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Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorry

This guide explores how to engage in apologetics, using 1 Peter 3:15 as a foundation, to defend the faith without being defensive. It provides practical tips on starting conversations, paying attention to others' words, evaluating their statements, asking questions, and guiding the discussion back to biblical truth.

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Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorry

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  1. Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorry 1 Peter 3:15 Cary Christian

  2. 3


  4. Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorry 1 Peter 3:15

  5. Why are we doing this? • 1 Peter 3:15

  6. 15. but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; -Peter 3:15 NAU

  7. Why are we doing this? • In 1 Peter 3:15 • Apologia • Means to give a defence • Used in the phrase, “Defence of the Gospel” • Phil. 1:7 • Phil. 1:16

  8. How do we do this? • S.P.E.A.K. • Start real Conversation • Pay attention • Evaluate their words • Ask questions • Kindly respond and guide • Write if possible • I write stuff down while they speak, if I can • Look for “hiccup”

  9. IGOR

  10. “SPEAK” Apologetics • Start with their questions • Pay attention to their answers • Evaluatetheir words • Ask questions about what they said • Kindly respond and guide back through their thoughts and words • Who is in focus here?

  11. Start with their Questions • What are they wondering? • What did they comment on? • What are they criticizing? • Igor – “The Bible is full of errors?”

  12. Pay attention to their Answers • Good time to write down statements • This can freak some out, but once you explain that you want to listen well, it’s cool. • You can also keep your latter questions focused by pointing at things they actually said. • Make sure to keep good eye contact, though. • Focus on buzz words • Do not go “A.D.D.” on them – stick to THIS discussion • Igor – “A million errors in the Bible?!?”

  13. Evaluate their Words • Pick out buzz words • Organize thoughts • Ask for clarification • Igor – “What do you mean by ‘errors’? Based on what?”

  14. Ask Questions about what they Said • Ask for more clarification • Test with hypotheticals • Offer conclusions/comparisons • Igor – “Can we talk about the top 50?”

  15. Kindly respond and guide them through their thoughts and words • Put your evaluations in order • Connect things they said • Propose questions that highlight the logical fallacies • Igor – “So, you don’t know the book or the author or 1 of the ‘errors’? Why do you believe that, then?”

  16. Points of Concern • No one saved in a debate • The point is to listen • Look for a “hiccup” • Show respect • And… • The point is to Listen!

  17. Sometimes . . . there’s a gap • There are things that might be an invisible wall between you and another – causing a distance between you. Being aware of these potential issues is important.

  18. Terms of Distance • Syllogism • Exegetical Fallacies • Cultural Influence • Stereotyping • Main/Predicate bait and switch • Incorrect Hermeneutical Logic • Categorical Switch of Truth/Culture • Much like a practical syllogism – a blanket assumption

  19. Terms of Distance • Caricatures • Micro-Argumentation • Emotional Rejection/Distrust • Wrong Definition • Disproportionate Stereotyping • An overemphasis on secondary Doctrine as Primary • Negative experience that is real • Wrong Definition

  20. Terms of Distance • Doctrinal Conclusions • Satanic Influence • Genuine thoughtful doctrinal view, opposing biblical Christianity • Spiritual warfare is real

  21. Two Big categories • Doctrinal Issues • Personal Issues • Which is it?

  22. The Big Question WHAT HAPPENED?

  23. A Walk Back Home: A Progression of Degree to gain ground • Is it Possible? • Is it Probable? • Is it Likely? • Is it Actual?

  24. Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorry 1 Peter 3:15 Cary Christian

  25. Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorry 1 Peter 3:15 an example

  26. Question #1 Cults, World Religions, Christianity & The Gospel

  27. Key Verse 2 Corinthians 11:4 (Context of all of Chapters 10 & 11 – Specifically 11:1-4)

  28. For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear thisbeautifully. (NAU)

  29. Key Indicators • Another Jesus • A Different Spirit • Another Gospel • K.I.S.S. method - simplicity

  30. Brief overview of Mormon experience • Met with a couple (Fosbergs) that we bought our Corgi from • They had suffered a lot of loss and little to no aid from their Baptist and Methodist backgrounds • Mormons helped them a lot • They thought they were still in a Christian church

  31. Mormons – The Dialog • Generally, one of two situations • New Mormons • Elders at the Door • Most successful pseudo-Christian cult

  32. The Fosbergs – New Mormons • Thought it was Christianity • Came from “Christian” backgrounds • Something usually happens • Zealous about newfound faith • Attempted to go to Scripture • Clarified for me on doctrines on “topic” • “Hiccup”

  33. The Topic – Three Heavens • Doctrine • Terrestrial Heaven • Telestial Heaven • Celestial Heaven • Text – They could not find, but 2 Cor. 12:2 • Question – “Why three heavens?” • Why are three needed? • Answer: Because God would never send away even a wayward child – only deny Christ get’s you sent away. • Question – “What about Matt. 7:21-22; 25:41?” • “I never thought of that before . . .” - “Hiccup”

  34. SO… • Are we really debating? • What are we doing? • Key verse and 3 indicators with cults? • Is Mormonism Christianity?

  35. SO… • Are we really debating? NO • What are we doing? Listening • Key verse and 3 indicators with cults? 2 Cor. 11:4 • Is Mormonism Christianity? NO

  36. Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorryfurther examples 1 Peter 3:15 New Life ABF

  37. First . . . REVIEW

  38. Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorry

  39. apologetics. Occasionally called eristics, apologetics is the formal defense of the Christian faith. Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 13.

  40. Not to be confused with….. Apologizing

  41. Why are we doing this? • 1 Peter 3:15

  42. 15. but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence; -Peter 3:15 NAU

  43. Why are we doing this? • In 1 Peter 3:15 • Apologia • Means to give a defence • Used in the phrase, “Defence of the Gospel” • Phil. 1:7 • Phil. 1:16

  44. How do we do this? • Be “Sleq” • Start • Listen • Evaluate • Question • Write if possible • Look for “hiccup”

  45. Answering Biblical Questions Apologetically Without Being Sorryfurther examples 1 Peter 3:15 CCs Apologetics

  46. Cults and Religions Discussed • Mormonism • Jehovah’s Witnesses • Catholicism • 7th Day Adventists

  47. REALLY??!! CATHOLICS??!!

  48. Key verse for cults • 2 Corinthians 11:4 • For if one comes and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted, you bear this beautifully. • Another Jesus • Another Spirit • Another Gospel

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