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Understanding the Human Respiratory System: Gas Exchange and Transport

Explore the functions of the respiratory system, including external and internal respiration, gas exchange in the lungs, and transport of gases in the blood. Learn about the anatomy of the lungs and the process of breathing.

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Understanding the Human Respiratory System: Gas Exchange and Transport

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  1. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Objectives • Differentiateexternal respiration from internal respiration. • Tracethe path of air from the atmosphere to the bloodstream. • Describehow gases are exchanged in the lungs and transported in the bloodstream.

  2. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Respiration • The function of the respiratory system is to exchange gases with the cardiovascular system. • The respiratory system involves both external respiration and internal respiration. • External respiration is the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood. • Internal respiration is the exchange of gases between the blood and the cells of the body.

  3. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 The Human Respiratory System

  4. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Parts of the Human Respiratory System Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

  5. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 The Lungs • The lungs are the central organs of the respiratory system in which gases are exchanged. • The lungs are located inside thethoracic cavity,which is bound by the rib cage and the diaphragm.

  6. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 The Lungs, continued • The Path of Air • External respiration begins at the mouth and at the nose. • Air is filtered & moved into the tube at the back of the mouth called the pharynx (aka throat).

  7. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 The Lungs, continued • The Path of Air, continued • Air then moves past the from the epiglottis into a cartilaginous tube, called the trachea. • The epiglottis is a flap of cartilage that hangs at the entrance of the larynx and directs food and air to the correct places.

  8. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 The Lungs, continued • The Path of Air, continued • At the end of the trachea, the air moves into the two bronchi and into the lungs. • The air then moves into smaller tubes called the bronchioles. • Air then moves to the alveoli where gas exchange takes place.

  9. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Gas Exchange and Transport • Gas Exchange in the Lungs • Alveoli are surrounded by webs of capillaries. The air passes from the alveoli to the capillaries via diffusion to be transported throughout the body. • At the same time, carbon dioxide passes from the capillaries to the alveoli via diffusion to be exhaled as waste.

  10. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Gas Exchange in the Lungs

  11. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Gas Exchange and Transport, continued • Transport of Oxygen • Most of the oxygen absorbed into the blood combines with hemoglobin, which distributes the blood to cells.

  12. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Hemoglobin and the Transport of Oxygen Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

  13. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Blood and the Transport of Carbon Dioxide Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

  14. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Mechanism of Breathing • Breathing is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs. • Inspiration is the process of taking air into the lungs. • When a deep breath is taken, the chest and ribs expand.

  15. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Mechanism of Breathing, continued • Expiration is the process of releasing air from the lungs. When this happens, the diaphragm and rib muscles relax, which forces the lungs to deflate.

  16. Section 3 The Respiratory System Chapter 46 Inhalation and Exhalation

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