ANY child in academic need, including: • Migrant children, Limited English proficient children, and children with disabilities Automatically eligible: • Children who attended Head Start, Even Start, or Early Reading first in the 2 preceding years • Children who received Title I, Part C in the 2 preceding years • Children in a neglected or delinquent facility • Children who are homeless • Poverty is NOT a determining factor!

  14. Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide Programs Requirements and Details

  15. Types of Title I Schools • In a Targeted Assistance School (TAS), students must be formally identified and a Student Selection form must be used. • In a Schoolwide Program (SWP), a formal student selection process is not required; however, services must still be targeted to the lowest achieving students.

  16. Targeted Assistance Schools • All Title I schools are automatically Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS). • Most notable characteristic of a TAS: only identified students, teachers, or parents may receive Title I services or materials. • Must supplement local or state funds

  17. How Are Children Selected for Title I Services in TAS? • Children who are most in academic need (based on any variety of academic indicators, e.g., ISTEP+, Acuity, NWEA, DIBELS,) receive Title I services. • Student identification must include at least two criteria. • Poverty is not a determining factor in student selection.

  18. Schoolwide Programming • Schoolwide (SW) Programs allow for greater flexibility of programs and services • The SW program should upgrade the entire educational program, while providing assistance to most at-risk students • A school must have at least 40% poverty to transition from TAS to SW

  19. Schoolwide Programming • Statute says, “The comprehensive plan shall be developed during a one-year period, unless…a lesser amount of time is needed..” • Indiana schools have PL 221 plans already developed • Indiana’s ESEA Waiver allows Focus or Priority schools to waive the 40% requirement to become a SW program

  20. Schoolwide Programming • NCLB details 10 required components that must be included in the plan • A Schoolwide Assurance form must be submitted to IDOE • The SW plan will be reviewed during desktop or onsite monitoring; findings may result in re-planning

  21. Highly Qualified Staff • NCLB specifies that any LEA or charter school who receives federal funding must have 100% of their core academic subjects taught by highly qualified teachers. • All Title I funded paraprofessionals in a TAS and all paraprofessionals, regardless of funding source, in a SWP must establish highly qualified. • Paraprofessionals must work under the direct supervision and in close and frequent proximity to a licensed teacher.

  22. Parental Involvement Parents are Important!

  23. Parental Involvement • Title I funds may be used to develop or support effective parental involvement programs for Title I families. • In a TAS - only for the families of identified Title I students. • In a SWP - for all families.

  24. Parental Involvement Requirements • Each Title I School Must: • Develop a Parent Involvement Policy • Create a Home/School Compact • Hold an Annual Title I Meeting • Build capacity for parental involvement • Each Title I LEA Must: • Develop an LEA Parent Involvement Policy • Set aside at least 1% of total Title I funds when the LEA receives $500,000 or more.

  25. Meeting and Compact Requirements • The LEAANDthe school should convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to inform parents of their schools participation under Title I, to explain the requirements of Title I and parental involvement, and discuss the right of the parent to be involved in flexible meetings and planning of programs. • LEA develops policy with the collaboration of parents.

  26. Parent Involvement Requirements 3. School develops a policy with the collaboration of parents. 4. Create a School/Parent compact that is a contract between the school, parent, and student that explains and commits everyone involved to the commitment of excellence. Learning Connection: IDOE – Title I Community Parent Involvement

  27. Parents are Important! • Parents are included in the annual review of the parental involvement policy and compact at each school. • Title I funds may be used to develop or support effective parental involvement programs for Title I Families, such as: • Family Nights with Links to Learning • Parent Workshops • Parent Resource Centers • Parent Newsletters • Student books to read with parents

  28. A Parents’ Right-to-Know • NCLB requires that a Parents’ Right-To-Know letter be mailed to all parents in a Title I school early in the school year. The mailing receipt is kept as evidence of distribution. • A second letter must got home if a child will be taught for four or more consecutive weeks by someone who is not highly qualified.

  29. Nonpublic Schools Making sure ALL Title I Students are Served

  30. Nonpublic Schools – Equitable Services • In order to meet Equitable Services requirements an LEA must – • Provide eligible private school children with an opportunity to participate; • Meet the equal expenditure requirements for instruction, professional development, and parent involvement; • Assess student needs and the effectiveness of the Title I program; and • Begin Title I programs in private schools at the same time as the Title I programs for public school children.

  31. Nonpublic Schools - Supplanting • Supplement NOT Supplant: • Title I services must be in addition to and cannot replace or supplant services that would be provided by private schools to their private school participants. • Questions to Ask: • What classes are children missing when they receive Title I services? • What materials including books do children use when they receive Title I services? Are these materials provided to non-Title I students? • How are Title I services supplemental?

  32. Nonpublic Schools – Consultation • Consultation requirements include: • Timely (before decisions are made) and meaningful (not a unilateral offer without opportunity for discussion) conversations between the LEA and private school. • Discussions that occur during the design, development, and implementation of the Title I programs. • Face to face meetings. • Dialogue prior to the LEA making any decisions.

  33. Nonpublic Schools – Consultation • Topics to address during consultation must include: • How the LEA will identify the needs of eligible children; • What services the LEA will offer; • How and when the LEA will make decisions; • How, where, and by whom the LEA will provide services; • What the size and scope of services will be; • How the LEA will assess the Title I program and use the results to improve Title I services

  34. Nonpublic Schools – Consultation • Additional topics addressed during consultation could include: • The size and scope of the equitable services and the proportion of funds the LEA will allocate for services. • Method or sources of data the LEA will use to determine the number of low-income students. • Services the LEA will provide to teachers and families of participating children. • Discussion of service delivery mechanism the LEA can use. • A thorough consideration and analysis of the views of private school officials services through a contract with third-party provider.

  35. Nonpublic Schools – Selection of Children • Private school children who reside in Title I participating public school attendance areas AND are failing or most at risk of failing to meet student academic achievement standards should receive Title I Services. • Guidelines: • Homeless, 2 preceding years in Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, Title I Preschool, Title I, Part C (Migrant Education). • Grades Prek–2 – selected solely on the basis of teacher judgment, interviews with parents, developmentally-appropriate criteria. • Grades 3 and above – selected using multiple selection criteria. • Poverty is NOT a criterion!

  36. Nonpublic Schools – Service Provider Requirements • The provider of Title I services must be either an employee of the LEA OR an employee of a third party under contract with the LEA. • Private school teachers may be employed by both the private school and the LEA; however, they must be independent of the private school during the time they are employed by the LEA to provide Title I services. • LEA teachers providing Title I services must meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements. • Paraprofessionals must meet the paraprofessional qualification requirements, provide instructional support, and be under the direct supervision of and in close and frequent proximity to a HQT public school teacher. • Private school officials may not sign time and effort records. • Private school officials cannot establish requirements for LEA employed teachers.

  37. Nonpublic Schools – Types of Services • Direct instruction outside the regular classroom = pull out model • Tutoring • After or before school programs • Saturday programs • Summer school • Counseling • Computer assisted instruction (CAI)

  38. Nonpublic Schools – Working Together to Maintain Control • Title I funds may only be used to meet the needs of participating children. • Non-Title I private school children may not use materials purchased with Title I funds. • The LEA must retain title to all materials purchased with Title I funds. • All materials, etc., purchased with Title I funds must be labeled “Property of… School District” and placed in a secured location when not in use. • Private school officials have no authority to obligate Federal funds.

  39. Nonpublic Schools – Evaluation • After consultation, LEA establishes the assessment it will use to measure the effectiveness against the agreed upon standards. • May use the State assessment or another assessment that is aligned to the agreed upon standards, such as the assessment used in the private school. • All participants are assessed annually, including children receiving nonacademic services. • Every year, the LEA, after consulting with private school officials, must determine what constitutes acceptable annual progress for the Title I program. • This decision must be made before Title I services begin. • It’s not enough to just assess participants – the LEA must determine the effectiveness of the total program in raising academic achievement.

  40. Nonpublic Schools • An LEA is responsible for services for their students; LEAs may provide services directly OR enter into an agreement with another district to transfer funds and responsibilities • Consultation may start with: • Private school officials reaching out to public school districts • An LEA consulting with private schools within its boundaries • LEA officials working across districts to identify students in private schools • Remember: Title I funds follow students, even to schools outside of the LEA’s boundaries

  41. Application, Amendments, and Monitoring Title I Grants Reminders and Requirements

  42. Application Process • LEAs receive a planning allocation in Spring (May – June) • LEAs complete the online application via the Title I Application Center by July 1 • Applications are reviewed for both content and compliance • IDOE may contact the LEA for questions or clarification. • Review and approval usually occurs between July 1 and October 1

  43. Amendments • An amendment is a change to either the Title I program or budget • Amendments can be submitted between November 1 and May 30 • Districts will receive a final allocation and notice of carryover funds that can be added after November 1 • Additions to the program and all equipment items must be approved prior to purchase

  44. Three-Tiered Monitoring System • Application Review and Annual Reporting • Telephone/Email Monitoring • Cycle Monitoring -Desk-Top Review -Fiscal Review -On-Site Review

  45. Resources • IDOE – Title I Community on Learning Connection: https://learningconnection.doe.in.gov/Login.aspx • IDOE Website: http://www.doe.in.gov/titlei • USDE Website: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/legislation.html

  46. Compensation for Personnel Services OMB Circular A-87 – Time and Effort Logs and Semi-Annual Certification

  47. Time and Effort • “Where employees work on multiple cost objectives, a distribution of their salaries must be supported by Personnel Activity Reports (Time and Effort Logs) which meet the following standards: • Must reflect an after the fact distribution of the actual activity of each employee; • Must account for the total activity for which each employee is compensated; • Must be prepared at least monthly and must coincide with one or more pay periods; • Must be signed by the employee.” OMB Circular A-87

  48. Semi-Annual Certification • “For employees who work 100% on one single Federal program or cost objects, charges for their salary will be supported by periodic certifications that the employee worked only on that program for the period covered by the certification.” • The certification must be prepared at least semi-annually (every six months) and will be signed by the employee or supervisory official having first hand knowledge of the work performed by the employee.” OMB Circular A-87

  49. Equipment and Technology Inventory OMB Circular A-87

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