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CSC110 Fundamentals of CSC L3P1 TimesTable

CSC110 Fundamentals of CSC L3P1 TimesTable. Using VBSA. How It Works (Load). NEW : Clears the ListBox , then adds in the word PRODUCT . How It Works (Times Table). 1. 1. (loop). 1X1=1. (*Go to bottom of slide). 1. (next slide). 1. 1X1=1. *. 1X 1X1 1x1= 1X1=1.

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CSC110 Fundamentals of CSC L3P1 TimesTable

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CSC110Fundamentals of CSCL3P1 TimesTable Using VBSA

  2. How It Works (Load) NEW: Clears the ListBox, thenadds in the word PRODUCT.

  3. How It Works (Times Table) 1 1 (loop) 1X1=1 (*Go tobottomof slide) 1 (next slide) 1 1X1=1 * 1X 1X1 1x1= 1X1=1 Loop runs 81 times. NESTED If (conditionalstatement / decision structure) changes the 1stnumber each time the 2nd number reaches 10. (This will be clarified in last slide.)

  4. How It Works (Times Table 2) 1 2 (loop) 1X1=1 (*Go tobottomof slide) 1 (adds 1 to num2) (num2 onlyequals 2,so programgoes back totop of loop;next slide) 1 1X1=1 * 1X 1X1 1x1= 1X1=1

  5. How It Works (Times Table 3) 1 2 (loop) 1X1=1 1X2=2 (*Go tobottomof slide) 2 (next slide) 2 1X2=2 * 1X 1X2 1x2= 1X2=2

  6. How It Works (Times Table 4…num2=10) 1 10 (loop) 1X1=1 1X2=2 (*Go tobottomof slide) 1X3=3 10 1X4=4 1X5=5 1X6=6 1X7=7 1X8=8 1X9=9 (adds 1 to num2) (num2=10!num2=1;num1=2; back totop of loopnext slideshows result) 10 1X9=9 * 1X 1X9 1x9= 1X9=9

  7. How It Works (Times Table 6…num2=10) 2 1 (loop) 1X1=1 1X2=2 (*Go tobottomof slide) 1X3=3 2 1X4=4 1X5=5 1X6=6 1X7=7 1X8=8 1X9=9 (adds 1 to num2) 2X1=2 (num2=1;num1=2; back totop of loop) 11 2X1=2 * 2X 2X1 2x1= 2X1=2 Loop runs 81 times. NESTED If (conditionalstatement / decision structure) changes the 1stnumber each time the 2nd number reaches 10.

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