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Best practices and examples of cooperation of statistical institutions and data users N IS Romania Ma ria Rădulescu. Belgrade 2 December 2011.
Best practices and examples of cooperation of statistical institutions and data users NIS Romania Maria Rădulescu Belgrade 2 December 2011
To develop and to provide accurate, reliable, timely, comprehensive, efficient and demand-driven system of statistical indicators that supports management of socio-economic development initiatives. Mission of NIS
Romanian statistics, is aimed to achieve methodological and technical performances, internationally recognized, at a level comparable to statistics in EU Member States. Vision of NIS
Dissemination – play a key role in fulfilling the role of official statistics -society information • Statistical information must meet the requirements of a changing society • Statistical information tends to become most valuable asset of a society • Statistical information management, its provision / purchasing provides competitive advantages for any society Role of dissemination the statistical information
The following there are the core services (key outputs) of the NIS: • Production and dissemination of social statistics: population and demography, migration and vital statistics, labor statistics, education statistics, health statistics and poverty statistics. • Production and dissemination of economic statistics: national accounts, finance and price statistics, external trade, distributive trade, transport, energy, tourism statistics, business and agriculture statistics. • Production and dissemination of environment statistics. • Production and dissemination of sustainable development statistics. Key Outputs of the NIS
User-orientation: users are the reason for the existence of the NIS. Therefore the NIS is motivated enough to meet user needs and priorities. • Quality: the quality of products defines the image and the usefulness of the NIS. The NIS is committed to produce increasingly better quality products that conform to international quality principles of timeliness, coherence, completeness, accessibility, reliability and relevance. • Efficiency: is a prerequisite for success. In order to promote efficiency the NIS promotes and facilitates teamwork, networking, co-operation, motivation, responsibility, innovation and resource awareness. • Effective coordination within the NIS: effectively coordinated to achieve consistency and efficiency in statistical production, management, dissemination and use. Core Values and Principles
Professionalism: in order to retain trust in official statistics, the NIS produces outputs on the basis of internationally acceptable and strictly professional considerations, including scientific principles and professional ethics, with respect to the methods and procedures for the collection, processing, storage and dissemination of statistical data. • Confidentiality: individual data collected for statistical compilation, whether they refer to natural or legal entities, are strictly protected and used exclusively for statistical purposes as provided for in the Statistics Law and European Regulations. • Best practices: to facilitate correct interpretation of data, the NIS produces and disseminates statistics following international best practice. • Promoting standardisation: data for statistical purposes are drawn from different types of sources, including statistical surveys, censuses and administrative records. The sources are selected on the basis of quality, timeliness, and cost. Standardisation is carried to the extent possible. Core Values and Principles
Protection of the statistical profession: The NIS comments on and corrects erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics. • Legal framework: the national and European legislation and measures under which the NIS and other European Statistical Systems operate are made public. • Transparency: the NIS strives to promote accountability to the public through provision of reliable data, and to ensure transparency in statistical production. • Sustainability: the NIS is funded in a sustainable manner to enable it to fulfill its medium and long term objectives. Core Values and Principles
Strategic goals embrace the central thrusts and performance areas which the NIS pursues to achieve its vision and mission. • Concerns for proactively awareness, improving demand for and use of statistics. • Statistical infrastructure development for efficient and effective dissemination tools of statistics. • Data dissemination strategy to ensure that products reach all categories of users in the most user-friendly formats. • Good services rendered for the public to ensure compliance with international standards. Goals for dissemination
The strategic objectives of NIS Romania are to: • Contribute towards the development of an information society. • Disseminate high quality statistical information. • Provide guidance, develop skills and provide assistance that may be required by users of statistics. • Develop a strong statistics culture within the society and maintain a strong public trust in the National Statistical System. Strategic objectives for dissemination
Role of a good IT strategy: Designing and maintain the NIS website as the main tool to facilitate the communication and sharing the statistical information. Practice 1 (what platform, type of database, broadband for online access, maintenance and administration rules, access rules, data protection measures, backups, flexibility of the product, user-friendly tool etc.)
Maintain credibility among data users NIS is free of political interference and policy advocacy. Practice 2 NIS must maintain the credibility based on the relationship of mutual respect and trust with those who use its data. For itself credibility and its data NIS practices: • wide dissemination of data, • openness on data provided, • commitment to quality and professional practice, • equal treatment of data users. Principle 1: Professional independence The professional independence of statistical authorities from other policy, regulatory or administrative departments and bodies, as well as from private sector operators, ensures the credibility of European statistics. Indicators: - The independence of the statistical authority from political and other external interference in producing and disseminating official statistics is specified in law. - The head of the statistical authority and, where appropriate, the heads of its statistical bodies have responsibility for ensuring that European statistics are produced and disseminated in an independent manner. Principle 6: Impartiality and objectivity Indicators: - Statistical releases and statements made in press conferences are objective and non-partisan.
Openness about sources and limitations of the disseminated data - released data are accompanied by the description of the purpose of the program, the used methods and assumptions for data collection, data sources, methods for data processing and dissemination quality and relevance of the data - sources of errors in the data - when problems are found in the previous disseminated data that could affect its use, a correction is released promptly and publicly accompanied by appropriate explanations. Practice 3 Principle 4: Quality commitment Principle 6: Impartiality and objectivity Principle 12: Accuracy and reliability Principle 15: Accessibility and clarity
Wide dissemination of data NIS strives for the widest possible dissemination of data it compiles, timely and public. The elements of our data dissemination strategy: - an established policy for statistical publications, their formats (printed, electronically, web), timeliness, frequency available to inform the audience - a variety of channels for data dissemination, chosen to reach as broad public as reasonably possible; these channels include: internet website, information point, library, data shop, daily newsletter for journalists, daily/monthly press releases, quarterly press conferences for regular communication of major findings - release of data and metadata in a variety of formats: printed publications, online databases, cd-roms together with methodologies, so that the information can be accessed by various data users with various skills and needs Practice 4 Principle 15: Accessibility and clarity Indicators: -Statistics are presented in a form that facilitates proper interpretation and meaningful comparisons. - Dissemination services use modern information and communication technology and, if appropriate, traditional hard copy. - Custom-designed analyses are provided when feasible and are made public. - Metadata are documented according to standardised metadata systems. - Users are kept informed on the methodology of statistical processes and the quality of statistical outputs with respect to the ESS quality criteria.
Disseminate official statistics simultaneously to all categories of users as soon as available through press releases, web, printed and electronic publications. Practice 5 Principle 13: Timeliness and punctuality European statistics must be disseminated in a timely and punctual manner. Indicators: - Timeliness meets the highest European and international dissemination standards. - Preliminary results of acceptable aggregate quality can be disseminated when considered useful. Principle 6: Impartiality and objectivity Indicators: - All users have equal access to statistical releases at the same time and any privileged prerelease access to any outside user is limited, controlled and publicised. In the event that leaks occur, pre-release arrangements should be revised so as to ensure impartiality.
Assure transparency by disseminating Advance Release Calendars of press releases and statistical publications, SDDS indicators with data and metadata as stipulated by European and international dissemination standards. Practice 6 Principle 13: Timeliness and punctuality European statistics must be disseminated in a timely and punctual manner. Indicators: - Timeliness meets the highest European and international dissemination standards. - A standard daily time is set for the release of European statistics. - Periodicity of European statistics takes into account user requirements as much as possible. - Any divergence from the dissemination time schedule is publicised in advance, explained and a new release date set. Principle 6: Impartiality and objectivity Indicators: Statistical release dates and times are pre-announced.
Establish an information point for readers and data shops at NIS headquarter and at each statistical office at local level to respond to data requests from users. Practice 7 Principle 15: Accessibility and clarity European statistics must meet the needs of users. Indicators: - Dissemination services use modern information and communication technology and, if appropriate, traditional hard copy.
Create online services for our users: - build and update the NIS website and for each statistical office at local county - build and update the central statistical database (Tempo-online) with e-commerce facilities - build and update statistical database for population censuses (1992, 2002) including a set of 10% microdata - build and update the statistical database for sustainable development indicators - build and update the database of metadata - build and update the database of statistical classifications and nomenclatures - create online sale point for statistical publications Practice 8 Principle 6: Impartiality and objectivity Indicators: - Information on the methods and procedures used by the statistical authority are publicly available. Principle 15: Accessibility and clarity Indicators: – all
Provide assistance to data users in: - searching on online databases, - understanding methodologies - analyzing the statistical figures - using/ applying the official statistics Practice 9
Establish procedures for treating users’ data requests especially with respect for the Principles 5 and 15 of European Code of Practices, Statistical Law and Law of public access to the statistical information of public interests • Establish the flow chart of actions and responsibilities in answering to users’ requests and quality of the services rendered for them Practice 10 Principle 4: Quality commitment Indicators: - Processes are in place to monitor the quality of the collection, processing and dissemination of statistics. Principle 5: Statistical confidentiality Indicators: - all Principle 15: Accessibility and clarity Indicators: – all
Design and maintain a customers’ database (monitoring the users data requests, internal control management, quality check of the services etc.) Practice 11
Establish the prices policy for the chargeable categories of statistical services rendered for appropriate type of users Practice 12 Principle 3: Adequacy of resources Indicators: - Staff, financial, and computing resources, adequate both in magnitude and in quality, are available to meet current European statistics needs. - Procedures exist to assess the continuing need for all European statistics, to see if any can be discontinued or curtailed to free up resources. Principle 10: Cost effectiveness Indicators: - The productivity potential of information and communications technology is being optimised for data collection, processing and dissemination.
Marketing of the users’ needs Online survey on users’ needs and their satisfaction on the statistical products Practice 13 Principle 11: Relevance European statistics must meet the needs of users. Indicators: – User Satisfaction surveys are undertaken periodically.
Organisation of the annual events (each July) “Open Doors Days” in the Statistical Institute Practice 14 Principle 15: Accessibility and clarity European statistics should be presented in a clear and understandable form, disseminated in a suitable and convenient manner, available and accessible on an impartial basis with supporting metadata and guidance.
Participate to book fairs, exhibitions, any other fairs, having the opportunity to disseminate flyers, publications and promote the statistical products. (establish a cooperation contract with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest Municipality that is inviting NIS to attend book fairs and exhibitions, constantly NIS has its presentation place) Practice 15
Cooperation with data users NIS consults a broad spectrum of users of its data in order to make its products more useful: • seek advices on data concepts, statistical methods and data products from data users as well as from other professionals and methodological experts, using a variety of formal and informal means of communication that are appropriate to the type of input (members of Council for Coordination of Statistical Activity) • seek advices on its statistical program and priorities from external groups, with relevant subject matter and technical expertise (members of Council for Coordination of Statistical Activity) Practice 16 - endeavor to provide access to data and micro data while maintaining the appropriate safeguard measures for confidentiality of individual data Principle 11: Relevance European statistics must meet the needs of users. Indicators: - Processes are in place to consult users, monitor the relevance and practical utility of existing statistics in meeting their needs, and advise on their emerging needs and priorities. - Priority needs are being met and reflected in the work program. Principle 15: Accessibility and clarity Indicators: -Access to microdata can be allowed for research purposes. This access is subject to strict protocols.
Provide wide access to micro data and metadata for scientific research with respect for confidentiality rules of Statistics Law and EU regulations - access to anonymous data for research purposes by strict rules and based on contract - norms for assuring the data confidentiality - NSI implied itself in European research projects (Essnets, FP7 “Data without Boundaries”) Practice 17 Principle 5: Statistical confidentiality Indicators: - Statistical confidentiality is guaranteed in law. - Statistical authority staff sign legal confidentiality commitments on appointment. - Substantial penalties are prescribed for any wilful breaches of statistical confidentiality. - Instructions and guidelines are provided on the protection of statistical confidentiality in the production and dissemination processes. These guidelines are spelled out in writing and made known to the public. - Physical and technological provisions are in place to protect the security and integrity of statistical databases. - Strict protocols apply to external users accessing statistical microdata for research purposes.
Assure equal access to data for all users - use embargo Practice 18 Principle 6: Impartiality and objectivity Indicators: - All users have equal access to statistical releases at the same time and any privileged prerelease access to any outside user is limited, controlled and published. In the event that leaks occur, pre-release arrangements should be revised so as to ensure impartiality. Principle 13: Timeliness and punctuality Indicators: - Timeliness meets the highest European and international dissemination standards. - A standard daily time is set for the release of European statistics.
Commitment to quality and professional standards of practice • use modern statistical theory, methodologies and sound statistical best practices • develop strong staff expertise in data collection, processing, analysing and dissemination • assure the accuracy of its data and convey the resulting measures of quality to users in ways comprehensible to non-experts • develop a strong and continuous relationship with other appropriate organisations in the field of statistics – exchange data • follow good practices (European and international) in reports and other data releases, in documenting concepts, definitions, methods of data collection, possible sources of errors All these are public! Practice 19 Principle 4: Quality commitment Indicators: - Processes are in place to monitor the quality of the collection, processing and dissemination of statistics. - Quality guidelines are documented and staff are well trained. These guidelines are spelled out in writing and made known to the public.
Dissemination Unit is audited internally (compliance with laws, fulfilling its attributions, objectives and performance indicators, working procedures, checklists, risks management and actions to prevent them, management of allocated resources etc.) Practice 20 Principle 10: Cost effectiveness Indicators: - Internal and independent external measures monitor the statistical authority’s use of resources.
Implementation the European Code of Practices for users - to show that European and national statistical authorities are impartial and the statistics they are producing and disseminate are trustworthy, objective and reliable Practice 21 Principle 15: Accessibility and clarity European statistics should be presented in a clear and understandable form, disseminated in a suitable and convenient manner, available and accessible on an impartial basis with supporting metadata and guidance. for data providers - showing them that confidential information which they supply are protected and that there are not excessive demands Principle 5: Statistical confidentiality The privacy of data providers (households, enterprises, administrations and other respondents), the confidentiality of the information they provide and its use only for statistical purposes must be absolutely guaranteed.
Principle 1. Professional independence – full implementation Principle 3. Adequacy of resources – largely met Principle 4. Quality commitment – largely met Principle 5. Statistical confidentiality– full implementation Principle 6. Impartiality and objectivity – full implementation Principle 13. Timeliness and punctuality – full implementation Principle 15. Accessibility and clarity – largely met All other principles – partially implementation Peer review exercise (October 2007)
IT Strategy • Data dissemination strategy • Working procedures • Online databses • Commitment to quality • Norms for individual data protection • Existing of embargo established for new data released to users and journalists especially • Weekly monitoring of the activity • The Training center in statistics which ensures a sustained training on professional issues for the staff of NIS and its regional offices • There are many forms of successful cooperation and interactions between NIS and universities and research communities, with both sides benefits: their participation in the Statistical Advisory Committee; regular users of microdata; jointly organised training in universities; traineeships for students in NIS; joint research projects. These contribute to enhancing the perception of NIS as professional science based institution Few good practices of NIS highlighted
Best practices Best results disseminated for the society Best services Best standards