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Revelation & the 1,000 Years: Understanding Events from Patmos

Delve into the events and decisions regarding the 1,000 years in Revelation. Learn about judgment, resurrections, Satan's fate, believers' roles, and the ultimate destiny. Explore with Revelation Seminars.

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Revelation & the 1,000 Years: Understanding Events from Patmos

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  1. 11 Revelation Seminars Revelation & the 1,000 Years Messages from Patmos for Today!

  2. 11 Revelation Seminars objectives • Examine the setting, and the events that will take place at the beginning, of the 1,000 years. • Discover what will take place during the 1,000 years. • Consider the closing scenes of the 1,000 years and the ultimate destiny of all, so that a clear decision for God can be made by each of us. Revelation & the 1,000 Years

  3. Revelation Seminars 11 Revelation 20 – why now? The Setting Q1What three pictures are given to describe the way Jesus Christ will judge the wicked when He comes the second time? Revelation 19:15 A1. Out of His mouth comes a SHARP SWORD 2. Rule with an IRON SCEPTRE 3. He treads down in the WINEPRESS Q A

  4. Revelation Seminars 11 The Setting Q2What will happen to unbelievers when Jesus Christ returns? Revelation 19:15, 21 ADestruction Q3What will happen to the beast and false prophet at that time? Revelation 19:19, 20 A … thrown into fire!

  5. Revelation Seminars 11 The Setting

  6. Revelation Seminars 11 What will Happen at the BEGINNING of the 1,000 Years? Q4What will happen to Satan at the beginning of the 1,000 years? Revelation 20:1-3 AHe will be bound Q5What will Satan not be able to do during his imprisonment? Revelation 20:3 AHe will not be able to deceive the nations

  7. Revelation Seminars 11 What will Happen at the BEGINNING of the 1,000 Years? Q6What happens to the believers when Jesus Christ comes? Revelation 20:4 A Raised to live & reign with Jesus Q7What is this resurrection called? Revelation 20:5,6 AThe first resurrection Q8Who are not raised to life until the end of the 1,000 years? Revelation 20:5 A The “rest of the dead” - unbelievers

  8. Revelation Seminars 11 There will be two resurrections – 1 The first – of the righteous 2 The second – of the wicked

  9. Revelation Seminars 11 What will Happen DURING the 1,000 Years? Q9What will be Satan's fate during the 1,000 years? Revelation 20:2 AHe will be bound (no one to attack) Q10What will believers do during the 1,000 years? Revelation 20:4 A 1. Believers will be given authority to JUDGE 2. Believers will come to life to REIGN

  10. Revelation Seminars 11 What will Happen at the End of the 1,000 Years? Q11Who will be raised to life at the end of the 1,000 years? Revelation 20:5 AThe “rest” – unbelievers! Q12What will happen to Satan at the end of the 1,000 years? Revelation 20:7 ASatan will be released Q13As soon as the wicked are raised to life, what does Satan deceive them to do? Revelation 20:8 Ato gather for battle!

  11. Revelation Seminars 11

  12. Revelation Seminars 11 1 Satan’s Destruction Q14What is the target of Satan's attack? Revelation 20:9 AThe city of God’s people Q15 What happens to the wicked as they approach and surround the city? Revelation 20:9 ADevoured by fire Q16What is Satan’s fate? Revelation 20:10 AThe lake of fire

  13. Revelation Seminars 11 1 Satan’s Destruction Q17What is the lake of fire called? Revelation 20:11-14; 21:8 A The second death Q18In which book must our names be written if we are to escape the lake of fire? Revelation 20:15 AThe book of life

  14. Revelation Seminars 11 2God’s Kingdom • Q19When the lake of fire • on this earth has • done its work what • will God do with the • earth? • Revelation 21:1-5 • A Recreate it! • God kingdom • on the new earth • for believers

  15. Revelation Seminars 11 quiz • Q true or false • The resurrection of believers takes place at the second coming of Jesus. • The 1,000 years begins at that time. • Hell-fire will burn on the earth at the end of the 1,000 years - there is no hell-fire burning now. • Hell-fire is the second death. • Q yes/no/not sure • 5. There will be no second chance during or after the 1,000 years. Have you decided to follow and obey Jesus Christ?

  16. Revelation Seminars 11 QWhat decisions have you made this week, about following and obeying Jesus Christ? A NewChurchLife Resource – peter@newchurchlife.com My Response...

  17. 11 Revelation Seminars Revelation & the 1,000 Years Messages from Patmos for Today!

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