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Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM). Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation . Chatham House, January, 19 & 20.06 Private Sector Updates. The experience of the Spanish Association of timber importers (Aeim). Spanish Association of Timber Importers (AEIM).
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, January, 19 & 20.06 Private Sector Updates. The experience of the Spanish Association of timber importers (Aeim). Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of Timber Importers (AEIM) • An organization which gathers 176 members: • 126 Importers of all types of timber products. • 50 Agents, Brokers and Sales Offices in Spain. Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06. Stablished in all the spanish regions. Their members companies account for around 70% of the whole timber imports into Spain.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) Spanish Timber Trade. 2.005. First half. • Lumber imports into Spain. First half 2.005. Volume. M3.(Source: Customs Service) SOFTWOODS 1.241.365 TEMPERATE HARDWOOS 314.997 TROPICAL HARDWOODS 282.122 Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • MAIN SUPPLIER COUNTRIES OF TROPICAL LUMBER TO SPAIN. JANUARY – SEPTEMBER, 05. Volume m3. Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • AEIM Code of good environmental practices. • This Code was approved unanimously by AEIM General Assembly held in Madrid on 11th, March, 2.005. • Code Fundamentals: • 1) The majority of AEIM members are familiar companies trading with timber products. Timber is the most ecological and least pollutant construction and decoration material. It is a natural, renewable and recyclable product and its processing requires much less energy than other materials Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • AEIM Code of good environmental practices. 2) Latest statistics show that the majority of spanish imports of timber products come from countries which can guarantee the sustainable management of their forests. Thus, in the last years 48% of spanish imports originated in the European Union and 18% came from North America. 3) Nevertheless it is certain, as indicated in the FLEGT project developed by the EU, that some countries are affected by the problem of uncontrolled timber logging which could contribute to the destruction and damage of the world forests and in particular tropical rainforests. So it is of great importance to take measures in order to solve this problem and stop the forest products trade coming from resources which are not managed in accordance to the laws of the countries of origin. Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • AEIM Code of good environmental practices. • 4) This effort to erradicate the uncontrolled logging should focus in the strict compliance by exporters and importers of the laws of producing countries. For this purpose the “Spanish Association of timber importers” (AEIM) reaffirms its will, declared in many occasions, to collaborate with the governments of producing countries in favour of forests sustainable management, so that timber, the unique renewable raw material continues to be an asset for future generations. In the same way, in order to make effective these principles, AEIM members agree the following commitments: Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • Commitments all AEIM members assume: First of all, both importers and agent members declare that their business activities are under the strict fullfilment of our local and national laws, and the rules of the origin countries, and also international agreements like CITES, WHC, and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), as well as as moratoria with respect to the use of natural resources, declarations of protected areas, forest laws, legislation about environmental protection and labour and social laws. Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • Commitments all AEIM members assume: • In second place, AEIM members commit to keep and improve their responsible purchase policy so that the forest products could come from sustainable forests and as far as possible if needed, certified under credible certification standards. Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • Importers commitments: • 1º) They commit to evaluate their suppliers through the careful verification of supplying sources and to link them by contract, so that timber supplies from illegal sources could be excluded. • 2º) Furthermore, they will consider the possibility of setting in the future a certification system as an effecttive tool of sustainable forest comunication. Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) Agents commitments. Representing timber exporting companies. They commit to transmit to their represented firms, the following lists of requirements: 1º) Exporting countries should have a legislation that clearly establishes which species and timber volumes are allowed to be logged from the forests. If the country has not available this legislation, the agents should urge them to implement it as soon as possible. 2º) The company, using the natural resources, should have a forest management plan, a valid concession and transforming license, as well as a the proper permissions of production, transport and export. Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.
Spanish Association of timber importers (AEIM) • Agents commitments: 3º) Member agents will inform their respective represented companies that the spanish timber importers will highly value from the exporters, the availability of a SFM certificate, granted by an independent body and/or a “Chain of Custody” certificate. Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation. Chatham House, Jan 19, 20. 06.