Action movies that give you all the feels Nothing can match the adrenaline surge of pure action movies - a large number of blockbusters are full of fierce fighting scenes, epic chase scenes, tense gunfights and explosions that fill every corner of the screen. Face/Off John Woo is at the high level in Hollywood. Face/Off is full of all the slow action gunfights and pigeons you expect. This story - the exchange of faces and lives between police and gangsters in a long drawn out cat and mouse game - is an almost absurd high concept. But it is Nicolas Cage and John Travolta who make it work. They not only play their own roles, but also basically play each other. Travolta actually had more fun. As one of Cage's crazy villains, he became loose. Cage was a little crazy at the beginning and had to control a little to play Travolta. This is probably the
best.A crazy action movie. Attack The Block Before helping to strike the First Order, John Boyega was fighting against the interstellar error "uns" that Joe Cornish knew was a mixture of busy Amblin and aliens. The action movie is very interesting, which is jointly promoted by comedy and drama. There is a real sense of danger in the scene of Boyega and his young gang dealing with alien scum. We will allow it. Haywire Steven Soderbergh is always a person who dabbles in different types of people. He took action in this stubborn cunning story, telling a black action villain who was betrayed and continued to escape (Gina Carrano, even if she was furious, broke her nose). Soderbergh built a fantastic cast around his heroine and set off some heavy beats (and beatings).So great the action movie is!
Atomic Blonde The story surrounding it may occasionally be a bit unstable, but it is undeniable that David Reich and his 8711 team have proved that they can do what they did for Keanu Reeves for Charlize Theron. Theron enters the noisy world like a professional, handles her elbow and accepts her lump. The stair collision is a special highlight.A great action movie. The Incredibles Not many western animated movies will be included in this list, but we will add two more! First of all, Brad Bird's first format-breaking action movie for Pixar was very qualified. Although this is more about family dramas, when superheroes become their heroes, it is dazzling and satisfying, especially when young Dash realizes that he can run fast enough to cross the water. Inception Although David Lynch can be said to have a better
grasp of the actual operation of dreams, there is no dispute about the wonderful and wonderful scenes of Christopher Nolan's puzzling sci-fi robbery films. His dream world is stacked on top of each other, allowing some complicated plots that make people headache. Leonardo DiCaprio, Alan Page, Michael Cain, and especially Tom Hardy also performed well in his breakthrough roles. But it is the scene with you, such as the changing urban landscape, snowscape sequence, and the battle sequence with the center of gravity moving in the building.An exciting action movie. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Like Superman, this one was produced by Lord and Miller (although the director owes it to Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey and Rodney Rothman)__ The multi universe adventure of Spider Man knows how to use animation to bring superhero action to life. The visual effects will surprise you, the scenery is great, and there is sincerity and humor to support it.It is a classical action movie.
Battle Royale As a masterpiece of high concept, this controversial effort by Shinzo Shinzo (who tried to ban films and their original novels in Japan for many times) continues to trigger discussion on its devastating premise: a group of teenagers are taken to a small island with explosives and told to kill each other until only one is left. It's bloody - but it's not violence itself. Fukusaku is very persuasive about intergenerational distrust, modern society, our attitude towards violence, each other and modern Japan as a whole. Speed By mixing the analogy of action thrillers and disaster movies in the way before "The Bold Dragon", Speed can basically use its scenes to describe: elevators, buses and trains. Of course, the middle part is the main part: Keanu Reeves on a bus with a bomb will explode and kill all passengers if its speed is less than 50 mph. Dennis
Hopper is an aggrieved villain who gives instructions on the phone, while Sandra Bullock, though reluctant, bravely takes the helm. Dangerous and exciting! Overflow! Almost missed! Romantic, even! The most impressive thing is that despite the seemingly limited theatrical options in its enclosed space, the bus zone will never be popular. Only the last train sequence felt a little sticky. The director, Jan De Bont, is the photographer of The Bold and the Powerful, and he clearly pays close attention to some of John McTiernan's nervous skills.A great action movie. Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom The modern trend of making the sequel "Darker" can certainly be traced back to this bloody effort, including human sacrifice, child slavery and India's own possession by the dark side. It actually happened_ Raiders Of The Lost Ark_ Previously - this meant that repeated gun/sword gags were actually meaningless in time - and I saw Indy in India, trying to get sacred stones from the
evil Thuggee cult to save a village in trouble. Although the title of the original trilogy is more interesting, this one will stay with you longer, even in a nightmare.