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Managing Margins in 2016 and Beyond

Gain insights and strategies on protecting working capital, diversifying income, managing risks, and revising production costs to navigate the challenges in agricultural profitability. Discover ways to secure financial stability and optimize growth strategies.

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Managing Margins in 2016 and Beyond

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  1. Managing Margins in 2016 and Beyond Crop Advantage Series Moline, Illinois Jan. 29, 2016 Chad Hart Associate Professor chart@iastate.edu 515-294-9911 Alejandro Plastina Assistant Professor plastina@iastate.edu 515-294-6160

  2. U.S. Corn Supply and Use Source: USDA-WAOB

  3. U.S. Soybean Supply and Use Source: USDA-WAOB

  4. Corn Yield Estimate Top: 2015 Estimated Yields Bottom: Change from last year Units: Bushels/acre Source: USDA-NASS

  5. Soybean Yield Estimate Top: 2015 Estimated Yields Bottom: Change from last year Units: Bushels/acre Source: USDA-NASS

  6. World Corn Production Source: USDA-WAOB

  7. World Soybean Production Source: USDA-WAOB

  8. U.S. Meat Production & Prices Source: USDA-WAOB

  9. Corn Export Sales Source: USDA-FAS

  10. Soybean Export Sales Source: USDA-FAS

  11. Strength of the U.S. Dollar Source: Federal Reserve

  12. Crude Oil Prices Sources: EIA and CME

  13. Corn Grind for Ethanol

  14. Current Corn Futures 3.78 3.66 3.55 Source: CME Group, 1/28/2016

  15. Current Soybean Futures 8.61 8.39 8.36 Source: CME Group, 1/28/2016

  16. 2015/16 Crop Margins

  17. 2016/17 Crop Margins

  18. Iowa Corn Prices vs. Costs

  19. Profitability analysis in Iowa: Rented Corn Acres Corn producers who rent need to finance these gaps with $ from other sources! Sources: USDA/NASS, RMA, AgDM File A1-20

  20. Net Farm Income: Corn $/Acre

  21. Net Farm Income: Soybeans $/Acre

  22. Profitability in Perspective: Living Expenses How many acres (50% corn-50% soybeans) are needed to support $40,000 in living expenses? @ $7,600/acre (2016): 193 acres  $1.47 mil. in land value = equity 700 acres  $5.32 mil. in land value = $2.7 mil. equity Sources: USDA/NASS, RMA, AgDM File A1-20

  23. Profitability analysis in Iowa: Rented Acres Sources: USDA/NASS, RMA, AgDM File A1-20

  24. 9 Strategies to manage margins • Major concern: cash flow / liquidity • Solvency hit, but still strong: • Declining land values in Iowa • Declining machinery values • Long term problem  strategy for 2-3 years

  25. Strategies:1. Protect your working capital • Revise recent asset purchases • Revise share of rented land • Revise scale of operation and fixed costs over next 2-3 years • Manage taxes: visit with tax advisor • Deferred payment contracts • S179 • Carry back operating losses to obtain tax refunds

  26. Strategies:2. Avoid cash shortages • Plan for operating losses (renters) • Secure operating loan/emergency loan terms • Be very careful with new capital expenditures • Maintain cash reserves and operating credit lines: Source: File A1-20, Ag Decision Maker

  27. Strategies:3. Diversify Income • Add or don’t lose non-farm income • Consider alternative sources of revenue with your assets: custom work, snow removal, truck driving in fall & winter, ???

  28. Strategies:4. Revise production costs • Revise production plans, especially for rented land (renegotiate land rent?) • Can you make changes that generate savings that offset reductions in revenue? •  N 20 lbs per acre? Savings $10. If yield  smaller than 2.75 bu/acre @ $3.60/bu, GO AHEAD! Otherwise, NO GO. • Switch to seeds with fewer traits (+crop management)? Net savings $25/acre. If yield  smaller than 6.95 bu/acre @ $3.60/bu, GO AHEAD! Otherwise, NO GO. • Seek volume discounts in seeds, chemicals, etc. • Visit with agronomist: update your production skills, evaluate how to control costs

  29. Strategies:5. Actively Manage Risks • Know your break-even prices • Design a marketing plan with price and date targets and stick to it • Lock-in margins whenever possible • Revise crop insurance (Explore ways to maintain protection while lowering costs) • Revise use of forward contracts & crop insurance to finance inputs

  30. Strategies:6. Revise family living expenses • Revise family living expenditures: • Vacation plans • House remodeling plans • Truck purchase 193 fully owned acres to afford $40,000 in living expenses 340 fully owned acres to afford $70,000 in living expenses

  31. Strategies:7. Secure repayment capacity • Short repayment schedules reduce cash flow vs. long repayment schedules • Try to extend repayment schedules on equipment & real estate loans (low interest rates) • Work a plan with your lender(s) for 2016-2017

  32. Strategies:8. Revise Growth Strategy Depending on your growth stage: • Offload unproductive assets • Downsize • Slow down growth • Beginning farmers: wait to buy land • Align short term needs with long term growth goals

  33. Strategies:9. Know your ARC/PLC Payments • Payments vary widely across counties and programs • No PLC payments in 2014. Small payments likely in corn base acres in 2015. • If any 2014 ARC-CO Payments, use to cash flow • Corn: higher yields in 2015 (except CRDs 8 & 9), and lower 5-y OA yields (except for CRDs 5, 8, 9). Lower ARC-CO payments (except for CRDs 8 & 9) even with lower prices. • Soybeans: higher yields in 2015 (except for CRDs 4 & 7), but higher 5-y OA yields (except for CRDs 1, 2 , 7). Higher ARC-CO payments (except for CRDs 1-3). Source: Iowa Farm Bureau Federation

  34. 2015/16 ARC-CO Payment Calculatorhttp://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/info/farmbill.html

  35. Summary • Expect low to negative margins in 2016 • Visit with: • Agronomist – control costs? • Lender – refinance, lower payments? • Tax advisor – refunds from previous years? • Crop insurance agent – change coverage? • Use resources @ Ag Decision Maker: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/

  36. Thank you for your time!Any questions?Ag Decision Maker:http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/

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